Showing posts with label mental health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mental health. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Princess Health and Panel considers involuntary, court-ordered outpatient treatment for mentally ill; foe says would infringe on personal rights. Princessiccia

            Princess Health and  Panel considers involuntary, court-ordered outpatient treatment for mentally ill; foe says would infringe on personal rights. Princessiccia

Representatives from five groups involved in mental health offered legislators solutions June 15 for ending the revolving door between hospitalization, incarceration and homelessness that often exist for those with severe mental-health conditions.

Many who spoke at the three-hour meeting of the  Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare said judges should be able to order mentally ill adults who meet strict criteria into an "assisted outpatient treatment" program. Others said that would add costs and a burden to the judicial system, and infringe on personal liberties. But all agreed that the state lacks resources to care for such adults.

Shelia Schuster, executive director of the Kentucky Mental Health Coalition, voiced strong support for the idea. She said its main goal would be to create a narrowly defined program "to access supported outpatient treatment under a court order, again without having to be involuntarily committed or coming through criminal justice system."

Now, a mentally ill person who needs care but does not want it can only be court-ordered into treatment after being released from a hospital or jail.

Various versions of this legislation have have been filed in the General Assembly since 2013. Last year's version, House Bill 94, passed out of the Democrat-led House, but died in the Republican-led Senate. The bills are often referred to as "Tim's Law," named for Tim Morton, a schizophrenic who was hospitalized involuntarily 37 times by his mother because this was the only way she could get him the treatment he needed. Morton died in 2014.

�We do want to make sure that those individuals, like Tim Morton, who are very ill and who are unable to recognize it, who spend much of their lives in the revolving door of hospitalization, homelessness, or incarceration, are afforded a new opportunity to stay in treatment long enough to see the positive effects and the road to recovery,� Schuster said.

Steve Shannon, executive director for the Kentucky Association of Regional Programs, said the state needs assisted outpatient treatment to keep those with mental-health conditions out of the criminal justice system.

"If we can keep a person out of criminal justice involvement, it is better for them, " he said. "Folks have enough challenges already; why add that piece to it? . . . It affects housing, it affect employment."

Shannon also proposed that the state seek a Medicaid waiver to help pay for housing and supported employment for such adults, and a spend-down option to allow the poor on Medicare to also get Medicaid, which offers more services.

Jeff Edwards, division director of Kentucky Protection and Advocacy, who supports does not support Tim's Law said "assertive community treatment" teams are already available to this population, but only on a voluntary basis. He also noted that the ACT program is laden with issues, including geographical access, wait times to get services, and frequent staff turnover.

"Right now, you have to live in one of 56 counties to get the ACT services," he said. "We have to expect quality services, no matter where a person lives in the state."

Ed Monohan of the Department of Public Advocacy, a long-time opponent of the court-ordered treatment model, said  he supports enhancing the ACT teams, which provide a comprehensive array of community supports to this population through individual case managers who are available 24 hours a day.

"Long-term, engagement with clients, with people, is a far superior long-term strategy than coercion through a court system," Monohon said. "The mental-health system, rather than the court system, is the better place to really address this long-term. ... Their liberty is at stake with this coercion."

"I know it is about civil liberties and the rights of individuals, but for them, in the disease process, they have lost the ability sometimes to make those decisions clearly for themselves," said Rep. Addia Wuchner, R-Florence, after sharing deeply personal stories about a family member who had severe mental illness.

During an impassioned plea of support for Tim's Law, Kelly Gunning, director of Advocacy National Alliance on Mental Illness in Lexington, told the story of how her son, while under the care of an ACT team, "brutally assaulted" both her and her husband in January. She emphasized that while the ACT program does offer a "robust array of services," it is based on voluntary compliance.

"They are voluntary. Do you hear me? They are voluntary! If my son doesn't want to open the door for his ACT team, or his doctor who comes to his home, he doesn't have to," she said. "And (as) we were cleaning out his home, we found a years stockpile of medication untouched, untaken because he doesn't believe he has an illness."

Allen Brenzel, clinical director with the state Department for Behavioral Health, Development and Intellectual Disabilities, along with many others at the meeting, acknowledged that a lack of resources is a large part of the problem.

"I mostly hear unity around the issue that we must do better," he said, adding that not only assisted outpatient treatment is needed: "It's going to be the allocation of resources and the moving of resources to appropriate places."

Committee Co-Chair Sen. Julie Raque-Adams, R-Louisville, encouraged the group to examine this issue "holistically" and committed to working on a solution. "Across the board, this is one of those issues that we can no longer stick our heads in the sand and ignore,"' she said.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Princess Health and  Clark County schools to provide mental health services via contract with agency that can bill Medicaid or private insurance. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Clark County schools to provide mental health services via contract with agency that can bill Medicaid or private insurance. Princessiccia

Facing a surge in behavioral health cases among students, the Clark County Board of Education has contracted with a mental-health agency services for all preschool through high school students in the district.

Mountain Comprehensive Care will place a mental health therapist in every school to address issues immediately, at no cost to the district, Whitney Leggett reports for The Winchester Sun: "In the past three years, the district has seen the number of students in the home-hospital program because of mental-health issues surpass those with physical ailments."

Greg Hollon, director of pupil personnel and support services, told Leggett, �Previously, about 80 percent of home-hospital students were for physical ailments and 20 percent for mental. Fast forward a couple of years later, and that has switched to 65 percent mental, 35 percent physical.�

Hollon said the therapists at each school will help the district stay on top of problems. �This puts someone in the buildings full time to be there to address issues as they occur,� rather than requiring staff to call Mountain or some other agency.

Mountain, based in Prestonsburg, is able to provide the service without charge because it can bill Medicaid or private insurance.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Princess Health and Doctor speaks up about battle with depression, leading cause of disability for people 15-44; only 20% with symptoms are treated. Princessiccia

By Danielle Ray
Kentucky Health News

Pitman (Paducah Sun photo)
Dr. Jay Pitman knows what it's like to feel isolated. Pitman spoke out about his battle with depression in a recent essay in The Paducah Sun.

"I'm writing a piece about my depression, about things people don't like to talk about," he told Steve Wilson, editor of the newspaper. "I'm thinking it might help some people." Wilson wrote in his column about Pitman, whose essay was published a week earlier, along with a story about him.

Pitman's depression deepened after he was the victim of a near-fatal hit-and-run accident in 2013. He was found lying unconscious in a pool of blood. He had suffered a concussion, brain hemorrhage and a broken shoulder. His physical recovery was remarkable. In fact, he recovered well enough to compete in a triathlon the next year. But he has had a much longer road to emotional healing.

Pitman is not alone in his struggle. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America estimates that about 18 million Americans suffer from depression, and notes that depression is the leading cause of disability in people aged 15 to 44. The organization distinguishes two categories of depression: major depression and persistent depressive disorder, which is characterized by symptoms that last at least two years.

Pitman's essay garnered a lot of support, but he's more concerned with opening up an honest dialogue about the issue.

"My hope is that those coping with depression will seek help and talk openly about their disease without feeling ashamed or embarrassed," he told Wilson. "I've lost several friends to suicide."

Despite its prevalence, only about 20 percent of people with depression symptoms seek professional help, according to the online health network Healthline.

Tiffany Bryant, a Lexington counselor who specializes in treating depression, said many people don't seek help or speak out about depression because of a lingering stigma surrounding mental illness. She believes popular culture has created an environment that discourages people from representing themselves honestly, flaws and struggles and all.

"I think you can blame, to a certain extent, social media, because everybody wants to show their very best," she said. "A lot of people have this mask that they wear for other people, and they never really take it off."

Even with a fairly low rate of patients seeking treatment, Healthline estimates that the number of patients diagnosed with depression increases by about 20 percent each year.

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends early treatment. If not effectively treated, depression can become a chronic disease. Experiencing just one episode of depression places a person at a 50 percent risk for experiencing another episode in the future, according to the CDC.

While it can affect anyone at any time, women typically experience higher rates of depression than men. The CDC also noted that nearly 10 percent of people in their 40s and 50s report current depression. The good news is that 60 to 80 percent of all depression cases can be treated with either psychotherapy ("talk therapy"), antidepressant medication or a combination of both, says Healthline.

The American Psychiatric Association defines depression as a condition with any five of these seven symptoms for a continuous period of at least two weeks:
  • sadness;
  • loss of interest in activities that used to be enjoyable;
  • change in weight or appetite, change in activity level;
  • sleeping too much or too little;
  • loss of energy;
  • feelings of guilt or worthlessness;
  • difficulty concentrating or having thoughts of death or suicide.
Depression has a variety of causes, including genetic, environmental, psychological, and biochemical factors. The CDC notes that everyone gets "down in the dumps" at times, but it becomes pathological when symptoms are persistent and interrupt daily life. To learn more about it, from the National Institute of Mental Health, click here.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Princess Health and At forum on opioid abuse in Corbin, people say they need more treatment services, community education and coalitions. Princessiccia

Image from Lauren Osborne, WYMT-TV Mountain News
By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

CORBIN, Ky. � After a day of learning and talking about opioid prevention, treatment and mobilization, people at a forum in Corbin agreed on three things: Access to substance abuse and mental health services remains a huge barrier in southeastern Kentucky; more community education is needed; and drug-prevention programs should form coalitions to better use their limited resources.

Substance abuse affects almost every family in Kentucky, and four Kentuckians die every day from a drug overdose. That was part of the opening message from Dr. Allen Brenzel, medical director of the state Department for Behavioral Health, Development and Intellectual Disabilities.

"This is, in my opinion, one of the most pressing health-care issues facing our commonwealth today," Brenzel said. "If 1,000 people a year were dying from measles in the state of Kentucky, think about the public response that we would have. ... We would be on red-alert, we would have a complete, public-health, massive intervention to solve that problem."

Van Ingram, executive director at the Governor's Office of Drug Control Policy, said that next year's drug overdose report, which will be released in a few weeks, will show the problem is getting worse.

About 125 people, most of them health-care providers, attended the "Cumberland River Forum on Opioid Use Disorders: A Time for Community Action" May 17 at the Corbin Technology Center. It was sponsored by The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, and Cumberland River Behavioral Health. Similar forums were held in Lexington May 16 and Louisville May 13.

John Tilley
John Tilley, secretary of the Kentucky Cabinet for Justice and Public Safety, said he hoped the forum would "light a fire under this community" to talk to their neighbors and friends, community leaders and legislators about the value of treatment over incarceration for substance abuse and mental health issues.

Tilley, who chaired the House Judiciary Committee when he was a state representative from Hopkinsville, acknowledged that some abusers should be in prison, but said society must distinguish between "who we are mad at and who we are afraid of. ... I promise you the way to get out of this mess is not to over-criminalize addiction and mental illness."

Tilley said "The solution is right before our eyes," using for treatment some of the billions of dollars now used to incarcerate drug users.

Tim Feeley, deputy secretary for the CHFS and a former legislator from Oldham County, agreed: "We are not going to incarcerate our way out of this." He said the state needs more treatment programs and said the cabinet was fully committed to addressing the state's addiction problems to the best of its abilities.

William Hacker
Kentucky has moved away from treating mental health and substance abuse issues criminally, said Dr. William Hacker, chair of Shaping Our Appalachian Region's Health and Wellness Advisory Committee and former state health commissioner. He said other successful anti-drug efforts include grassroots advocacy groups, the online prescription-drug tracking program, needle-exchange programs, a move toward medication assisted treatments for opioid addiction, and the SMARTS initiative, which provides addiction care for pregnant and parenting women for up to two years.

Hacker also mentioned Operation UNITE, a Kentucky non-profit created by U.S. Rep. Hal Rogers that leads education, treatment and law enforcement initiatives in 32 counties in Southern and Eastern Kentucky. UNITE has held a national drug abuse conferences for the past five years, with this year's summit in Atlanta including President Barack Obama. The acronym stands for Unlawful Narcotics Investigations, Treatment and Education.

A former pediatrician in Corbin, Hacker also noted that SOAR recently held a Substance Abuse Roundtable to discuss research and emerging opportunities associated with substance abuse and intravenous drug use in Appalachian Kentucky. He said SOAR works to create a network across the region to share best practices and money opportunities and to create community level empowerment.

"Substance abuse is not a failure of moral character, it is a disease," Hacker said. "Don't give up. Never give up."

At the end of the meeting, the attendees broke into groups that represented schools, community leaders, health-care professionals, parents and the faith community to discuss what actions they could take to address opioid abuse in their communities.

Most groups reported that lack of access to substance abuse and mental health treatment is a barrier in their communities. And while it was noted that some communities offer more services than others, several groups said they did not have enough counselors to support medication-assisted therapies or enough doctors willing to prescribe it. Lack of transportation was also mentioned as a barrier toward getting treatment in several groups.

Also, most groups said community members often aren't aware of the resources, so more community education is needed. They listed schools, churches and county Extension offices as possible sources of education, and noted that a community resource website would be helpful. They also said parents would benefit from a class to learn how to talk to their children about drugs.

The groups agreed that all sectors of the community were needed to combat substance abuse and suggested that drug prevention programs in each community should form coalitions to better use resources and information.

Friday, 29 April 2016

Princess Health and Suicide rates are rising in the U.S.; experts attribute high rate in rural Ky. to poor mental health access, stigma and 'gun culture'. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

After a decade of decline, suicide is becoming more common in the United States, increasing by 24 percent from 1999 through 2014, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC report looked at cause-of-death data between 1999 and 2014 and found that suicide rates increased for both males and females in all age groups from 10 to 74.

Graph: CDC Age-adjusted suicide rates by sex
Overall, the suicide rate increased from 10.5 per 100,000 people in 1999 to 13 per 100,000 in 2014, showing a steady 1 percent annual increase through 2006 and a 2 percent annual increase after that.

And while the suicide rates for males continues to be higher than those for females, the report notes that the gender gap is narrowing. Among females, the rate of increase was 45 percent, compared to 16 percent for males.

Suicide rates for middle-aged women aged 45-64 were the highest, in both 1999 (6 per 100,000) and 2014 (9.8 per 100,000), showing a 63 percent increase. In females, the largest increase occurred among girls 10-14 (200 percent), though the actual number of suicides in this group was relatively small, tripling from 0.5 per 100,000 in 1999 to 1.5 in 2014.

For men, suicide rates were highest for those 75 and over, with approximately 39 for every 100,000 men in 2014. However, men 45-64 had the greatest increase among males, increasing from 20.9 per 100,000 in 1999 to 29.7 in 2014, a rise of 43 percent.

In 2014, poisoning (34.1 percent) was the most common method of suicide in females and firearms (55.4 percent) was the most common in males.

The CDC report didn't address why suicides are up, but several studies offer clues about possible reasons among the middle-aged, including a study published in 2015 in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine that found that "job, financial, and legal problems" are most common in adults aged 40-64 who had committed suicide, and a 2011 CDC study which found that suicide rates increased during periods of economic recession and declined during economic growth among people aged 25-64 years.

Rural areas have highest suicide rates

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the nation and the state, and with nearly 700 Kentuckians dying by suicide annually, Kentucky is one of the top 20 states for it.

Suicide is more prevalent in rural areas, where the rate is almost twice as high as in urban areas (17.6 suicides per 100,000 vs. 10.3 per 100,000), according to a separate CDC study.

"The myth is that suicide is an inner-city, urban problem, but the reality is that it is not," Melinda Moore, a licensed psychologist and assistant professor at Eastern Kentucky University, said in a telephone interview.

Moore, also the chair of the Kentucky Suicide Prevention Group, attributed some of the increase in suicide rates in rural Kentucky to its "gun culture."

"We have a culture that is very familiar with guns and that familiarity, unfortunately, can really lead to people using very lethal means when they are suicidal," she said.

And when you add gun culture to economic distress, which is common in much of rural Kentucky, it can be a "cocktail for disaster" for those who are suicidal, she said.

Another challenge is the lack of access to mental-health care in rural Kentucky, Moore said, noting that even if people have access to mental-health providers, many providers aren't trained to work with suicidal people. She said this should be improving, since the state now requires all behavioral health providers get suicide training when they renew their licenses.

Julie Cerel, psychologist and associate professor in the University of Kentucky College of Social Work, attributed the increase in rural suicides to several things, including the Gun culture, lack of access to mental-health care and the stigma that surrounds mental-health issues that deters people from seeking help.

Cerel, also president-elect of the American Association of Suicidology, said one reason for the national increase in suicides could be that coroners have become better trained on how to report them. She said that is very important, because people who were close to a person who died by suicide need to know so that they can seek their own mental-health support.

Cerel said 47 percent of Kentuckians knew someone who died by suicide, "and people who are exposed to suicide, especially if it is someone close to them, are more likely to have their own depression and anxiety and thoughts of suicide."

What should you do if you have suicidal thoughts or are concerned about someone?

Moore and Cerel said the first line of defense, especially in areas that don't have great mental-health resources, is to call the national suicide-prevention lifeline, 800-273-TALK (8255). This is a free, 24/7 service that can provide suicidal persons or those around them with support, information and local resources. It also offers a website at .

Moore said community mental health centers are also great resources for those who are suicidal in rural Kentucky, and Cerel stressed the importance of telling someone if you are having suicidal thoughts, including your primary health-care provider.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Princess Health and  Rural drug-overdose rates, high in Kentucky, blamed partly on limits on treatment medication and mental-health services. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Rural drug-overdose rates, high in Kentucky, blamed partly on limits on treatment medication and mental-health services. Princessiccia

"People in rural areas of Appalachia are more likely to die early deaths than in other parts of the country," and a big reason is that they "die from drug overdoses at greater rates than the rest of the country," writes Kery Murakami, the Washington, D.C., reporter for Community Newspaper Holdings Inc.'s CNHI News Service.

Murakami notes that in Leslie County, Kentucky, 7.9 of every 10,000 residents overdosed each year in 2012-14. "That�s six times the national rate," and third in the nation, he writes, citing the annual County Health Rankings done for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. Several other Appalachian counties in Kentucky and West Virginia rank high.

The rates are high partly because "addicts in some parts of the country get turned away by doctors and are not given a drug called buprenorphine that is used to kick opioid addictions," Murakami reports, citing addiction experts. "Buprenorphine causes less euphoria and physical dependence and can ease withdrawal and cravings."

However, "Federal law caps the number of patients to whom a doctor is allowed to prescribe the drug, out of concern of creating places where large numbers of addicts receive opioid-based medication. Such treatment hubs, much like methadone clinics, bring unwanted community opposition, said Mark Parrino, president of the American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence. That limits treatment choices in rural areas, where one doctor might be the only one licensed to prescribe buprenorphine for hundreds of miles."

The Department of Health and Human Services is moving to ease the limits, and Sens. Ed Markey, D-Mass., and Rand Paul, R-Ky., want to go even further. "But some addiction experts are concerned that raising the caps on buprenorphine will nudge the country toward treating addiction with medication rather than counseling, Murakami reports. The department�s proposed rules would require mental-health care, which is often hard to get in rural areas. The senators� bill would not.

�Turning people away from the most evidence-based treatment we have for a chronic, life-threatening disease is heart wrenching for a doctor,� Dr. Kelly Clark, president-elect of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, told CNHI. �Rural areas have been hit hardest by this round in overdoses, which is the worst round of overdose deaths in our country.� She said medication is especially important in rural areas because opioid use spreads among families. �In rural areas, you�re treating the person, their parents and grandparents,� she said. �Entire families are addicted. It�s not like saying, �Stay away from certain friends,� if they�re shooting up with their sister and their mother.�

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Princess Health and Seniors get a lot of anti-anxiety drugs, sometimes in dangerous combination with narcotics; Ky. ranks third in the nation in that.Princessiccia

When Medicare's drug program, called Part D, was put into place more than a decade ago, Congress decided to not pay for anti-anxiety medications. In 2013, when Medicare started paying for them, the program went from spending nothing for these medications to paying more than $377 million, Charles Ornstein and Ryann Grochowski Jones report for ProPublica, a nonprofit, investigative news organization.

Using anti-anxiety drugs in combination with narcotics increases the risk of overdoses, but Kentucky has many doctors who prescribe a lot of both. More than 100 Kentucky doctors each wrote at least 1,000 prescriptions for both types of drugs in 2013, according to data compiled by ProPublica.

That ranked Kentucky third in the nation, trailing only Florida and Alabama. Other southeastern states dominated the top 10. California, the nation's most populous state, ranked eighth; Tennessee was fourth and Ohio was ninth.

ProPublica has an application that lets you look up, by doctors' names, cities or ZIP codes, the number of Medicare claims they filed in 2013, the amount of money, the number of patients and the number of prescriptions for brand-name drugs.

The anti-anxiety drugs, some known as benzodiazepines, include popular tranquilizers such as Valium, Xanax and Ativan. 

Lawmakers initially chose to keep them out of Medicare Part D because they had been linked to abuse and an increased risk of falls among the elderly. Doctors kept prescribing them to Medicare enrollees, who found other ways to pay for them.

In 2013, the year Medicare started covering benzodiazepines, it paid for nearly 40 million prescriptions, ProPublica found. Generic versions of Xanax (alprazolam), Ativan (lorazepam) and Klonopin (clonazepam) were among the top 32 most-prescribed medications in Medicare Part D that year.

The American Geriatrics Society "discourages the use of benzodiazepines in seniors for agitation, insomnia or delirium because they can be habit-forming and disorienting and their effects last longer in older patients." The society does say the drugs "are appropriate to treat seizure disorders, severe anxiety, withdrawal and in end-of-life care," ProPublica notes.

One geriatric psychiatrist told ProPublica that the drugs are a "very real safety concern" for the elderly, and that he and others in his field don't use them as a "first-, second-, or third- line of treatment." Some geriatric psychiatrists have voiced concerns that these drugs are now being used instead of antipsychotics, since Medicare has pushed to reduce the use of antipsychotics, particularly in nursing homes, because of their risks.

Several doctors who rank among Medicare's top prescribers of the drugs told ProPublica that any risks of anti-anxiety drugs are outweighed by their benefits. One said that the drugs worked well for his patients, many of whom were trying to kick addictions to narcotics, but struggled with anxiety and depression.

However, ProPublica also found that some doctors appear to be prescribing benzodiazepines and narcotic painkillers to the same patients, which increased the risk of misuse and overdose. That's where Kentucky ranked third.

Dr. Leonard J. Paulozzi, a medical epidemiologist at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, co-authored an analysis showing that benzodiazepines were involved in about 30 percent of the fatal narcotic overdoses that occurred nationwide in 2010, ProPublica reports.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Princess Health andLaw requires equal access to mental-health and drug-abuse treatment, but is not always obeyed; Ky. says it's working on issue.Princessiccia

Princess Health andLaw requires equal access to mental-health and drug-abuse treatment, but is not always obeyed; Ky. says it's working on issue.Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

By law, mental health benefits must be offered equally to medical and surgical benefits if the plan offers them, but this isn't always the case.

Not only does a 2008 federal law require most employer-sponsored plans to provide equal access to mental health benefits, but that parity was expanded and strengthened in 2010 by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Twenty-three states, including Kentucky since 2000, require some level of parity.

Common requirements of these laws prohibit insurers from charging higher co-payments and deductibles for mental-health services; require insurers to pay for mental-health treatment in the same scope and duration as medical treatments; ban insurers from requiring additional authorizations for mental-health services; and says they must offer an equal number of mental-health providers and approved drugs.

While insurers typically keep track of the copayment and deductible requirements, they struggle with keeping track of the compliance requirements related to actual delivery of medical services, Michael Ollove reports for Stateline.

The spokeswoman for the Kentucky Department of Insurance, Ronda Sloan, said in an e-mail that Kentucky is very diligent about parity requirements. "Kentucky insurance companies must cover mental-health treatment like other covered services," she wrote. "We review both provider networks and drug formularies for compliance and (make sure) both meet the requirements of the ACA."

A recent report by the National Alliance on Mental Illness found that this isn't always the case. Nearly one-third of those surveyed were denied authorization for mental health and substance abuse treatment, with this rate nearly twice as high for those on ACA plans.

It also found other barriers to care including the number of mental health providers in health insurance plan networks; more than half of the health plans analyzed covered less than 50 percent of anti-psychotic medications; high out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs; high co-pays, deductible and co-insurance rates; and a lack of information about mental health coverage to consumers to help them make informed decisions in choosing their health plans.

The survey was conducted by Avalere Health and is based on a survey of 2,720 individuals with mental illness or with someone in their family with mental illness and an analysis of 84 insurance plan drug formularies in 15 states.

Sloan said that in Kentucky, "Work is being done on many fronts to increase access and progress is being made to address some of the access issues."

She said Kentucky monitors provider networks to make sure they are meeting their minimum requirements. She also said that a recent law passed by the 2015 General Assembly, which created three levels of drug and alcohol counselors with varying degrees of  certification, will have a "positive impact" on access to treatment.

Gwenda Bond, spokeswoman for the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services, said in an e-mail, "We also opened the provider network for behavioral-health services in early 2014 to a range of private providers of such services, increasing the number of options available for members, who previously could only receive treatment through the community mental health centers."

One of the main obstacles for consumers and providers is that it is not clear what criteria insurance companies and managed-care Medicaid organizations use to determine medical necessity for mental-health and substance-abuse care, and aren't transparent with this information.

"Without that information," Ollove wrotes, "it is difficult for regulators and consumers to determine whether the denial of coverage is warranted." 

Ollove also notes other problems include the federal governments delay in creating regulation guidelines, the challenges states and the federal government have had in simply implementing the ACA, let alone regulating parity and the stigma that is still associated with mental illness and addictions that make regulators not want to get involved.

Two states, New York and California, are leading the way in enforcing parity rules, Patrick Kennedy, a former Democratic congressman from Rhode Island, told Ollove, saying that they were the "only states that consistently enforce mental health parity."

Sloan took issue with that, saying, "We believe Kentucky consistently enforces the rules related to mental health and substance abuse parity." 

Kentuckians who believe they have been improperly denied mental-health and substance-abuse care should contact the Department of Insurance.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Princess Health andKentucky gets an $8.1 million federal grant to help teachers, other school personnel recognize students' mental-health needs.Princessiccia

Princess Health andKentucky gets an $8.1 million federal grant to help teachers, other school personnel recognize students' mental-health needs.Princessiccia

The Kentucky Department of Education has been awarded a five-year, $8.1 million federal grant to teach school personnel how to identify mental-health issues and get students the help they need, Brenna R. Kelly reports for Kentucky Teacher.

KDE was one of 120 state and local education agencies to get an Advancing Wellness and Resilience in Education grant last fall as part of President Obama's "Now Is The Time" initiative to decrease gun violence, increase access to mental health services and increase school safety.

It is estimated that up to one out of five children living in the U.S. experience a mental disorder in a given year, according to the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine.

Gretta Hylton of KDE�s Office of Next Generation Learners believes "that both KDE and local districts will be in a better position to get students the mental health help that they need," Kelly writes.

The grant program, Kentucky AWARE, will also create social media marketing campaigns, community events to promote mental health awareness and offer training on trauma-informed care in each of the pilot districts, to be provided by the Center on Trauma and Children at the University of Kentucky.

�More people will be able to recognize and respond appropriately to mental health issues in children,� Hylton told Kelly, �and will know how to connect those individuals with services in their hometown.�

Kentucky AWARE will be piloted in Jefferson County, Fayette County and Pulaski County schools and then move statewide. Hylton told Kelly that the three districts were chosen partly because they already have some mental-health and behavioral-intervention programs.

In addition to KDE, AWARE grants were awarded to Jefferson County, Fayette County, Bullitt County, Corbin Independent, Covington Independent and Henderson County school districts and to the Northern Kentucky Cooperative for Educational Services, Kelly reports.

School personnel, first responders, parents and anyone who interacts with youth in the pilot counties will be offered Youth Mental Health First Aid training, Kelly writes. Hylton told Kelly that she expected more than 10,000 people across the state to be trained at the end of the five-year grant.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Princess Health andPain and fever reducer acetaminophen, most-used drug in U.S., is found to reduce positive emotions and reduce psychological pain.Princessiccia

Princess Health andPain and fever reducer acetaminophen, most-used drug in U.S., is found to reduce positive emotions and reduce psychological pain.Princessiccia

Ohio State University researchers discovered a new side effect of acetaminophen, a leading over-the-counter pain reliever: it also blunts positive emotions. Other research revealed that it helps reduce psychological pain. The drug has been used in the U.S. for more than 70 years and is best known by the brand name Tylenol.

In the Ohio study, participants took Tylenol or a placebo, then looked at very pleasant or very disturbing photos. Those in the experimental group reported weaker emotions than those in the control group. On average, those who took the placebo rated their level of emotion when viewing the photos at 6.76 on a scale of 10, while people who took the pain reliever averaged 5.85.

"Rather than just being a pain reliever, acetaminophen can be seen as an all-purpose emotion reliever," said Geoffrey Durso, the lead author of the study and a doctoral student in social psychology.

Balwin Way, an assistant psychology professor who conducted the study with Durso, said those who took Tylenol didn't seem to be aware they were reacting differently. "Most people probably aren't aware of how their emotions may be impacted when they take acetaminophen," he said.

Acetaminophen, found in more than 600 medicines, is the most common drug in the U.S., according to the Consumer Healthcare Products Association. Every week approximately 52 million American adults, 23 percent of the population, use a medicine with acetaminophen in it. Durso said researchers don't know if other pain relievers like ibuprofen and aspirin have similar effects, but they plan to study that question.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Princess Health and Princess Health andPsychiatric patients' demand for emergency-room care presents a problem the Affordable Care Act won't solve.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Princess Health andPsychiatric patients' demand for emergency-room care presents a problem the Affordable Care Act won't solve.Princessiccia

Psychiatric patients' demand for emergency-room care has been a concern in hospitals, and it's going to get worse. Even though ERs are not properly equipped to help psychiatric patients, people still often go there with psychiatric concerns. Most ERs simply lack room to deal with such situations. According to a survey, 84 percent of emergency physicians say they have psychiatric patients "boarded" in their emergency departments awaiting transfer to a mental-health facility, Adrianna McIntyre writes for Vox.

"People having a mental-health crisis seek care in emergency departments because other parts of the health care system have failed them," said Alex Rosenau, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians.

A psychiatric patient who shows up to the emergency room may require immediate care at the hospital, and sometimes there isn't an open bed in the right department. Those shortages often necessitate psychiatric patients to wait in the emergency room, or board, until space elsewhere opens for them. Both the closure of psychiatric facilities and diminished state funding have contributed to the issue. "Between 1955 and 1997, total state spending on mental health fell 30 percent, a period during which most health spending grew rapidly," McIntyre writes.

If hospitals don't figure out how to deal with the problem, it's going to get worse. In fact, experts say the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will only exacerbate the problem. Some studies reveal that insured patients are more inclined to go to the emergency room�even for non-urgent issues�because the cost usually isn't as high. Lower-income people are even more likely to do that, and this population will comprise many of the newly insured citizens.

Though hospitals want people to use the health system properly, they also want to make sure patients do visit the ER when it really is necessary. "We don't want to impose any barriers on people going to the emergency room," said Hans House, a clinical professor at the Iowa University Carver College of Medicine. "We don't want people to be afraid to go to the ER."

The Affordable Care Act has provided more funding for reimbursement of emergency psychiatric care in Medicaid, a service the public program doesn't generally cover. However, this doesn't address the lack of space in emergency departments. "We know that a lack of psychiatrists available and staffing patient beds is a barrier," House said. "That's a personnel issue." (Read more)

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Princess Health and Princess Health andKET's 'Safe and Sound: Raising Emotionally Healthy Children in a Stressful World' premieres April 17, first airs April 21.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Princess Health andKET's 'Safe and Sound: Raising Emotionally Healthy Children in a Stressful World' premieres April 17, first airs April 21.Princessiccia

Though new parents often have access to many resources of information on how to care for their children physically, they are usually not as well-informed about raising them to be strong and healthy emotionally, and esearch shows that children who grow up stressed can face brain development  and long-term health issues, KET "Be Well Kentucky" reports.

The state network will present a special report, "Safe and Sound: Raising Emotionally Health Children in a Stressful World," designed to teach parents to be the best they can be, in various locations across the state.

The program will be aired Monday, April 21 at 9/8 p.m. It was produced partly with funding from the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.

A public screening and panel discussion of the program will be held Thursday, April 17 at 5:30 p.m. at the Kentucky Science Center in Louisville.

Guests are invited to a 4:30 p.m. reception at the Leadership Louisville Center at 732 W. Main St. The event is free, but registration is required, and seats are limited. Click here to register.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Princess Health and Princess Health andGroup overseeing effort to make state healthier hears of 'dire need,' tools for improvement.Princessiccia

Kentucky's health is "in dire need of improvement," but the state has some tools to do that, including health-care reform and the insurance program for its own employees, the group of officials charged with improving the state's health heard at its first meeting Thursday.

Dr. Stephanie Mayfield, commissioner of the Department of Public Health, told the group overseeing "Kyhealthnow" that the state is near the bottom of national rankings on nearly every goal set for the effort, but "is poised to make strong progress through school-based programs and the fact that federal health reform has made preventive services free," a state press release said.

The goals are that by 2019, Kentucky will reduce its smoking, obesity and uninsured rates by 10 percent; cut its death rates from cancer and cardiovascular disease by 10 percent; reduce deaths from drug overdoses and the average number of poor mental health days by 25 percent; reduce the percentage of children with untreated dental decay by 25 percent, and increase adult dental visits by 10 percent.

The effort is overseen by state cabinet secretaries, other key state officials, Mayfield as co-chair and Lt. Gov. Jerry Abramson as chair, by appointment from Gov. Steve Beshear. They are to meet quarterly.

The oversight group also heard from Department of Employee Insurance Commissioner Joe Cowles, whose agency provides health insurance coverage for 266,000 members, including employees of state agencies, school boards and local government, as well as retirees under age 65 and their dependents.

Cowles talked about the two insurance plans that contain a wellness component designed to encourage plan members to lead healthier lifestyles. "These plans provide lower coinsurance, deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums," Cowles said. "But more importantly, those who choose a LivingWell plan are required to complete an online health assessment. This helps them become more aware of their current well-being and understand their health risks. And, they get a personalized plan of action so they can get or stay healthy."

The department also offers a diabetes prevention program at no cost, and it has shown encouraging results, as participants are improving their physical activity and overall health, Cowles said. And it has anti-fraud measures that track the distance members drive to fill prescriptions, what drugs they are buying, how often, and so on.

The officials also heard from Dave Adkisson, president and CEO of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, which has made the health and wellness of Kentuckians one of its top three priorities because health-insurance costs have increased and an increasing share of companies� tax dollars go to pay for health care. He said the state's health problems have reached 
�epidemic proportions.�

�We commend Governor Beshear for engaging his entire administration in a comprehensive effort to improve Kentucky�s health problems,� Adkisson told Kentucky Health News. �Health costs are a major issue among Kentucky businesses. But containing those costs can be like turning an aircraft carrier around in open water. We are glad state government as a huge employer has stepped up its efforts to encourage wellness among state employees and their family members who are covered by the state�s health insurance program. By being aggressive on wellness, prevention and disease management, tens of thousands of lives will be improved and health care costs paid by taxpayers will be contained.�

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Princess Health and Veteran journalist offers advice on covering mental health issues: Be careful, creative, and balanced, not discriminatory.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Veteran journalist offers advice on covering mental health issues: Be careful, creative, and balanced, not discriminatory.Princessiccia

The term 'mental health' has been tossed around a lot lately in stories about Kentucky's mental health funding and mental health coverage through Medicaid expansion. It's important to use precise language when writing about the topic, because a fourth of Americans are affected by mental-health issues each year, and many  don't seek treatment due to its stigma.

"Fair, accurate and balanced portrayals of mental health in the news media are so important," says Melissa McCoy of the California Newspaper Publishers Association. She notes that studies show coverage of mental health is mostly reactive, responding to a school shooting or n act of violence, which could skew public perceptions about mental illness. She says journalists should "provide accurate coverage of mental health without adding to its stigma" or to the discrimination faced by those with mental illness.

Journalists can seek balance by asking themselves about the relevance of mental health to the story and making sure to use the right type of language, says McCoy; be creative about mental health coverage by integrating it into stories about general health, veterans returning from war, substance abuse recovery, unemployment or even stress among students. 

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Princess Health and Fort Campbell works to address post-traumatic stress disorder, common ailment of Afghanistan-Iraq veterans.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Fort Campbell works to address post-traumatic stress disorder, common ailment of Afghanistan-Iraq veterans.Princessiccia

Research shows almost 14 percent of veterans returning home from Iraq and Afganistan suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and as an estimated 2 million veterans are coming home, Fort Campbell has quickly acted by reaching out to the medical community in Kentucky to help address the challenges of PTSD.

Top behavioral health and brain injury research experts came to Ft. Campbell on Tuesday to teach civilian behavioral health professionals about the military's current PTSD and brain injury research and treatments, reports Kristin Hall of The Associated Press.

PTSD can be one of war's ugly side effect, and it is an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event in which ther's potential for grave physical harm, such as "violent personal assaults, natural or human-caused disasters, accidents, and military combat," says the National Institute of Mental Health. Not properly treating PTSD symptoms can lead to alcohol or drug use, spouse or child abuse, depression or suicide

The clinics at Ft. Campbell will focus on PTSD and brain trauma treatment and will each have 13 mental health professionals to offer more personalized, focused care, which is expected to reduce "cases of psychiatric problems, spouse or child abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, suicides and drug use," like the pilot program at Fort Carson in Colorado, reports Adam Ghassemi of News Channel 5.

Some Kentucky veterans, like Mike Jeffrey who spoke about his physical and mental battles after his two tours in Iraq at a Veteran's Recognition Program, are addressing other problems associated with PTSD, which are that many veterans won't talk about it, and they both families and veterans lack awareness about treatment options. Jeffrey talked about the struggles he had when returning home and his "baby steps" toward normalcy.

�I woke up and had kicked down my apartment doors overnight without knowing it,� he said. �It was hell just living with myself,� reported Tracy Harris of The News Democrat. Jeffrey started counseling for his PTSD and is now using a service dog trained specifically for veterans, Seal Team.

�Seal Team is his security blanket,� said Jeffrey's wife, Shelly, who contacted four service dog organizations before finding K-9 trainer Mike Halley, a Vietnam veteran living in Florida, reports Harris. In addition to suggesting use of a service dog, Jeffrey said veterans shouldn't bury their own experience with PTSD, which many are reluctant to talk about.

�We all grew up in the suck-it-up-and-drive Army,� he said. �But you can only suck it up for so long,� said Jeffrey.

Efforts like the ones made by Ft. Campbell and Mike Jeffrey represent progress in treatment of mental health issues. And while these efforts alone won't address the problem, work within local communities can make a world of difference for struggling veterans.

Retired Maj. Gen. Mark Graham said "there is no quick way to eliminate the stigma often attached to seeking out mental health care, but the key is partnerships with the communities," writes Hall.

The story of returning veteran's is a big one that may be hard to cover, so click here for journalism tips. Click here to learn more about PTSD programs in Kentucky, or click the link below to watch news coverage about the behavioral health clinics in Ft. Campbell.

Ft. Campbell Opens Behavioral Health Clinics To Fight PTSD - | Nashville News, Weather & Sports

Friday, 17 May 2013

Princess Health and At least one in eight teens, and perhaps one in five, have a mental-health issue; ADHD tops, substance abuse also high.Princessiccia

Princess Health and At least one in eight teens, and perhaps one in five, have a mental-health issue; ADHD tops, substance abuse also high.Princessiccia

The most comprehensive report yet on mental disorders in children shows attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly diagnosed problem in those aged 3-17, and the most common health issues for teenagers include addiction to drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

An estimated 13 to 20 percent of U.S. children experience a mental disorder in a given year, says a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and children are increasingly suffering from and being hospitalized for mood disorders like depression; that hospitalization rate has increased 80 percent from 1997 to 2010, says the report. And, while 3.5 percent of children under 18 have behavioral problems, almost 7 percent of them are diagnosed with ADHD.

About 4.7 percent of teens, or 1.7 million children aged 12�17, have disorders involving abuse and dependence upon alcohol, drugs or tobacco, says the report. Alarmingly, two-thirds of teenagers had an illicit drug use disorder, one million teenagers abused drugs or alcohol, and more than 695,000 were addicted to tobacco.

�This first report of its kind documents that millions of children are living with depression, substance use disorders, ADHD and other mental health conditions,� CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden said. �No parent, grandparent, teacher or friend wants to see a child struggle with these issues. It concerns us all. We are working to both increase our understanding of these disorders and help scale up programs and strategies to prevent mental illness so that our children grow to lead productive, healthy lives.�

Monday, 29 April 2013

Princess Health and Bankruptcy filing by mental-health agency is a loser for Kentucky, where such services can be scarce and little used.Princessiccia

By Molly Burchett
Kentucky Health News

The decision of Seven Counties Services Inc. to file bankruptcy to avoid paying into the Kentucky Employee Retirement System has created a "no win" situation for the state, and the issue may add yet another obstacle for Kentuckians to get the mental health care they need.

Louisville-based Seven Counties is one of the state's largest mental-health agencies, serving more than 30,000 adults and children with mental-health services, alcohol and drug-abuse treatment, developmental-disabilities services and preventive programs, according to its website.

And while Kentucky's mental-health system has received an F grade for its funding, the state pension system needs agencies like Seven Counties to pay in more because the system is just 27 percent funded. "Employers will have to ante up around 38 percent of annual payroll, compared with the 23 percent now required," Mike Wynn notes in The Courier-Journal.

Kentucky's need for mental health services is much greater than the supply, and an estimated 1.7 million Kentuckians live in areas designated as a "mental health professional shortage area," which means almost 40 percent of Kentucky residents lack proper access to such professionals, says a report by the Kaiser Family Foundation. About 24 percent of residents' mental-health care needs are under-served, and this situation could be worsened by federal health reform, which will expand mental-health and substance-abuse treatment benefits to more Kentuckians without adding to the number of providers.

Bankruptcy for Seven Counties is a lose-lose proposition: It could close its doors in 2014 and stop providing services to 30,000 Kentuckians or, if the bankruptcy goes through, the state's retirement system wouldn't get anticipated agency payments into the system, reports Ryan Alessi of cn|2, a news service of the Time Warner and Insight cable-TV companies.

�The only two paths this can go is we could stay in KERS until we have given them our last nickel, which is a year (or) year-and-a-half from now � (and) we close the doors and go out of business and KERS gets no more money because we�re out of business,� Dr. Tony Zipple, president of Seven Counties, told Alessi.

In addition to funding problems for mental-health services, many people with mental-health issues don't seek treatment because of its stigma, said Sheila Schuster, executive director of the Kentucky Mental Health Coalition, in a recent opinion piece sent to Kentucky newspapers.  Shuster calls on elected leaders to increase funding of mental health services and highlights the prevalence of mental health illness.

"At least one-fourth of us will experience a behavioral health issues (mental illness or substance use disorder) in a given year," Schuster writes. That number, and the number of people needing treatment, will continue to grow, she says.

Schuster also writes about the societal impact of not treating mental illness: "Depression is rated as the #1 cause of disability in this country, and is a leading cause of absenteeism and decreased productivity in the work force." Because some people avoid treatment due to stigma, they may self-medicate with drugs or alcohol, and "the effects of stigma and failure to treat the whole person can have catastrophic results," she writes.

In addition to calling for more mental health funding, Schuster asks all Kentuckians to get educated about mental illness so that its stigma can be erased. Click here to read more from Schuster about mental health and resources for help. For a PDF of her op-ed, click here; for a text version, here.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Princess Health and Senate sends bill for prompt payment by managed-care firms to Beshear, who won't say whether he will sign or veto it.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Senate sends bill for prompt payment by managed-care firms to Beshear, who won't say whether he will sign or veto it.Princessiccia

A bill aimed at resolving payment disputes between medical providers and Medicaid managed-care companies passed unanimously Monday in the Senate, and has been sent to Gov. Steve Beshear for his consideration.

House Bill 5, sponsored by House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg, would apply existing prompt-payment laws to managed-care firms and would set up an appeal process in the Department of Insurance to handle disputes between them and medical providers. Those claims are now handled by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, which administers Medicaid and has had some problems with the bill.

Hospitals, doctors and other health-care providers have complained that the cabinet is not resolving their payment disputes with managed-care firms, putting many rural hospitals, clinics and health departments in serious financial binds.  Mental health centers have also reported cutting back services.

Asked last night what he would do with the bill, Beshear said the cabinet "has worked with the managed-care organizations and health-care providers to reduce problems during the change, and many concerns have been addressed.  However, I recognize that some issues persist.  I will review this bill carefully.�

Beshear has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to decide whether to veto the bill, sign it into law or allow it to become law without his signature. Stumbo said that if bill is vetoed it would likely be House Bill 1 in the 2014 session, reports Jessie Halladay of The Courier-Journal. The bill is a top priority for many health-care providers.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Princess Health and Managed care, pension payments causing problems for community mental health centers; Edelen, C-J call for changes.Princessiccia

"Kentucky mental health centers are cutting back services and struggling to assist patients the first time they�re admitted because of ongoing struggles with Medicaid managed care," Don Weber reports for cn|2. "At the same time, they�re losing out on federal grants because of red flags caused by their administration costs being inflated by increasing contributions to the public pension system."

NorthKey Community Care Mental Health Center in Northern Kentucky, which serves eight counties, had to close its adult day-treatment programs for the seriously mentally ill. Dr. Owen Nichols, the president and CEO, told Weber, �I get calls periodically from elderly parents in the community wanting help with their adult child that suffers from schizophrenia because they�re now wandering the streets, having some difficulties with local authorities.�

A recent editorial in The Courier-Journal addresses Kentucky's need for better mental health treatment, saying that Kentucky has "an underfunded, fragmented and now �thanks mostly to Medicaid managed care �hopelessly complicated system of mental health care."

The editorial notes last week's C-J articles in which reporters Laura Ungar and Chris Kenning uncovered the problems families face when navigating a fragmented mental-health system while trying to provide appropriate treatment for a loved one suffering form a severe mental illness, in addition to the "F" grade Kentucky received for its poor mental-health funding.

The editorial also describes how structural issues with managed care, which began in November 2011, have complicated the state's mental-health system. It notes the community mental-health centers asked to be left out of managed care, "pointing out they already operate efficiently and amount to only about 3 percent of the state�s $6 billion a year Medicaid program."

In addition, the editorial notes, "State Auditor Adam Edelen recommended the Cabinet for Health and Family Services take mental health out of managed care and let the state resume running it." Against his advice and the requests of community mental-health centers, the state expanded managed care of mental health. Now some haven�t been paid for Medicaid services since January, when managed care took effect, the editorial says.

"The nightmare needs to end for the many Kentuckians who need basic mental health services," says the editorial. "It�s time for the state to fully explore this system and, if folks are serious about improving it, fix the problems and find the money to fund it." (Read more)

Monday, 18 March 2013

Princess Health and Kentucky families struggle to care for violent, mentally ill children, and say their plight has been made worse by managed-care firms.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Kentucky families struggle to care for violent, mentally ill children, and say their plight has been made worse by managed-care firms.Princessiccia

Kentucky families struggle to care for violent, mentally ill children, and say their plight has been made worse by managed-care companies that fragment mental-health care and make it harder to find appropriate, stable treatment, which ultimately places the larger public at risk, Laura Ungar reports for The Courier-Journal.

Ungar writes that the lives of these Kentucky families resemble in part the one that lead to a devastating outcome in Newtown, Conn., where 20-year-old Adam Lanza, who had poor mental health and was under his mother�s care, went on a shooting rampage in an elementary school and killed 20 students and six staff members.

To represent the Kentucky families fighting, this battle, Ungar tells the story of the Davies family, who battle to keep themselves safe from the violent rage of their 14-year-old daughter, Lucy, while struggling to find the help she needs. Lucy has threatened to kill her 16-year-old sister, Katie, and herself, she�s tried to throw Katie and her father Dan down the basement stairs, and she�s been abusive to her mother.

Lucy suffers from a long list of disorders: neurological problems from fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, a mood disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and cognitive difficulties, Ungar reports. "Since Lucy was adopted at age 9, she�s received fragmented treatment in more than six facilities and doctors� offices, none of which have been able to stop her violent outbursts," Ungar writes. Now, her Medicaid managed-care insurer, Coventry Cares, won�t cover her treatment in an Illinois facility called NeuroRestorative, which Ungar says offers her the best chance at improvement.

"The care tracking is just so fragmented, and we have managed-care companies that determine from afar what care people can get. They go from provider to provider. It�s a tragedy," said Louise Howell, president of Buckhorn Children and Family Services, where Lucy was treated briefly before becoming too violent for the staff. �This child is a perfect example of someone in need of a strong therapeutic community," Howell said. "And there�s so many of them."

Before going to Buckhorn, Lucy was at Rivendell Behavioral Health Services in Bowling Green, where she received brief treatment after threatening to kill her sister. From Buckhorn she got an emergency transfer to Our Lady of Peace in Louisville, which could handle her high level of violence. She was released when she moved from the Medicaid plan Kentucky Spirit, which plans to break its contract with the state, to Coventry Cares, with which Our Lady of Peace had severed ties.

Lucy's mother told Ungar that every switch of caregiver and facility increases the trauma to her daughter, who desperately needs stable care. Lucy�s parents say she would have such stability at NeuroRestorative, where her fetal alcohol syndrome could be addressed on a long-term basis. But two doctors working for Coventry, who have never examined Lucy, told her parents that Conventry "won�t cover the placement because there�s no evidence that inpatient care for brain trauma is medically necessary," Ungar reports.

Her eyes full of tears, Cynthia Davies told Ungar, �You cannot look into my daughter�s eyes and tell me she doesn�t deserve care. She�s a human being.� (Read more)