Showing posts with label AMA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AMA. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Princess Health and Death of EHR "Meaningul Use" imminent.  (Hopefully the death of the 'National Programme for Health IT in the HHS' is imminent, too.). Princessiccia

Princess Health and Death of EHR "Meaningul Use" imminent. (Hopefully the death of the 'National Programme for Health IT in the HHS' is imminent, too.). Princessiccia

I've written a number of posts on the Orwellian-named "Meaningful Use" experiment with electronic health records systems, imposed upon United States physicians by the Department of Health and Human Services through its Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).

See these posts and others retrieved by query link

Meaningful Use Final Rule: Have the Administration and ONC Put the Cart Before the Horse on Health IT?

Meaningfully Experimental Protocols and Interfaces to Nowhere? Nagging Questions On Healthcare IT Remain

Science or Politics? The New England Journal and "The 'Meaningful Use' Regulation for Electronic Health Records"

"Meaningful Use" not so meaningul: Multiple medical specialty societies now go on record about hazards of EHR misdirection, mismanagement and sloppy hospital computing

EHRs and "Meaningful Use": Begging the Question in the New England Journal of Medicine

The Scientific Justification for Meaningul Use, Stage 2: The NWB Methodology

Meaningful Use and the Devil in the Details: A Reader's View

In these posts and others I expressed significant skepticism about the 'Meaningful Use' scheme.

But what did I know?  Our betters in government and academia knew far better how to seriously annoy physicians, make more burdensome (and hence more dangerous) the already onerous task of EHR use, and waste the tax money we hard-working Americans pay to an increasingly bloated bureaucracy that acts as if money grows on trees (the U.S. debt has doubled in recent years to almost $19 billion, see

From the horse's mouth (or perhaps the animal's other end) at

Meaningful Use Defined

Meaningful use is using certified electronic health record (EHR) technology to:
  • Improve quality, safety, efficiency, and reduce health disparities
  • Engage patients and family
  • Improve care coordination, and population and public health
  • Maintain privacy and security of patient health information

I note that none of this was backed by science at the time of its formulation.

The end result of the MU experiment is this:

CMS�s Slavitt: End of meaningful use imminent in 2016
Internal Medicine News
January 12, 2016

Meaningful use is on its way out.

Andy Slavitt, acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, told investors attending the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference that CMS is pulling back from the health care IT incentive program in the coming months.

�The meaningful use program as it has existed will now be effectively over and replaced with something better,� Mr. Slavitt said. Without providing full details, he said that March 25 would be an important date as concerns the rollout of the new health IT initiatives.

The waste of resources and time, and the alienation of physicians by this grand(-ly foolish) experiment is significant:

�We have to get the hearts and minds of physicians back. I think we�ve lost them,� Mr. Slavitt said.

No foolin'.  Ya think?

This was predictable by anyone with half a brain about healthcare information technology reality.  (It's a real loss that hyper-enthusiast health IT geniuses responsible can't be fired and banned from the domain of healthcare - for life.)

Perhaps the officials at HHS got their first clue about clinician unhappiness via a long January 2015 letter from about 40 medical societies, including the AMA, American College of Physicians, American College of Surgeons, and numerous others that they did not exactly love these systems and the MU experiment.  See my January 28, 2015 post "Meaningful Use not so meaningful: Multiple medical specialty societies now go on record about hazards of EHR misdirection, mismanagement and sloppy hospital computing" at and the letter itself at

He noted that, when the meaningful use incentive program began, few physicians and practices used electronic health records and concerns were that many would not willingly embrace information technology. Now that �virtually everywhere care is delivered has a computer,� it�s time to make health care technology serve beneficiaries and the physicians who serve them, Mr. Slavitt said.

The revealing nature of this candid statement is breathtaking.  He's admitting that 1) many physicians, rightfully reluctant to not "willingly embrace" IT, had the technology imposed upon them by government (due to its "concerns") via penalties for non-adopters and 2) with the systems in the physicians' faces at the cost of hundreds of billions of dollars that could have been better spent on healthcare itself (e.g., for those subject to 'disparities", i.e., the poor), now it's time to make the systems serve patients and physicians.


The cost, however, was too high, Mr. Slavitt said. �As any physician will tell you, physician burden and frustration levels are real. Programs that are designed to improve often distract. Done poorly, measures are divorced from how physicians practice and add to the cynicism that the people who build these programs just don�t get it.�

The 'cynicism' (def: inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; skepticism) that the builders of these programs don't "get it?"  It's not cynicism.  It's a rational conclusion arrived at via empirical observation.

I also recall in the not-so-distant past that physician complaints were dismissed as the complaints of "Luddites."  I've heard this at Informatics meetings, at medical meetings, at commercial health IT meetings (e.g., Microsoft's Health Users Group, and at HIMSS), at government meetings (e.g., GS1 healthcare), and others.

It's rewarding to finally have government officials admit those charges were, to be blunt about it, lies or delusions.

Soon, CMS will no longer reward health care providers for using technology, but will instead focus on patient outcomes through the merit-based incentive pay systems created by last year�s Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) legislation. 

Perhaps that's a move in the right direction; time will tell.  However, I'm sure physicians have GREAT confidence in how well that will work out, yet another government experimental project.

In addition to asking physicians to work with health care IT innovators to create systems that work best according to their practice�s respective needs, CMS is calling on the private sector to create apps and analytic tools that will keep data secure while fostering true and widespread interoperability.

This is in the realm of delusion.  Physicians "asked" to "work with" (for free?) the same "innovators" (i.e, health IT companies) whose "innovation" led to the massive disaffection for today's health IT, and the burdens that technology has placed on the medical profession, nurses and other clinicians as well?   Further, it's actually believed that the companies will listen, when they've failed to do so for several decades running?  My head spins.

Anyone seeking to block data transfer will find CMS is not their friend. Mr. Slavitt said. �We�re deadly serious about interoperability. Technology companies that look for ways to practice data blocking in opposition to new regulations will find that it will not be tolerated.�

And who, exactly, is going to enforce that edict on proprietary systems, which health IT companies view (correctly, from the business perspective) as giving them a competitive edge?  I'm sure the health IT companies, who now hold medicine captive, are shaking in their boots.

Dr. James L. Madara, CEO of the American Medical Association, echoed Mr. Slavitt�s comments on the current, negative impact of EHRs on physicians� practices. He noted that many physicians are spending at least 2 hours each workday using their EHR and may click up to 4,000 times per 8-hour shift.

I should open a clinic for health IT-caused carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive motion injuries.  Oh wait!  There's no ICD-10 code for that to bill (see

Dr. Madara outlined three AMA goals to help restore the physician-patient relationship. The first is to restructure the medical school curriculum, which he said essentially is the same as it has been for 100 years. New generations of physicians should be taught how to deliver collaborative care that includes telemedicine, more ambulatory care, and home care. Community-based partnerships, he said, would become key to treating chronic diseases like diabetes and would have to be factored into reimbursement models. The AMA also seeks to improve health outcomes and ensure thriving physician practices.

Central to the AMA�s plan for the future: Helping physicians restructure practice via technology. He announced that the AMA is a founding partner in the Silicon Valley (Calif.) based Health2047, a company focused on supporting health IT and other entrepreneurs in their efforts to provide physicians with digital tools that improve patient outcomes, among other innovations.

As to "helping physicians restructure practice via [information] technology", this seems an example of what I termed "Heath IT hyper-enthusiasm" writ large.  See My March 11, 2012 post "Doctors and EHRs: Reframing the 'Modernists v. Luddites' Canard to The Accurate 'Ardent Technophiles vs. Pragmatists' Reality" at

What is needed, as I have repeatedly written, is not to have physicians "restructure" practice to adopt to IT, rather to restructure IT (the systems themselves, the developmental methodologies, the backgrounds of the industry leadership, the industry itself) to match the needs of physicians and patients.

The AMA holds a minority of the nation's physicians as members; a 2011 article "American Medical Association membership woes continue" (CMAJ. 2011 Aug 9; 183(11): E713�E714, indicated this:

In the early 1950s, about 75% of US physicians were AMA members. That percentage has steadily decreased over the years. In June, at the annual meeting of its policy-making body, the House of Delegates, the AMA announced that it lost another 12 000 members last year. That brings total membership below 216 000. Up to a third of those members don�t pay the full $420 annual dues, including medical students and residents. Not counting those members, somewhere in the neighbourhood of 15% of practising US doctors now belong to the AMA.

Hair-brained schemes to "restructure practice via technology" will likely drop those numbers further.

The National Programme for IT in the NHS (NPfIT) died several years ago (

It is my hope the death of "meaningful use" heralds the death of the equally wasteful and ill-thought-out National Program for health IT in the HHS, a.k.a. HITECH, and a return to recognition of the truth: that health IT is experimental, that it (and its subjects) must be treated with that in mind, that its progress cannot be mandated, and that the technology, as any other IT, needs to be approached with great skepticism e.g. per this article:

Pessimism, Computer Failure, and Information Systems Development in the Public Sector.  (Public Administration Review 67;5:917-929, Sept/Oct. 2007, Shaun Goldfinch, University of Otago, New Zealand).  Cautionary article on IT that should be read by every healthcare executive documenting the widespread nature of IT difficulties and failure, the lack of attention to the issues responsible, and recommending much more critical attitudes towards IT.  linkto pdf

-- SS

Friday, 8 January 2016

Princess Health and Repeated crushing by alligators and crocodiles: ICD-10 has you covered. Harmed by bad health IT? No codes for that.. Princessiccia

Your government at work, spending your tax dollars and making your doctors want to retire early due to increasing bureaucratic busywork. The new ICD-10 coding system they must now use has codes like these, in case you get attacked by a crocodile or alligator.

It even has codes for repeat crushing by the critters...

Notably missing: there are no codes for harms caused by defective, mis-designed or badly implemented electronic medical records/ordering/lab review systems, which are occurring as documented in numerous posts on this blog.  (My mother would comment, but she is deceased from ICD-10 code ...uh, oh wait, no code for that...)

From the CMS ICD-10 search page at

ICD-10 Code    ICD-10 Code Description
W58.11XA    Bitten by crocodile, initial encounter
W58.11XD    Bitten by crocodile, subsequent encounter
W58.11XS    Bitten by crocodile, sequela
W58.12XA    Struck by crocodile, initial encounter
W58.12XD    Struck by crocodile, subsequent encounter
W58.12XS    Struck by crocodile, sequela
W58.13XA    Crushed by crocodile, initial encounter
W58.13XD    Crushed by crocodile, subsequent encounter
W58.13XS    Crushed by crocodile, sequela
W58.19XA    Other contact with crocodile, initial encounter
W58.19XD    Other contact with crocodile, subsequent encounter
W58.19XS    Other contact with crocodile, sequela

Of course, species of Crocodilia matters (

W58.01XA    Bitten by alligator, initial encounter
W58.01XD    Bitten by alligator, subsequent encounter
W58.01XS    Bitten by alligator, sequela
W58.02XA    Struck by alligator, initial encounter
W58.02XD    Struck by alligator, subsequent encounter
W58.02XS    Struck by alligator, sequela
W58.03XA    Crushed by alligator, initial encounter
W58.03XD    Crushed by alligator, subsequent encounter
W58.03XS    Crushed by alligator, sequela
W58.09XA    Other contact with alligator, initial encounter
W58.09XD    Other contact with alligator, subsequent encounter
W58.09XS    Other contact with alligator, sequela

Haven't searched ICD-10 for "abduction and experimentation by Roswell Greys" yet.

What's the ICD-10 code for this?

-- SS

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Princess Health and Wall Street Journal: "ObamaCare�s Electronic-Records Debacle" . Princessiccia

Princess Health and Wall Street Journal: "ObamaCare�s Electronic-Records Debacle" . Princessiccia

This WSJ Op-Ed could have been entitled "President Sucker:  Led Down the Garden Path by The Healthcare IT Industry."

It is entitled "ObamaCare�s Electronic-Records Debacle", as below.  First, though:

On Feb. 18, 2009 the WSJ published the following Letter to the Editor authored by me (

Digitizing Medical Records May Help, but It's Complex

Dear WSJ:

You observe that the true political goal is socialized medicine facilitated by health care information technology. You note that the public is being deceived, as the rules behind this takeover were stealthily inserted in the stimulus bill.

I have a different view on who is deceiving whom. In fact, it is the government that has been deceived by the HIT industry and its pundits. Stated directly, the administration is deluded about the true difficulty of making large-scale health IT work. The beneficiaries will largely be the IT industry and IT management consultants.

For �12.7 billion the U.K., which already has socialized medicine, still does not have a working national HIT system, but instead has a major IT quagmire, some of it caused by U.S. HIT vendors.

HIT (with a few exceptions) is largely a disaster. I'm far more concerned about a mega-expensive IT misadventure than an IT-empowered takeover of medicine.

The stimulus bill, to its credit, recognizes the need for research on improving HIT. However this is a tool to facilitate clinical care, not a cybernetic miracle to revolutionize medicine. The government has bought the IT magic bullet exuberance hook, line and sinker.

I can only hope patients get something worthwhile for the $20 billion. 

Scot Silverstein, M.D.
Biomedical Informatics
Drexel University Institute for Healthcare Informatics

The UK's National Programme for Health IT in the NHS (NPfIT) has since died. (See my Sept. 22, 2011 post "NPfIT Programme goes PfffT" at  Also see my Dec. 7, 2008 post "Open Letter to President Barack Obama on Healthcare Information Technology" warning of many issues at

Now, the WSJ, to which I and other colleagues have been speaking about the realities of healthcare information technology for years but which has seemed reluctant to publish what would amount to a stinging corporate rebuke, has published this Op-Ed by a surgeon, Jeffrey A. Singer:
ObamaCare�s Electronic-Records Debacle
The rule raises health-care costs even as it means doctors see fewer patients while providing worse care.

By Jeffrey A. Singer
Feb. 16, 2015 7:33 p.m. ET

The debate over ObamaCare has obscured another important example of government meddling in medicine. Starting this year, physicians like myself who treat Medicare patients must adopt electronic health records, known as EHRs, which are digital versions of a patient�s paper charts. If doctors do not comply, our reimbursement rates will be cut by 1%, rising to a maximum of 5% by the end of the decade.

I am an unwilling participant in this program. In my experience, EHRs harm patients more than they help.

I note that it's not just physicians who are unwilling participants in this medical experiment.  We all are - as patients - in this unregulated experiment. 

As a colleague puts it, with an addendum by me:

"Why are we implementing patient care tools that are not tested for harms, not evaluated for harms, not reported systematically for harms, while the government does not refute the statement that harms are caused by EHRs and admits the true magnitude of harms is unknown?"

The program was inspired by the record-keeping models used by integrated health systems, especially those of the nonprofit consortium Kaiser Permanente and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Yet even in those environments, these systems cause major problems, e.g.,
Complicated, confusing EHRs pose serious patient safety threats [at VA]

By Sabriya Rice
Posted: June 20, 2014 - 8:15 pm ET

Confusing displays, improperly configured software, upgrade glitches and systems failing to speak to one another�those are just a few electronic health record-related events that put patients in danger, according to a new study.

The more complex an EHR system, the more difficult it may be to trace problems, patient safety experts warn. Hospitals planning to add new software or make updates should be strategic about changes and proactively include ways to monitor events.

�Because EHR-related safety concerns have complex socio-technical origins, institutions with longstanding, as well as recent EHR implementations, should build a robust infrastructure to monitor and learn from them,� concluded the report published Friday in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.

Researchers evaluated 100 closed safety investigations reported between August 2009 and May 2013 to the Informatics Patient Safety Office of the Veterans Health Administration.

Among the findings, 74 events resulted from unsafe technology, such as system failures, computer glitches, false alarms or �hidden dependencies,� a term for what happens when a change in one part of a system inadvertently leads to key changes in another part. Another 25 events involved unsafe use of technology such as an input error or a misinterpretation of a display.

The authors of that study admitted the data was very incomplete due to limitations of error recognition, data collection and diffusion, and other factors.

Back to the WSJ:

The federal government mandated in the 2009 stimulus bill that all medical providers that accept Medicare adopt the records by 2015. Bureaucrats and politicians argued that EHRs would facilitate �evidence-based medicine,� thereby improving the quality of care for patients.

This is the "silver bullet theory of IT-enabled transformation" at work.  Add computers and - Presto!  Better care!  After all, how hard can it be to get to the moon in a hot air balloon? 

The moon is "up" and balloons go "up", therefore, why not? All that's required are the right "processes" -- with which the Acme Hot Air Balloon Co. executives can accomplish anything -- and ignoring those pessimistic scientists, engineers and other experts who speak of vacuum of space and radiation and all those esoteric "gotchas" that are bad for business! (See my 2008 Powerpoint presentation to the IEEE Medical Technology Policy Committee on these issues entitled "To The Moon In A Hot Air Balloon: Why Is Clinical IT Difficult?" at this link.)

But for all the talk of �evidence-based medicine,� the federal government barely bothered to study electronic health records before nationalizing the program. The Department of Health and Human Services initiated a five-year pilot program in 2008 to encourage physicians in 12 cities and states to use electronic health records. One year later, the stimulus required EHRs nationwide. By moving forward without sufficient evidence, lawmakers ignored the possibility that what worked for Kaiser or the VA might not work as well for Dr. Jones.

Not only that, the government and industry are hell-bent on avoiding any meaningful quality regulation (see my April 9, 2014 post "FDA on health IT risk:  "We don't know the magnitude of the risk, and what we do know is the tip of the iceberg, but health IT is of 'sufficiently low risk' that we don't need to regulate it" (

Even more critically, they didn't bother to seriously study harms.  Leave that to the independent ECRI Institute, whose findings were alarming (see  The ECRI Institute has not followed up on this study that I am aware; being recipients of government money, as I understand it, to study the problems may have impaired their independence and softened their tone.)

Which is exactly what is happening today. Electronic health records are contributing to two major problems: lower quality of care and higher costs.

The former is evident in the attention-dividing nature of electronic health records. They force me to physically turn my attention away from patients and toward a computer screen�a shift from individual care to IT compliance. This is more than a mere nuisance; it is an impediment to providing personal medical attention.

As someone who formally entered the field in 1992 via postdoc in Medical Informatics at Yale School of Medicine, I can state emphatically that the whole concept of direct physician data entry was an experiment.  In medical informatics, we were exploring ways to avoid the known detriments of direct physician entry via creative applications of information technology.

That experiment has been a clear failure, at least as diffused into the commercial health IT sector in 2015.  However few in my field are willing to admit this due to, in large part, avoidance of dealing with the unpleasant consequences of that admission.  (One pioneer, Clement McDonald now at NIH, has admitted this.  See my Oct. 29, 2014 post "The tragedy of electronic medical records" (

Doctors now regularly field patient complaints about this unfortunate reality. The problem is so widespread that the American Medical Association�a prominent supporter of the electronic-health-record program�felt compelled to defend EHRs in a 2013 report [now supplanted - see below - ed.], implying that any negative experiences were the fault of bedside manner rather than the program.

AMA has changed its tone.

I think the author of this Op-Ed may have missed the Jan. 21, 2015 letter to HHS from multiple medical societies or submitted this Op-Ed prior to that date. 

A group of 37 medical societies led by the American Medical Association sent a letter to Health and Human Services
last month saying the certification program is headed in the wrong direction, and that today's electronic records systems are cumbersome, decrease efficiency and, most importantly, can present safety problems for patients. 

I covered that Jan. 21, 2015 letter at

Apparently our poor bedside manner is a national crisis, judging by how my fellow physicians feel about the EHR program. A 2014 survey by the industry group Medical Economics discovered that 67% of doctors are �dissatisfied with [EHR] functionality.� Three of four physicians said electronic health records �do not save them time,� according to Deloitte. Doctors reported spending�or more accurately, wasting�an average of 48 minutes each day dealing with this system.

Nurses are having similar experiences.  I've written previously about substantial problems nurses at Affinity Medical Center, Ohio ( and other organizations are having with EHRs, and how hospital executives were ignoring their complaints.  The complaints have been made openly, I believe, in large part due to the protection afforded by nurses' unions.

See for example my July 2013 post "RNs Say Sutter�s New Electronic System Causing Serious Disruptions to Safe Patient Care at East Bay Hospitals" at (there are links there to still more examples), and my June 2013 post  "Affinity RNs Call for Halt to Flawed Electronic Medical Records System Scheduled to Go Live Friday" at, along with links therein to other similar situations.

Particularly see my July 2013 post "How's this for patient rights? Affinity Medical Center manager: file a safety complaint, and I'll plaster it to your head!" at, where a judge had to intervene in a situation of apparent employee harassment for complaints about patient safety risks.  Also see my post about an open letter to the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) dated August 15, 2013, at

That plays into the issue of higher costs. The Deloitte survey also found that three of four physicians think electronic health records �increase costs.� There are three reasons. First, physicians can no longer see as many patients as they once did. Doctors must then charge higher prices for the fewer patients they see. This is also true for EHRs� high implementation costs�the second culprit. A November report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality found that the average five-physician primary-care practice would spend $162,000 to implement the system, followed by $85,000 in first-year maintenance costs. Like any business, physicians pass these costs along to their customers�patients.

Then there�s the third cause: Small private practices often find it difficult to pay such sums, so they increasingly turn to hospitals for relief. In recent years, hospitals have purchased swaths of independent and physician-owned practices, which accounted for two-thirds of medical practices a decade ago but only half today. Two studies in the Journal of the American Medical Association and one in Health Affairs published in 2014 found that, in the words of the latter, this �vertical integration� leads to �higher hospital prices and spending.�

I do not enjoy the fact that this occurred to my own personal physicians who are now employees of a hospital against which I am substitute plaintiff for my deceased mother, whose injuries were EHR-related.  See "On EHR Warnings: Sure, The Experts Think You Shouldn't Ride A Bicycle Into The Eye Of A Hurricane, But We Have Our Own Theory" at, actually penned in 2011.

Proponents of electronic health records nonetheless claim that EHRs decrease record-keeping errors and increase efficiency. My own experience again indicates otherwise and is corroborated by research.

The EHR system assumes that the patient in front of me is the �average patient.� When I�m in the treatment room, I must fill out a template to demonstrate to the federal government that I made �meaningful use� of the system. This rigidity inhibits my ability to tailor my questions and treatment to my patient�s actual medical needs. It promotes tunnel vision in which physicians become so focused on complying with the EHR work sheet that they surrender a degree of critical thinking and medical investigation.

"Critical thinking always, or your patient's dead" - Victor P. Satinsky MD, heart surgery pioneer, Hahenemann Hospital.

Distractions to the doctor-patient interaction are unwelcome and damn well better have a very high payback - which the experiment with health IT is showing is simply not there at the stage of development of this commercial technology in 2015.

Not surprisingly, a recent study in Perspectives in Health Information Management found that electronic health records encourage errors that can �endanger patient safety or decrease the quality of care.� America saw a real-life example during the recent Ebola crisis, when �patient zero� in Dallas, Thomas Eric Duncan, received a delayed diagnosis due in part to problems with EHRs.

That event could have led to catastrophe, but such errors are daily occurrences in hospitals all across the country.  See the many posts on this blog of EHR risks under the index link

Congress has devoted scant attention to this issue, instead focusing on the larger ObamaCare debate. But ending the mandatory electronic-health-record program should be a plank in the Republican Party�s health-care agenda. For all the good intentions of the politicians who passed them, electronic health records have harmed my practice and my patients.

Dr. Singer practices general surgery in Phoenix and is an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute.

I would change that to "... ending the mandatory electronic-health-record program should be a plank in the government's health-care agenda."

Finally, of the author's adjunct affiliation, it seems bad health IT affects physicians all across the political spectrum.

-- SS