Showing posts with label legislature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label legislature. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Princess Health and Panel considers involuntary, court-ordered outpatient treatment for mentally ill; foe says would infringe on personal rights. Princessiccia

            Princess Health and  Panel considers involuntary, court-ordered outpatient treatment for mentally ill; foe says would infringe on personal rights. Princessiccia

Representatives from five groups involved in mental health offered legislators solutions June 15 for ending the revolving door between hospitalization, incarceration and homelessness that often exist for those with severe mental-health conditions.

Many who spoke at the three-hour meeting of the  Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare said judges should be able to order mentally ill adults who meet strict criteria into an "assisted outpatient treatment" program. Others said that would add costs and a burden to the judicial system, and infringe on personal liberties. But all agreed that the state lacks resources to care for such adults.

Shelia Schuster, executive director of the Kentucky Mental Health Coalition, voiced strong support for the idea. She said its main goal would be to create a narrowly defined program "to access supported outpatient treatment under a court order, again without having to be involuntarily committed or coming through criminal justice system."

Now, a mentally ill person who needs care but does not want it can only be court-ordered into treatment after being released from a hospital or jail.

Various versions of this legislation have have been filed in the General Assembly since 2013. Last year's version, House Bill 94, passed out of the Democrat-led House, but died in the Republican-led Senate. The bills are often referred to as "Tim's Law," named for Tim Morton, a schizophrenic who was hospitalized involuntarily 37 times by his mother because this was the only way she could get him the treatment he needed. Morton died in 2014.

�We do want to make sure that those individuals, like Tim Morton, who are very ill and who are unable to recognize it, who spend much of their lives in the revolving door of hospitalization, homelessness, or incarceration, are afforded a new opportunity to stay in treatment long enough to see the positive effects and the road to recovery,� Schuster said.

Steve Shannon, executive director for the Kentucky Association of Regional Programs, said the state needs assisted outpatient treatment to keep those with mental-health conditions out of the criminal justice system.

"If we can keep a person out of criminal justice involvement, it is better for them, " he said. "Folks have enough challenges already; why add that piece to it? . . . It affects housing, it affect employment."

Shannon also proposed that the state seek a Medicaid waiver to help pay for housing and supported employment for such adults, and a spend-down option to allow the poor on Medicare to also get Medicaid, which offers more services.

Jeff Edwards, division director of Kentucky Protection and Advocacy, who supports does not support Tim's Law said "assertive community treatment" teams are already available to this population, but only on a voluntary basis. He also noted that the ACT program is laden with issues, including geographical access, wait times to get services, and frequent staff turnover.

"Right now, you have to live in one of 56 counties to get the ACT services," he said. "We have to expect quality services, no matter where a person lives in the state."

Ed Monohan of the Department of Public Advocacy, a long-time opponent of the court-ordered treatment model, said  he supports enhancing the ACT teams, which provide a comprehensive array of community supports to this population through individual case managers who are available 24 hours a day.

"Long-term, engagement with clients, with people, is a far superior long-term strategy than coercion through a court system," Monohon said. "The mental-health system, rather than the court system, is the better place to really address this long-term. ... Their liberty is at stake with this coercion."

"I know it is about civil liberties and the rights of individuals, but for them, in the disease process, they have lost the ability sometimes to make those decisions clearly for themselves," said Rep. Addia Wuchner, R-Florence, after sharing deeply personal stories about a family member who had severe mental illness.

During an impassioned plea of support for Tim's Law, Kelly Gunning, director of Advocacy National Alliance on Mental Illness in Lexington, told the story of how her son, while under the care of an ACT team, "brutally assaulted" both her and her husband in January. She emphasized that while the ACT program does offer a "robust array of services," it is based on voluntary compliance.

"They are voluntary. Do you hear me? They are voluntary! If my son doesn't want to open the door for his ACT team, or his doctor who comes to his home, he doesn't have to," she said. "And (as) we were cleaning out his home, we found a years stockpile of medication untouched, untaken because he doesn't believe he has an illness."

Allen Brenzel, clinical director with the state Department for Behavioral Health, Development and Intellectual Disabilities, along with many others at the meeting, acknowledged that a lack of resources is a large part of the problem.

"I mostly hear unity around the issue that we must do better," he said, adding that not only assisted outpatient treatment is needed: "It's going to be the allocation of resources and the moving of resources to appropriate places."

Committee Co-Chair Sen. Julie Raque-Adams, R-Louisville, encouraged the group to examine this issue "holistically" and committed to working on a solution. "Across the board, this is one of those issues that we can no longer stick our heads in the sand and ignore,"' she said.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Princess Health and Kentucky is the only truly Appalachian state to have put a brake on fatal overdoses from narcotics. Princessiccia

Kentucky is the only truly Appalachian state to have put a brake on fatal drug overdoses, report Rich Lord and Adam Smeltz of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette as part of a series in the about the deadly epidemic of prescription painkillers in the region.

A chart with the series' story about Kentucky shows that fatal drug overdoses were less numerous in the state in 2013 than in 2012, when the General Assembly cracked down on "pill mills," and that while fatal overdoses rose in 2014, they were still not as numerous as in 2012. Official numbers for 2015 are expected soon, and may rise because of the spread of heroin.

The series also credited a crackdown by the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure, which "took disciplinary action for prescribing irregularities against 135 of the state�s roughly 10,600 doctors" from 2011 to 2015. "The board also moved against 33 doctors during that time for abusing narcotics themselves."

"Getting tough on doctors works," Lord wrote in the series' main story. The state story reported, "Kentucky�s per-capita opioid consumption -- though still seventh in the nation -- dropped by a steepest-in-Appalachia 12.5 percent from 2012 to 2014, according to IMS Health Inc.," Lord and Smeltz report. "Kentucky is the only state, among the seven studied by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, in which fatal overdoses have plateaued. Elsewhere, they have climbed relentlessly."

The story quotes Kerry B. Harvey, U.S. attorney for the eastern half of Kentucky: �In much of Eastern Kentucky, the workforce is engaged in difficult, manual labor,� like mining, farming and logging, �so people would injure themselves and be prescribed these very potent narcotics, because the medical profession changed the way it looked at prescribing these kinds of narcotics for pain.� The drugs dulled the �sense of hopelessness� people had about the area�s economy, �and so for whatever reason, this sort of culture of addiction took hold.�

"Harvey said that as physicians have gone to jail, and others have faced board discipline, the painkiller business model has adapted. . . . Now the doctors take insurance, and bill the insurer or the government not just for the office visit, but for the MRI, urine screen and back brace they use to justify the addictive narcotic." Harvey said, �So instead of a cash business, in many cases now the taxpayers or the insurance companies pay. The result is the same. We end up with our communities flooded with these very potent prescription narcotics.�

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Princess Health and State and national smoke-free leaders tell Ky. advocates to focus on local smoking bans because of political climate in Frankfort. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

More Kentucky localities are likely to see efforts for smoking bans, as a statewide ban appears less likely and leading advocates are saying to go local.

Stanton Glantz
Stanton Glantz, one of the nation's leading advocates of smoke-free policies, said at the Kentucky Center for Smoke-Free Policy's spring conference April 28 that California initially had trouble passing a statewide indoor smoke-free law, which forced advocates to move their efforts to the local level. By the time the statewide law passed, 85 percent of the state was covered by local ordinances.

"I'm glad it worked out that way, because we are really talking about values and social norms and community norms and you just can't impose that from the outside," Glantz said during his keynote address. "And so all of these fights that you are having in all of these towns. ... In the end, when you win, you've won. And the fight itself is an important part of making these laws work."

Ellen Hahn, a University of Kentucky nursing professor and director of the smoke-free policy center, also encouraged her colleagues to shift their efforts to localities, saying the political situation doesn't support a statewide law. New Republican Gov. Matt Bevin doesn't support a statewide ban on smoking on workplaces, saying the issue should be decided locally.

"We are in a very difficult political climate in Frankfort," Hahn said in her opening remarks."We all know it. We all recognize it. And while we would all like to see Frankfort do the right thing � and it will someday, I promise � it is not the time to let somebody else do it. It is the time to go to your local elected officials and say we want this."

Advocates made some headway last year when a smoking-ban bill passed the House, but it was placed in an unfavorable Senate committee and never brought up for discussion. This year's House version of the bill, in an election year with Bevin in the governor's office, was dead on arrival.

Glantz, a University of California-San Francisco professor and tobacco-control researcher, looked at the bright side: "You're in a tough political environment, but you are really doing pretty well." He reminded the advocates that one-third of the state is covered by indoor smoke-free ordinances, with 25 of them comprehensive and 12 of them including electronic cigarettes. He also commended the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce for supporting statewide and local bans.

What's next

Glantz urged the advocates to "empower and mobilize" the 73 percent of Kentuckians who don't smoke and get them to help change the social norms. Two-thirds of Kentucky adults support a comprehensive statewide smoking ban, according to latest Kentucky Health Issues Poll, and have since 2013.

�The whole battle is a battle about social norms and social acceptability, and once you win these fights, and you have a law that�s sticking � which takes a while � you don�t go back,' he said. "And the tobacco companies understand that, and that is why they are fighting us so hard.�

Glantz armed the smoke-free warriors with research data to support smoke-free laws, including: they decrease the number of ambulance calls; hospital admissions for heart attacks, stroke, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; and the number of low-birth-weight babies and complications during pregnancy.

"In Kentucky communities with comprehensive smoke-free laws, there was 22 percent fewer hospitalizations for people with COPD," Glantz said, citing one of Hahn's studies. "That is a gigantic effect, absolutely gigantic, at almost no cost and it happened right away."

He noted that politicians are usually most interested in this short-term data, but he also cited long-term statistics about how smoke-free policies in California have decreased heart disease deaths by 9 percent "in just a few years," and lung cancer by 14 percent in about 10 years. Kentucky leads the nation in both of these conditions.

"I would argue that the economic argument is actually on our side," Glantz said, noting that economic benefits of smoke-free laws are almost immediate, especially because "every business, every citizen and every unit of government" is worried about health care costs. He also cited research that found "as you pass stronger laws, you get bigger effects.'

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Princess Health and If legislature won't help protect Kentuckians from the health threat of tobacco, local governments should, Herald-Leader says. Princessiccia

Since the Kentucky General Assembly "adjourned without tackling the addiction that kills the most Kentuckians, tobacco," local communities need to take up the challenge, the Lexington Herald-Leader said in an editorial Sunday.

To drive home the primary role that tobacco plays in Kentucky's poor health, the newspaper ran a map of the most recent County Health Rankings, showing that "the places where smoking rates are highest have the worst health outcomes."

The Democrat-controlled state House passed a statewide ban on smoking in workplaces last year, but the bill got nowhere in the Republican-controlled Senate, and with new Republican Gov. Matt Bevin opposed to it and all House seats on the ballot this year, the bill didn't get a vote in the House.

Bevin has said smoking bans should be a local decision. The editorial says, "One of the cheapest, most effective ways to do that (since the legislature won�t) would be to join the places across Kentucky that have enacted local smoke-free laws." About one-third of Kentucky's population lives in jurisdictions with comprehensive smoking bans.

Read more here:
Read more here:

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Princess Health and  Kenton County embraces its once-controversial smoking ban as chances of a statewide ban have dimmed. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Kenton County embraces its once-controversial smoking ban as chances of a statewide ban have dimmed. Princessiccia

Five years after Kenton County's smoking ban took effect over great opposition, the county has embraced it, Scott Wartman reports for the Cincinnati Enquirer.

"I'm a smoker, but I'm glad we're non-smoking," Justin Meade, a bartender at Molly Malone's in Covington, told Wartman. "I don't want to smell like smoke."

Kenton is the only Northern Kentucky county with any type of indoor smoking ban. Its partial ban allows establishments that don't serve people under 18, like bars, to have smoking.

Wartman reports having trouble finding anyone who didn't support the smoking ban as he walked among the Covington bar scene, and noted that a Northern Kentucky Health Department report cites very few complaints.

"I think what folks should take away from this is comprehensive smoke-free laws are easy to enforce, that most people like them and that they protect everyone," Stephanie Vogel, population-health director for the health department, told Wartman.

"The nonchalant acceptance, and even enthusiasm from some, of the partial smoking ban in Kenton County contrast with the controversy when it was enacted five years ago," he writes, noting that five years ago some bar owners thought the ban would put them out of business and patrons "lamented" that it was "an attack on their rights."

Amy Kummler, owner of Up Over bar, which can still allow smoking because it doesn't serve anyone under 18, told Wartman that she wouldn't mind if indoor smoking were banned statewide, but "feels smoking bans limited to one county or city are unfair," he writes.

"I don't even want to sit in my bar when it's smoky a lot," Kummler said. "I would be thrilled if the state went non-smoking, but I don't think it would be fair unless everybody did it."

Kentucky legislators have tried to pass a statewide smoke-free workplace law for years, but to no avail. Last year a bill passed out of the House, but was not called up for a vote in the Senate. This year, an election year, the bill wasn't even called up for discussion in committee. New Republican Gov. Matt Bevin opposes a statewide smoking ban.

"Last year we thought it was our year," Heather Wehrheim, chairwoman of Smoke-Free Kentucky, told Wartman. "It was the perfect scenario ... the public support was there; we thought we had the votes. It was Senate leadership that blocked it. Their argument, and whether it's true or not, is that it should be left up to local communities to pass smoke-free laws. We know that is going to take years and years and years."

The latest Kentucky Health Issues Poll found that two-thirds of Kentucky adults support a comprehensive statewide smoking ban, and have since 2013. The ban has support from solid majorities in each political party and has majority support in every region of the state. But more than one-fourth of Kentucky adults are smokers.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Princess Health and  Legislature's many health bills include some with life-saving potential, better prevention, greater access and help for children. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Legislature's many health bills include some with life-saving potential, better prevention, greater access and help for children. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

One paragraph in this story was incorrect and has been stricken.

FRANKFORT, Ky. -- Kentucky legislators have all but ended their regular session without agreeing on a budget, but were able to pass a wide range of health bills that await Gov. Matt Bevin's signature or veto.

Legislators can still pass more bills, including a budget, when they return for one day, April 12, and reconsider any bills the governor vetoes (except the budget, if one passes that day).

Many of the health bills deal with regulation, such as which agency oversees home medical equipment and licensing rules for physicians. Others, like SB 211, sponsored by Sen. Alice Forgy Kerr, R-Lexington, establish a special day to encourage research for amytrophic lateral sclerosis by officially naming Feb. 21 "ALS Awareness Day."

But several others will impact the daily lives of Kentuckians, directly or indirectly. Some have the potential to save lives.

Senate Bill 33, sponsored by Sen. Max Wise, R-Campbellsville, requires every Kentucky high-school student to receive compression-only CPR training. "Each year nearly 424,000 people have sudden cardiac arrest outside of the hospital and only 10 percent of those victims survive," Wise said at a Jan. 13 Senate Health and Welfare Committee meeting. "Yet when a CPR trained bystander is near, they can double or triple these victims survival rate."

Another bill with life-saving potential would let Kentuckians take time off work to be "living donors" or donate bone marrow without the risk of losing jobs or income. House Bill 19, sponsored by Rep. Ron Crimm, R-Louisville, requires paid leave of absence for such reasons, and offsets this cost to the employer with tax credits.

(An amendment to this bill, illustrating how legislation gets passed in unusual ways during the closing days, would allow Lexington to impose an additional 2.5 percent hotel-room tax to improve its convention center.)

A minor housekeeping bill had an important health amendment attached to it that mandates assisted-living communities to provide residents with educational information about the flu by Sept 1 of each year. SB 22 is sponsored by Sen. Ralph Alvarado, R-Winchester. The CDC estimates that between 80 and 90 percent of seasonal flu-related deaths occur in people over 65.

Colon cancer, which kills more than 850 Kentuckians a year, remained in the spotlight with passage of HB115, sponsored by Rep. Tom Burch, D-Louisville. It would expand eligibility for screenings to age-eligible, under-insured Kentuckians, or uninsured persons deemed at high risk for the disease. This bill is aimed at the 7 percent of Kentuckians who have remained uninsured since the state expanded Medicaid under federal health reform, and those who have insurance but can't afford deductibles or co-payments.

Other bills intended to create better access to care for Kentuckians would expand the duties of advanced practice registered nurses (SB114); decrease the oversight of physician's assistants (SB154); create a pilot program to study telehealth and how it's paid for (HB 95); and better define who can perform administrative duties in pharmacies (HB 527).

Children: "Noah's Law," or SB 193, sponsored by Alvarado, mandates the coverage of amino-acid-based formulas for eosinophilic esophagitis and other digestive disorders. It will have an impact on more than 200 Kentucky families. It is called "Noah's Law" after 9-year-old Noah Greenhill of Pike County who suffers from the disease, which requires him to get this formula through a feeding tube four times a day because of severe food allergies, at a daily cost of more than $40. This bill has already been signed by the governor and took effect immediately.

HB148, sponsored by Rep. Linda Belcher, D-Shepherdsville, allows day-care centers to be able to obtain and store epinephrine auto-injectors for emergency use. This bill was amended to include "participating places of worship" as a location that newborns up to 30 days old can be left without threat of prosecution to the parent or family member who leaves them there.

The latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found that one in 68 of the nation's children have autism, and Kentucky legislators passed two bills this session to address their needs. SB 185, sponsored by Sen. Julie Raque Adams, R-Louisville, creates the Office of Autism and guidelines for an Advisory Council on Autism Spectrum Disorders. This bill has already been signed by the governor. HB 100, sponsored by House Minority Leader Rep. Jeff Hoover, R-Jamestown, requires insurers to maintain a website to provide information for filing claims on autism coverage and make autism-benefit liaisons available to facilitate communications with policyholders.

Big bills: One of the high-profile health bills that passed this session is SB20, sponsored by Alvarado, which creates a third-party appeals process for providers to appeal denied Medicaid claims. Alvarado has said that 20 percent of Medicaid claims are denied, compared to the national average of around 6 percent. He suggest that bringing this bill will help bring these numbers more in line with each other and thus will encourage more providers to participate in Medicaid.

bill that will eventually increase accessibility to drugs made from living tissues that are very expensive, but also very effective, also passed. SB 134, sponsored by Alvarado, would allow pharmacists to substitute a less-expensive "interchangeable biosimilar" drug for its name-brand "biologic" one, even though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration hasn't approved these interchangeables yet. Humira and Remicade for arthritis, and Enbrel for psoriasis, are a few of the most common biologics on the market.

Another bill is aimed to help small-town pharmacies stay competitive with chains. SB 117, sponsored by Wise, allows the state Insurance Department to regulate pharmacy benefit managers, like Express Scripts, much like insurance companies. It would also provide an appeal mechanism to resolve pricing disputes between pharmacies and PBMs. The state has more than 500 independent pharmacists that will be affected by this law.

Bigger issues: Health officials say the single most important thing that Kentucky can do to improve the state's health at no cost is to pass a statewide smoking ban for workplaces. Rep. Susan Westrom, D-Lexington, filed a smoke-free bill late in the session that didn't even get a hearing in committee, despite having passed the House last year. Bevin opposes a statewide ban.

Adams and Alvarado filed a bill to require insurance companies to pay for all evidence-based smoking cessation treatments in hopes of decreasing the state's smoking rate, but it was filed late in the session and only brought up for discussion.

Democratic Rep. David Watkins, a retired physician from Henderson, filed three bills to decrease smoking in the state: one to increase the cigarette tax, one to raise the legal age for buying tobacco products to to 21, and one to require retail outlets to conceal tobacco products until a customer requests them. All were to no avail.

Rep. Darryl Owens, D-Louisville, filed bills to continue the Kynect health-insurance exchange and the state's current expansion of the federal-state Medicaid program. The bills passed mostly among party lines in the House, but the Senate has not voted on them as Senate President Robert Stivers said he would if the House did.

Friday, 1 April 2016

Princess Health and Bevin gets bill to create third-party appeals process for denied Medicaid claims, which sponsor says are all too common. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

A bill to create an independent process for Kentucky health-care providers to appeal claims denied by Medicaid managed-care organizations is on its way to the governor's desk for his signature.

Sen. Ralph Alvarado
The only appeals process for providers now is through the MCOs themselves, and the only recourse for denied claims is through the courts.

"We are looking at almost 20 percent of the claims that are out there through Medicaid being denied to providers," the bill's sponsor, Republican Sen. Ralph Alvarado of Winchester, told Kentucky Health News. "So with that there are millions of dollars that all of those providers are losing out on. This finally gives them an opportunity to keep the MCOs accountable."

WellCare of Kentucky, one of the MCOs Alvarado targeted last year while trying to get a similar bill passed, denied that it has so many disputed claims, but says it will work with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services if Senate Bill 20 is enacted.

"WellCare of Kentucky rarely disputes claims for medical necessity, with only 1 percent of claims being denied for this reason," spokesperson Charles Talbert said in an e-mail. "We are supportive of initiatives that help to ensure our members get the right care, at the right time, in the right setting."

Another MCO that Alvarado targeted last year as having a high rate of denied claims, Aetna Better Health of Kentucky, formerly CoventryCares, said in an e-mail, "We work tirelessly, along with our network of providers to improve access to and quality of care for our Medicaid members and we are committed to continuing these valuable collaborations."

CareSource, another MCO, declined to comment.

Kentucky implemented managed care in 2011 mainly as a way to save money. In managed care, an MCO gets a lump sum per patient, a system that encourages them to limit payments to providers. Providers have complained about denied claims and slow payments, causing some to suggest that managed care creates an incentive to deny care.

"Kentucky Medicaid MCOs have a denial rate that is four times the national average," Alvarado said in an e-mail. "These MCOs, in general, are garnering massive profits on the backs of our providers by simply not paying for services; and then claiming that they are 'managing care'."

MCOs serve about 1.1 million Kentuckians and account for about 69 percent of the state's Medicaid budget, according to a state news release.

Last year the state renegotiated all MCO contracts in hopes of decreasing the number of disputes over rejected claims, but health-care providers told the Senate Health and Welfare Committee Jan. 13 that this is still an ongoing problem, especially with behavioral health.

Nina Eisner, CEO of The Ridge Behavioral Health Systems, told the committee that there are examples all over the state of patients with homicidal thoughts unable to get their care paid for by MCOs.

Senate Bill 20 says that after providers exhaust an MCO's internal appeals process for denied claims and a final decision has been made, the provider can then seek a third-party review from an administrative hearing tribunal in the cabinet. The appeals process would apply to all contracts or master agreements entered into or renewed on or after July 1, 2016.

Alvarado said the proposed appeals structure is very similar to the one for commercial insurance appeals at the Department of Insurance. He noted that Kentucky's commercial denial rates are around 6 percent, which are close to the national average, and said he hopes this independent appeals process will bring the MCO denial rates more in line with this.

"If we go from 20 percent to 6 percent, I think most providers will accept that," he said. "This is fair. It is fundamentally American to have an appeals process and it is needed."

Alvarado sponsored a similar bill last year, but it died in the House. A similar bill passed both chambers in 2013, but then-Gov. Steve Beshear vetoed it. Alvarado said he is confident Gov. Matt Bevin will sign this year's version.

Alvarado said that once this "fractured relationship between providers and Medicaid" has been mended "it might actually open up the door for more providers to participate with Medicaid."

Sheila Schuster, a Louisville mental-health advocate, agreed, and said that while Medicaid reimbursement rates are "not great," not being paid at all for services rendered is not acceptable and has been a deterrent for providers to participate.

She said the Kentucky Mental Health Coalition and the National Alliance on Mental Illness support SB 20 because "they want providers to be fairly treated and to be able to provide the services that they need."

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Princess Health and  Boyd, Clark counties approve needle exchanges; Boyd's is a limited, one-for one; Covington's proposed limits draw objections. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Boyd, Clark counties approve needle exchanges; Boyd's is a limited, one-for one; Covington's proposed limits draw objections. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

Clark and Boyd counties are the ninth and 10th Kentucky counties to approve a needle-exchange program, and Madison and Anderson counties are talking about it. Meanwhile, the city of Covington has approved an exchange with conditions that don't match its health department's plan, and one of the conditions might not even be legal.

Needle exchanges were approved under the state's anti-heroin law passed in 2015, and require both local approval and funding. They are meant to slow the spread of HIV and the hepatitis C virus (HCV), which are commonly spread by the sharing of needles among intravenous drug users.

Clark County Health Director Scott Lockard noted that the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has "identified 54 counties in Kentucky as being vulnerable to rapid dissemination of HIV or HCV infection among persons who inject drugs. Of the top 25 most vulnerable counties in the nation 16 of them are in our state."

Clark County

On March 23, the Clark County Fiscal Court approved on a 4-2 vote a needle exchange that will start on or before June 1, but the program will need re-authorization in January, Greg Kocher reports for the Lexington Herald-Leader.

"Both the Fiscal Court and the [Winchester] City Commission inserted a sunset clause in the orders requiring the health department to present data on our program in January 2017 in order to get re-authorization for a longer time period," Lockard told Kentucky Health News in an e-mail.

He noted that the CDC identified nearby Wolfe County as the most vulnerable county in the nation to rapid dissemination of HIV and HCV among drug users, with adjoining Powell and Estill counties 15th and 25th, respectively.

"Residents from all three of these counties frequently come to Clark County for medical services from our provider community and the health department," he said. "More must be done in the area of prevention if we are to avoid a situation similar to what Scott County, Indiana, encountered."

That county, about 30 miles north of Louisville, has drawn national attention for its high rates of HIV and hepatitis C, mostly caused by intravenous drug users who share needles. According to published reports, "from November 2014 to mid-June 2015, the Indiana county of 24,200 reported 170 HIV cases. It reported 130 new cases of hepatitis C in 2014," noted Bill Robinson of The Richmond Register.

According to Lockard, Clark County's program will use a patient negotiation model, which does not require a one-to-one needle exchange, during the initial visit, but will try to get close to a one-for-one model on subsequent visits.

"We will educate participants that they need to return needles to get needles," he said.

Boyd County

The Boyd County Fiscal Court voted 4-1 March 15 to approve a one-to-one needle exchange for one year, Lana Bellamy reports for The Daily Independent. 

The Ashland City Commission had already given its approval for the exchange, which may begin as early as July. Bellamy reports that the program will be paid for by special taxing districts, and all of the fiscal court members voiced concerns about the sustainability of the funding.

Ashland-Boyd County Health Department Director Maria Hardy told the court that syringes typically cost about 97 cents each, but the health department will be able to buy needles from a distributor for 9 cents each, Bellamy writes.

The Boyd County program will assign tracking numbers to its participants to protect their identities and allow a maximum of 40 needles to be exchanged each week.

County Commissioner John Greer, the only member to vote against the resolution, said he was concerned the program would encourage drug abuse and Sheriff Bobby Jack Woods agreed, Bellamy reports. This is a common concern among opponents of needle exchange programs, though evidence-based studies have proven otherwise.


During the same week, the City of Covington approved a needle-exchange program, but with conditions that could kill the program, Terry DeMio reports for The Cincinnati Enquirer.

The conditions are that all participants be tested for hepatitis C, hepatitis B, HIV, and, where applicable, pregnancy. That could be illegal, DeMio reports.

A Northern Kentucky Health Board spokeswoman told DeMio that they believe that they cannot require anyone to undergo any medical procedures, but said they were checking with legal counsel. Other health and harm-reduction officials told DeMio that this requirement is not legal, and that such a condition would likely prevent a program from getting off the ground.

"The Covington commission's resolution includes other conditions that differ from the health board's model program, too, and would require passage from the Kenton County Fiscal Court and the Board of Health before it's approved," DeMio writes.

These conditions include a requirement that two other counties in the Northern Kentucky Health District also adopt a needle-exchange program (only Grant County has); restrict use of the program residents of the district's four counties; and moving the exchange to St. Elizabeth Healthcare hospital.

The city also wants a one-for-one exchange, Michael Monks reports for The River City News.

The health department says its plan is "need-based," not one-for-one, because studies show that is the best way to reduce the risk of community exposure and spread of HIV and HCV. This is the main goal of the program, although needle-exchange programs also provide HIV and HCV testing and access to drug treatment.

The health department's plan is to initially provide clients with the number of syringes they would use in a week, along with a safe container for their return with instruction to return the used needles for new ones. Participants who don't return dirty needles after three trips would not receive new syringes, DeMio reports.

The department has been trying to establish needle-exchange programs in the district since the law passed one year ago. The Kenton County Fiscal Court is expected to discuss a needle exchange plan March 29, DeMio reports.

Dr. Lynne Saddler, the health department's director, told the Enquirer "that the Covington resolution was a start and that more discussion is planned by the health department."

Other counties

Madison County Health Department officials are also worried about becoming another Scott County, Indiana, as they face an epidemic of heroin use in their county, Bill Robinson reports for The Richmond Register.

Thus they have begun the process of educating their public officials, Robinson writes. Public Health Director Nancy Crewe presented her detailed findings to support a needle exchange at a quarterly joint meeting of the county Fiscal Court, Richmond City Commission and Berea City Council, noting that they were just beginning the long process of educating the public.

A needle exchange program was also brought up at the March meeting of the Anderson County Fiscal Court meeting, and was met with some disparaging remarks, Ben Carson reports for The Anderson News.

"What jackass thought of that idea?" asked Magistrate David Montgomery. "We might as well give them the dope, too."

Despite these comments, Montgomery did volunteer to be on a committee to explore a needle exchange program along with members of the health board, Lawrenceburg City Council, law enforcement, EMS and county jailer.

Robinson also reports that the Bourbon County Fiscal Court has voted to reject an exchange.

The other needle exchanges in the state that are either operating or have been approved are in Louisville and Lexington and in the counties of Pendleton, Carter, Elliott, Franklin, Grant, and Jessamine.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Princess Health and Republicans accuse Beshear of holding down failed co-op's premiums to make Obamacare look good; he denies the charge. Princessiccia

By Al Cross
Kentucky Health News

Did Kentucky's government-sponsored insurance company fail because then-Gov. Steve Beshear and federal officials kept its rates artificially low to make Beshear's embrace of federal health reform look better?

Sen. Ralph Alvarado
That's what Republican state Sen. Ralph Alvarado of Winchester, using documents provided by Gov. Matt Bevin's office, suggested or claimed March 14 in a Senate floor speech about the Kentucky Health Cooperative.

"It appears that rates for the co-op may have been purposely kept down for the sake of optics, to make the rollout of the ACA in Kentucky appear successful when it clearly was not," Alvarado said, citing "multiple meetings between the co-op, the governor's office and CMS," the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversees the state-based co-ops created under the reform law, in the fall of 2014.

"Somewhere along the way rates were kept down despite these actuarial recommendations," which said the money-losing cooperative should increase its rates 35 to 40 percent for the 2015 plan year, Alvarado said. The co-op's average increase, announced in late October 2014, was 15 percent. In November, CMS expanded the co-op's $47 million solvency loan to $125 million "to try to sustain this company," he said.

Beshear denied the charges through a spokeswoman, Hayley Prim. She said in an email, "Rates were set by the co-op, which was a privately run insurance plan. Like all other insurance plans, the rates must be certified by the Department of Insurance and actuarially sound. The state did not hold rates artificially lower to improve optics."

CMS officials encouraged co-ops "to price their plans low and grow as fast as they could," Adam Cancryn reported for SNL Financial in November 2015, in a long article that is widely regarded as the best written about the failure of the co-ops. Twelve of the 23 have closed or plan to.

The insurance co-op's offices are in eastern Jefferson County.
In December 2014, the Kentucky Health Cooperative reported a loss of $50 million, "with several hazardous financial conditions indicated," Alvarado said, but that year its chief executive officer, chief financial officer and member-services vice president got bonuses of $50,000, $40,000 and $40,000 on top of their salaries of $250,000, $179,000 and $131,000.

"This company had no money, was in deficit, and yet funds were being used clearly for bonuses," Alvarado said. Its CFO, Leonard Sherman, left the company in December 2014, according to a document filed by its liquidators.

Joe Smith of Frankfort, who was chair of the cooperative's now-dissolved board, said in an interview that the salaries and bonuses were "probably a little bit less" than typical in the insurance industry. He said bonuses were paid because the co-op enrolled many more customers than expected, but no bonuses were paid after the first year.

Smith blamed "the Republican Congress" for killing the co-op and those in many other states by limiting the "risk corridor" subsidies paid to insurance companies for covering sicker-than-average populations.

He acknowledged that the Obama administration largely abandoned the co-ops, making them "a sacrificial lamb," but he said they could not effectively compete with large insurance companies, mainly because the reform law prohibited them from advertising, as the big insurers wanted. The law created funding for the not-for-profit cooperatives as a way to provide competition with for-profit insurers and hold premiums down.

Janie Miller, who was Beshear's first health secretary, resigned as CEO of the Kentucky Health Cooperative in June 2015. That October, the co-op said it had largely eliminated its losses but would close because it was getting only a $9.7 million of a $77 million risk-corridor subsidy that it needed to stay afloat. It is now in liquidation, supervised by Franklin Circuit Court.

Alvarado said Miller and her successor, Glenn Jennings, refused to appear at a legislative budget subcommittee meeting in November. He said the Insurance Department "gave us very limited answers about what happened, [which] made me wonder if any wrongdoing was involved."

Alvarado said the legislature's Program Review and Investigations Committee should examine the co-op's finances and the Senate should issue a subpoena requiring Miller and Jennings to appear.

Then-Gov. Steve Beshear,
discussing health reform at the
Brookings Institution in D.C.
Prim, Beshear's spokeswoman, said, "While it is unfortunate the co-op did not succeed, an overwhelming majority of Kentuckians have a positive view of Kynect," the online exchange where Kentuckians can buy federally subsidized health-insurance policies. "It has succeeded by providing low-cost health insurance options and creating a competitive marketplace for private insurers that have kept rates low for everyone."

In his speech, Alvarado incorrectly referred to Kynect policies as Medicaid, the federal-state health plan for the poor and disabled. Beshear expanded Medicaid eligibility to Kentuckians in households with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level.

Alvarado declined to give Kentucky Health News the documents to which he referred in his speech, saying he got them from Bevin's office, which could be asked for them.

Bevin's office provided the liquidators' first report, filed Dec. 31; an actuarial report on small-group plans for 2016, submitted in July 2015; an actuarial report on individual plans for 2015, filed in August 2014; and a February 2015 letter from Miller responding to the Insurance Department's request for a "corrective action plan." None of the documents mention the meetings Alvarado said occurred among CMS, the co-op and the governor's office.

The August 2014 actuarial report said, "The financial viability of KHC is in question. . . . KHC's projections reflect very aggressive assumptions, albeit within a reasonable range, and may result in a very optimistic view of future experience."

The co-op's members used medical services more often than it expected. In the second quarter, there were 263 hospital patient days per 1,000 members, higher than the pricing assumption of 184 per 1,000 but a still a "significant decrease" from the first quarter, for which the report did not give a figure.

The co-op was also having trouble dealing with members and health-care providers. Its corrective plan filed in February 2015 addressed complaints about such things as slow payment standards, paid premiums not being posted to members' accounts, complaints from in-network providers about being processed as out-of-network, and long waits for customer service, with supervisors not being available.

The liquidators' report to the court estimated that the co-op still owes about $80 million in claims, and their financial analysis left unclear whether all those claims would be paid. The balance sheet in the liquidators' statement, dated June 30, said the co-op had $117 million in assets and $128 million in liabilities, and the liabilities included only $67.7 million in unpaid claims. However, the co-op's biggest federal loan, of $125 million, is "subordinate to policyholder obligations, claimant and beneficiary claims, operating expenses and state reserve and solvency requirements," the report said. CMS, the federal agency, has asked an independent actuary to provide its own estimate of unpaid claims.
Princess Health and  Bill for review of medical lawsuits dies from special elections. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Bill for review of medical lawsuits dies from special elections. Princessiccia

A bill that would create panels of experts to review lawsuits against health-care providers is going nowhere, again.

State Senate President Robert Stivers said Friday that he and other leaders of the Senate's Republican majority sent Senate Bill 6 back to committee because last week's special elections continued Democratic control of the House. They did likewise with a bill for a "right to work" law that would ban union membership or fees as a condition of employment.

�The reality is the House does not see as the majority party in this Senate does, that right-to-work would even be another tool that could increase and expand on job recruitment and retention,� Stivers said. �The other thing is we�ve had Senate Bill 6 sitting on the board for quite some time. But, because of the elections two weeks ago, the consequences are, they would pass this chamber but die in the House.�

Friday, 18 March 2016

Princess Health and Bills to preserve Kynect and Medicaid expansion head for votes in Democratic House despite a likely death in Republican Senate. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

Bills to continue the Kynect health-insurance exchange and the state's current expansion of the federal-state Medicaid program passed out of the House Health and Welfare Committee March 17, starting a series of legislative votes on health reform that once seemed unlikely.

House Speaker Greg Stumbo said he expects the bills to pass the Democratic-majority chamber, even though Republicans in the fall elections could cast votes as support for "Obamacare," the federal reforms under which then-Gov. Steve Beshear created Kynect and expanded Medicaid.

�There�s never really been a debate on this issue,� Stumbo said. �There�s not been a true letting of the facts, if you will.�

Six days earlier, Senate President Robert Stivers had more or less dared Stumbo to move the bills, whose sponsor had said he did not expect them to pass the Republican-controlled Senate, in order to "have a full, fair debate on the issue" and see where legislators stand on it.

House Bill 5 would require the state to keep operating Kynect, which Gov. Matt Bevin is starting to dismantle or transform. In his campaign, Bevin vowed to abolish the exchange, saying it did nothing that the federal exchange does not. Recently his administration announced that it would continue operating a state-based exchange but use the federal exchange for enrollments.

"They're being pushed into what everyone calls Obamacare, and they don't want that," Stumbo told reporters.

House Bill 6 would keep the current expansion of Medicaid to people with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level. Bevin is negotiating with federal officials to change the program, saying it will not be sustainable once the state has to start paying part of the cost.

Rep. Darryl Owens
The committee approved the bills along party lines. Their sponsor, Rep. Darryl Owens, D-Louisville, said he filed them because "It is important for people to understand that there are those of us in this legislature that want to continue expanded Medicaid, that want to continue Kynect."

The exchange is paid for by a 1 percent assessment on all insurance policies sold in the state. The fee formerly funded a pool for high-risk insurance, which reform made unecessary. Approximately 1.4 million Kentuckians use Kynect, all but about 100,000 of them on Medicaid.

Kynect was started with federal grants. Rep. Robert Benvenuti, R-Lexington, argued that the state must include that $273 million when considering its cost. "I think most people in this room, most people in Kentucky, pay federal taxes as well, so this whole notion that there is a great federal money tree in which we can go pick off of and build things is just not correct," he said.

Owens replied, "I'm not saying it's a money tree, I'm just saying it's a grant that the federal government gave the states if they wanted to develop their own system," Owens said. "And I think the thing we miss when we talk about that is we have a great system; we have the best system in the country."

Rep. Tim Moore, R-Elizabethtown, whittled the definition of Kynect down to a business that advertises and markets Medicaid and health insurance to Kentuckians, and asked, "How do you spend that kind of money to go out and build a marketplace for soliciting folks to do what would be in their own interest anyway?"

Cara Stewart of the Kentucky Equal Justice Center said the marketing has value because it has created a brand that Kentuckians recognize and trust, allowing them to know where to go to get health insurance. She said Kynect runs seamlessly to help Kentuckians shop and enroll in coverage for both Medicaid and federally subsidized insurance plans, unlike Bevin's approach.

She said later that it now takes two minutes to reach customer service on Kynect and two hours on Benefind, which is operated by the state Department of Community Based Services. "We are radically changing the quality of service to Kentuckians," she said.

Rep. Tim Moore
Moore said he was glad the bills would be voted on because Kynect and the Medicaid expansion had been created through "dictatorship," not "the will of the people." Beshear acted under a state law that requires the government to get as much federal money as possible for Medicaid, and he used his broad executive powers under the state constitution to transform the high-risk pool into Kynect.

Moore said Bevin's election showed public opinion on the issue. However, a poll in November, after the election, showed Kentuckians supported the Medicaid expansion by 3� to 1 and keeping Kynect by 2 to 1.

Democratic Rep. David Watkins, a retired physician from Henderson who voted for both bills, said, "It is kind of sad that our citizens don't pay attention to what our politicians are saying because they do have consequences."

Democratic Rep. Joni Jenkins of Louisville, chair of the House Budget Subcommittee on Human Services, said her panel's hearings convinced her that the state needs to keep it. She said there is value in having one system for Kentuckians to access health insurance, and to have Kynectors, who not only help people access health insurance, but also help them access health services.

Emily Beauregard, executive director for Kentucky Voices For Health, said after the meeting that navigating health insurance is difficult, especially for those who have never had it. "We need to help connect people to a source of care and help them understand how to use their benefits and that's what we've been able to do through Kynect," she said. "Coverage alone is not going to solve Kentucky's health issues."

Benvenuti said after the meeting, "There are various ways to get people to health care and creating a huge governmental system that is duplicative of the federal system is simply not the best use of our dollars."

As for Medicaid, Benvenuti said, "We've got to create a system where everybody who gets health care through an expansion population, or however you want to define it, has skin in the game and is responsible ultimately for their own health care."

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Princess Health and Patients may be liable for big bills from air ambulances; state House panel approves bill calling for study of companies' charges. Princessiccia

Air ambulance services have enabled rural Kentuckians to get advanced emergency care more quickly, but there's a catch.

"Increasingly, the service also can mean the difference between getting well at a price you can afford or at a price that could push you over a financial cliff," Trudy Lieberman writes for Rural Health News Service. "Air ambulances have become the centerpiece of a nationwide dispute over balance billing, a practice that requires unsuspecting families, even those with good insurance, to pay a large part of the bill."

On Wednesday, March 16, the state House Banking and Insurance Committee approved a bill calling for a study of air-ambulance charges. House Bill 273 was sponsored by Rep. Tom McKee, D-Cynthiana, "after a constituent of McKee�s was transported to the hospital via air ambulance after a fall, but it was an unexpected bill for thousands of dollars not covered by insurance which really knocked him off his feet," Don Weber reports for cn|2's "Pure Politics."

Rep. Tom McKee
"McKee says having more information about emergency care transportation may have allowed the individual to avoid the high cost," Weber reports, quoting him: �I have learned in looking at it that certain air-ambulance companies provide a subscription service for perhaps as little as $50 a year, that you can have coverage to know if you need to be transported, the full cost would be paid. As we move forward, I think we�re going to learn a lot more to at least inform people.�

McKee said the charges, which can run well into five figures, may seem huge �but those air-ambulance companies have to keep people on duty and have to have a full crew ready to go at a moment�s notice. But, I think as citizens, we all need to know where we are in regard to being transported and things like we�ve learned, a subscription service could be available.�

Some committee members said they want to see if the charges are justified. �It�s nice to know what the cost is, $40,000, but if it only costs them $8,000 to do it,� said Rep. Steve Riggs, D-Louisville. �So we have to learn more than just what the average retail cost is, we have to also learn more about what the profit margin is.�

Lieberman reports that your air-ambulance bill may not be covered "because the provider is not in your insurer�s network," but "Sometimes it�s impossible to tell if a provider belongs to a network or not. When you are wheeled into the operating room, are you going to ask the anesthesiologist if he or she belongs to the hospital�s network? How many accident victims suffering from trauma are going to direct EMS workers to check if the air service is in or out of network before they�re lifted to a hospital? You can also get stuck even if the ambulance company is in the network. An insurance payment may not come close to covering the cost.

�Rates ambulance companies charge private patients are much more than they are charging to Medicare or Medicaid,� whose rates are too low to suit the companies. Consumers Union Programs Director Chuck Bell told Lieberman. �The air ambulance industry has grown rapidly, and prices have shot up a lot with some companies trying to make a quick buck.�

Friday, 11 March 2016

Princess Health and Hard-fought bill to protect independent pharmacies passes Senate committee; would regulate pharmacy benefit managers. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

Update March 28: SB 117 passed the Senate March 14 with a 38-0 vote and passed the House March 25 with a 97-0 vote. It now awaits the signature of the governor.

Approval of Senate Bill 117 by the Senate Appropriations and Revenue Committee March 11 brought Kentucky's independent pharmacies one step closer to getting better price transparency from the companies that negotiate with pharmaceutical manufacturers, insurance companies and their beneficiaries. The bill would subject pharmacy benefit managers to regulation by the state Department of Insurance.

Republican Sen. Max Wise
"We are talking about independent pharmacies that have had family histories for years," Sen. Max Wise, sponsor of the bill, said in an interview. "They are trying to compete just to stay alive and . . . are suffering right now. This is a fight for the little guy and I am happy to stand up with the independent pharmacies."

Wise, a freshman Republican from Campbellsville, told the committee that while pharmacy benefit managers still don't support his bill, they did come to the table over the last week with independent-pharmacy representatives and the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services to reach a compromise that the committee approved unanimously.

The legislation would allow the Insurance Department to regulate PBMs much like insurance companies are regulated. It would also provide an appeal mechanism to resolve pricing disputes between pharmacies and PBMs.

The bill would not require PBMs to change how they work with fee-for-service Medicaid, nor does it require them to release their pricing methodology unless absolutely necessary, and any releases would not be subject to the state open-records law.

The bill was intensely debated for weeks, first in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee and then heard twice in the A&R Committee. Last week's A&R meeting involved "several hours of testimony from a local pharmacist, PBM representatives, and members of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services," the Kentucky Independent Pharmacist Alliance said in a news release.

Wise, a former FBI agent who was elected in 2014, told the committee, "This has been a very tough and complicated bill to work on."

The legislature passed a "maximum allowable cost" law in 2013 to require increased transparency in reimbursement practices. "Kentucky is one of only a handful of states to regulate the actions of PBMs," said the independent pharmacists' release. It said the state has more than 500 independent pharmacists.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Princess Health and Republican legislators question cabinet's figures on managed-care payments and cost projections for Medicaid expansion.Princessiccia

Audrey Haynes (cn|2 image)
"When Audrey Haynes sat down before the legislature�s Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Committee Wednesday, she expected the data she brought would persuade lawmakers that Kentucky�s expansion of Medicaid has been good for the state," Ronnie Ellis reports for CNHI News Service. "The secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, which administers the Medicaid program also may have expected her statistics to ease unhappiness with the state�s move to managed care for most Medicaid services."

"It didn�t happen," Ellis writes. "At least she didn�t persuade Republican members who openly questioned the validity of the cabinet�s data, a couple stopping just short of saying the cabinet is making up the numbers" about payments to providers by managed-care organizations, which it says are 99 percent on time. �The numbers do not appear to represent the reality on the ground,� Rep. Richard Benvenuti, R-Lexington, said after the meeting.

Sen. Ralph Alvarado
�I think those are false,� Sen. Ralph Alvarado, R-Winchester, said after the meeting. �I don�t know if they�re lying, but somebody is providing bad information.�

During the meeting, Alvarado read "segments of letters from providers who have not received full reimbursements from managed care organizations," reports Kevin Wheatley of cable channel cn|2's "Pure Politics."

"Haynes referenced a report from CHFS which showed that over 90 percent of Medicaid claims are being paid in a timely manner," reports the blog of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. "Sen. Alvarado replied that this statistic does not match what he is hearing from his constituents and medical providers." Haynes addressed the managed-care issue in her PowerPoint presentation, downloadable here.

Rep. David Watkins, D-Henderson, a retired physician and co-chair of the committee, "urged the panel to find ways to improve managed care."

Watkins said the managed-care organizations, which are insurance companies or their subsidiaries, should come before the committee to answer questions. �I�m not totally satisfied that they�re doing quite as good a job as your report here would portray,� he told Haynes. �I think they need to be more accountable. I think they need to be more responsive to the providers who actually are doing work in the field.�

The MCOs will appear before the joint House-Senate committee Aug. 19, Brad Bowman reports for The State Journal in Frankfort. For cn|2's three-minute clip of the discussion between Haynes and Alvarado, via YouTubeclick here.

The Republican lawmakers also voiced skepticism, but offered no contrary evidence, about the cost of expanding Medicaid to households with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level, from the previous limit of 69 percent. Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the federal government is paying the entire cost of the expansion until next year, when the state will begin paying a small part, rising to the law's cap of 10 percent in 2020.

Haynes noted projections for Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear's administration that the expansion would add $30.1 billion to the state's economy through 2021, and would pay for itself until then, even after the state starts picking up part of the cost. The numbers were not new; they were part of a study by Deloitte Consulting and the University of Louisville that Beshear released in February.

Republicans focused on the prediction that the expansion would cost the state a net $45 million in 2021. "I know that seems like a way long ways off and some of you may no longer even be in the position to deal with it, but some of us probably will and the taxpayers will," said Alvarado, a physician.

Haynes "stated that she believed with the financial boost to the economy through jobs, the costs will be offset," the blog of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce reports.

�Now that we�re seeing the lowest unemployment that we�ve seen in our state in quite a number of years, I�m sure each of you are amazed at how that we�ve had all 120 counties in our state where the unemployment rate has gone down,� Haynes said. �As this state continues to generate revenue and hopefully, as is planned, this is a bridge program for people who basically are hard-working people, but their employer does not provide insurance or they have children and therefore that qualifies them from an income basis for Medicaid.�

Friday, 12 June 2015

Princess Health and Louisville opens first needle exchange in state; officials predict rural counties will be slow to follow.Princessiccia

Photo by Scott Utterback, The Courier-Journal
Louisville Metro Public Health & Wellness opened its mobile needle-exchange program Wednesday, June 10, making Louisville the first place in Kentucky to implement such a program.

Lexington and Northern Kentucky are expected to follow soon, but officials say that establishing needle exchanges in much of Kentucky will be "more politically complex," Mike Wynn reports for The Courier-Journal.

"We're going to see some parts of our state where this is available and others where it is not," Scott Lockard, president of the Kentucky Health Departments Association, told Wynn. "Rural areas are opting for a slow and deliberate approach, heavy on education and dialogue," he said, and some communities won't even consider a exchange because of "seemingly endless hoops to jump through."

Bullitt County, south of Louisville, is a prime example. There, officials told Wynn that they plan to do a needs assessment and host a community forum with input from law enforcement and mental health experts.

"It's a work in progress," Public Health Director Andrea Renfrow told Wynn. "We are not able to go as quickly as Louisville Metro."

One critic, Magistrate Joe Laswell, told Wynn that he had talked to many voters who are against the exchanges and want to know why police wouldn't arrest addicts when they show up to swap out dirty needles. "I believe in charging and incarcerating," he said, apparently unaware that the addicts would need to have drugs in their possession to be charged.

Lockard, who heads the Clark County Health Department, told Wynn that he won't ask his board to take a vote until August and that he can't predict the political outcome when it goes to city and county officials.

In three other Bluegrass counties, Scott, Harrison and Nicholas, the board of the Wedco District Health Department wants to start a needle exchange, reports The Cynthiana Democrat, but can't proceed in any of the counties without approval of the fiscal court.

So, despite the two-year debate that just ended in Frankfort over the law, it's not really over.

Democratic state Rep. John Tilley of Hopkinsville, the legislature's biggest proponent for needle exchanges, told Wynn that giving city councils and fiscal courts final authority over the programs was necessary to sooth critics and pass a comprehensive heroin bill this year.

Opponents of the law say the exchanges promote drug use, while proponents cite evidence that doesn't support those claims, but instead "help prevent the spread of deadly and expensive diseases and pull addicts into treatment programs while keeping dirty needles out of parks and off the streets," Wynn writes.

A Lexington Herald-Leader editorial wrote about needle exchanges: "Congressional critics rely on a gut feeling that providing needles endorses drug use, but 20 years of research argues otherwise." Listing that where there are syringe exchange programs:
  • Participants are five times more likely to get treatment.
  • HIV and hepatitis C declines among drug users.
  • Participants can get referrals to substance abuse treatment, disease prevention education, vaccinations, condoms, counseling and testing for communicable diseases.
  • Costs are more than recaptured. A 2011 European study found that $1 spent on needle-exchange programs yielded $27 in health-care cost savings, prompting an international report to call needle exchanges "one of the most cost-effective public health interventions ever funded."
The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that new cases of hepatitis C more than tripled in Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia between 2006 and 2012, mainly from the use of dirty needles. Officials fear an outbreak of HIV and AIDS will follow.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Princess Health and State health commissioner backs needle exchanges, most controversial part of anti-heroin legislation passed this year.Princessiccia

The Kentucky General Assembly cracked down in 2012 on "pill mills" that dispense painkillers irresponsibly, and addicts responded by going for heroin, creating a big problem in much of the state. The 2015 legislature passed laws to crack down on heroin, including local needle-exchange programs, the most controversial feature of the package.

In a column distributed to Kentucky newspapers, state Health Commissioner Stephanie Mayfield defends and promotes the local programs, which are subject to local approval.

�To some, a needle exchange may sound like a program that helps intravenous drug users feed their habit,� Mayfield writes. �To the contrary, the intent of an NEP is to protect public health and create a path for heroin users to get treatment while preventing the spread of diseases through the sharing of needles.

Needle exchanges reduce the number of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis cases in a community, Mayfield writes. "The use or even the accidental stick of a dirty needle can lead to hepatitis, HIV/AIDS infection and other dangerous diseases. . . . About 15 percent of all HIV cases that have occurred in Kentucky have been among injecting drug users."

Stephanie M. Gibson
Mayfield also says needle exchanges protecting people from accidental sticks from dirty needles discarded in public places. "Intravenous drug users submit dirty needles to the NEP for proper disposal in exchange for clean needles," she writes. "Researchers have also found that injecting drug users who participated in an exchange were more likely to reduce or stop injecting than drug users who had not participated in a needle exchange."

Research has also shown that needle exchanges "do not encourage the initiation of drug use nor do they increase the frequency of drug use among current users," Mayfield writes, noting that there are 203 such programs in 34 states.

"The presence of NEPs in communities does not expand drug-related networks nor does it increase crime rates. . . . Needle exchange programs actually create a path for injecting drug users to get help because the programs offer information on how to find available treatment options. In fact, NEP participants are more likely to enter a drug treatment program than nonparticipants."

More recent studies show that needle exchanges "provide opportunities for disease testing and education leading to a decline of at-risk behaviors, resulting in HIV incidence dropping as much as 80 percent within this population," Mayfield writes. "Many Kentucky communities are desperate for the ability to reach out to members who suffer from addiction, to help slow the spread of diseases and provide treatment referrals to people they might otherwise never have the chance to reach. This law gives them that opportunity."

Friday, 13 June 2014

Princess Health and Princess Health andAltria, parent of Philip Morris, reports spending most on lobbying the 2014 legislature but says it didn't fight smoking ban.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Princess Health andAltria, parent of Philip Morris, reports spending most on lobbying the 2014 legislature but says it didn't fight smoking ban.Princessiccia

The parent firm of the nation's largest cigarette company again reported spending more than anyone else on lobbying the Kentucky General Assembly, but says it did not fight the bill that would have imposed a statewide smoking ban in most public places.

"Altria Group, the parent company of Philip Morris USA and U.S. Smokeless Tobacco, reported spending $156,200, "far more than any other company or group, Tom Loftus reports for The Courier-Journal. "And it got the things it wanted from Kentucky lawmakers: tobacco taxes were not increased, no new tax was put on electronic cigarettes and the tobacco-industry supported bill to ban the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors passed."

Spokesman David Sutton "said not a penny of Altria's lobbying campaign went to defeat the so-called 'smoke-free' bill, though he said the company opposes such complete smoking bans within private businesses," Loftus reports. "He said he suspected Altria's lobby spending topped the list because 'We fully disclose everything'," including research time of its legal staff and its "grassroots activation" work to rally its supporters in Kentucky.

The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, "which reported spending $6,284 during the session, earlier this month blamed Altria for leading the successful defeat of the bill to ban smoking in indoor public places like bars and restaurants," The Courier-Journal reports.

"They've spent a lot of money on lobbying for years," the campaign's Betsy Janes told Loftus. "They've sent their message out for so long and have relationships with legislators. It's hard for us to compete with that." (Read more)

The campaign's Amy Barkley told Kentucky Health News that Altria's assertion "is very hard to believe. That said, I don�t have any hard evidence to dispute their claim. We all know the tobacco industry�s influence is very deep in Frankfort, so perhaps they didn�t need to overtly lobby against the smoke-free bill."

The Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation, which gets funding from Altria for some of its programs, lobbied against the smoking ban. It ranked eighth in lobbying expenses, with $68,821. For The Courier-Journal's lst fo top lobbying interests, click here.

Princess Health and Princess Health andFDA issues warning label for tanning bed use by minors; sponsor of bill for a state ban says he will try again.Princessiccia

Soon tanning beds will have a "black box" warning that those younger than 18 should not be using them, but some doctors, tanning companies and legislators do not think this will be sufficient to keep minors from tanning. "Consequently, some want a new Kentucky law prohibiting bed use by minors," Annie Garau writes for the Lexington Herald-Leader.

Lexington Herald-Leader graphic
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced May 29 new regulations that moved sunlamps from the category of low-risk devices�like dental floss and tongue depressors�to moderate-risk devices. Tanning beds are dangerous because they emit ultraviolet rays like the ones from the sun. These ultraviolet rays not only cause wrinkles and eye damage but also cause skin cancers, including melanoma, which is the most deadly kind of skin cancer, according to the FDA and local doctors.

"There's really no way to get a tan right now without incurring the risk of cancer," said Dr. John D'Orzio, a researcher and pediatric oncologist at Kentucky Children's Hospital. "I don't want to tell people not to go outdoors at all because that would be ridiculous, but the actual ultraviolet radiation from the beds can be up to 10 times more than from standing in the sun." D'Orazio said his biggest concern is that children under 18 have access to the tanning beds. Currently Kentucky only requires "signed parental consent for teens ages 14 to 17 and in-person parental consent for anyone younger than 14," Garau writes.

Mark Wells and Cheryl Ledford, co-owners of Southern Rays Tanning, do not think the new warnings will turn customers away. "There has always been some kind of warning on the beds," Ledford said, "and they haven't stopped people from tanning."

Wells said there are health benefits to tanning, such as increased Vitamin D, the fading of acne and getting a "base tan" indoors to prevent burning outside. D'Orazio disagreed. "A base tan is not going to help you avoid the risks," he said. "You're still getting ultraviolet radiation while you're getting that base tan. Also, it really only takes about one minute of standing in the sun to get enough vitamin D. . . . This is a multibillion-dollar industry. That's a lot of money going into downplaying the negative consequences."

American Academy of Dermatology President Dr. Brett Coldiron said that although sometimes dermatologists prescribe phototherapy as a treatment, "The difference between phototherapy and indoor tanning is that phototherapy is closely monitored and supervised by a dermatologist. This type of medical care isn't provided at an indoor tanning salon, where operators have minimal knowledge about the potential side effects of UV light, and tanning bed lamps have variable amounts of UVA and UVB light."

State Rep. David Watkins, a Democrat and retired physician from Henderson, wanted to prevent Kentucky minors from using tanning beds without a medical prescription, but the Senate Health and Welfare Committee killed his House-passed bill. "I think I'm going to have to work a little harder and make sure my colleagues in the Senate understand that I'm not trying to limit freedoms," Watkins told Garau. "I'm trying to protect some of our most vulnerable constituents." (Read more)