Showing posts with label managed care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label managed care. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Princess Health and  Medicaid stakeholders OK with healthy behavior incentives, oppose penalizing recipients who don't take part in cost sharing. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Medicaid stakeholders OK with healthy behavior incentives, oppose penalizing recipients who don't take part in cost sharing. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick and Al Cross
Kentucky Health News

Groups of people concerned about changes in Kentucky's Medicaid program are open to the state offering incentives for healthy behaviors, but they don't want to penalize recipients who can't or won't pay premiums, deductibles or co-payments.

So reports the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, which convened a meeting May 12 to hear from people with stakes in the program: individual health-care providers, health systems, consumers, consumer advocates, payers, public-health professionals and representatives of higher education.

�Participants were unified in opposing penalties to enforce cost-sharing provisions� such as premiums, deductibles or co-payments, the foundation's consultant said in a report on the meeting.

However, they supported cost sharing for procedures not deemed medically necessary and �had diverse perspectives on this matter, ranging from opposing any cost-sharing in Medicaid to proposing specific premium and co-payment amounts,� such as $5 monthly premiums.

Also, �Participants were generally very supportive of implementing incentives for healthy behaviors such as smoking cessation and health risk assessments,� the report said. �Incentives might be reductions in the amount of cost-sharing or themselves supportive of healthy behavior,� such as gym membership.

Gov. Matt Bevin has said he wants Medicaid recipients to have "skin in the game" through cost-sharing, arguing that Kentucky can't afford to have more than a fourth of its population getting free medical care.

Under federal health reform, then-Gov, Steve Beshear expanded Medicaid eligibility to households with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level, adding more than 400,000 more people to the rolls. The federal government pays for the expansion through this year, but next year the state will be responsible for 5 percent, rising in annual steps to the reform law's limit of 10 percent in 2020.

Bevin's administration is working on getting a waiver from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to create new ways to cover those in the expansion. Six states have such waivers, including Indiana, which Bevin has cited as an example of how Kentucky might change its program.

In Indiana, recipients who pay premiums based on income levels, ranging from $1 a month to 2 percent of income ($27 a month for those at 138 percent of poverty) get expanded benefits and are charged co-payments only for non-emergency use of emergency rooms, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Those above the poverty level who fail to pay are disenrolled and barred from re-enrolling for six months, in what is known as a "lock-out" rule.

Bevin has indicated that he wants to announce his plan this summer. By law, states that seek a waiver must hold at least two public hearings: one at least 20 days before submitting the application to CMS, and the second after CMS accepts the application.

Stakeholders who attended the foundation's May 12 convening wanted to make sure their voices were heard early on in the process.

"Our goal is to help inform the process of changing the way Kentucky provides Medicaid services to ensure that we maintain the gains achieved under the Affordable Care Act, while also enabling the state to try new methods of ensuring access to affordable quality health care for Medicaid beneficiaries," Foundation President and CEO Susan Zepeda said in a news release.

"The biggest takeaway for me was the energy and commitment in the room," Zepeda said in a telephone interview. "A lot of thoughtfulness clearly went into sharing their experience and making suggestions on how to make the system more cost effective."

Before breaking into groups to offer their imput, stakeholders were given an overview of the state's Medicaid expansion and an overview of an issue brief created by the State Health Access Data Assistance Center at the University of Minnesota that looked at how waiver provisions are set up in five other states. Foundation staff wrote the 25-page "Stakeholder Input Report" that summarized suggestions and concerns and broke them into eight areas:

Cost-sharing and penalties: Health-care providers strongly opposed any cost-sharing, and uniformly opposed to any measure that involved "lock-out" penalties for failure to pay premiums, co-pays or deductibles.

"Our shared experience has been that we�ve been prohibited from denying care if a patient refuses or is unable to pay," the Physical and Oral Health Provider group said. "Therefore, the desired behavior isn�t actually enforced."

The Behavioral Health Provider group offered a compromise: �If the administration chooses to explore lock-outs we recommend that lock-outs be immediately lifted (upon payment) and payment be retroactive to the date the consumer re-enrolls.�

Participants in general were open to the idea of low co-payments, cost-sharing for non-medically necessary services, using Medicaid dollars to pay premiums for employer-sponsored insurance plans and charging co-payments for non-emergency use of the ER. They also agreed that certain groups, like those with chronic illnesses or disabilities, should be exempted.

Incentives: Most post-ACA waiver programs have implemented incentives for healthy behavior, and those at the meeting generally supported implementing evidence-based incentives, such as smoking cessation and health-risk assessments.

Zepeda said that most of the stakeholders wanted to see healthy behavior incentives used as credits against premiums, especially for recipients who can't afford them. "There is a recognition that people have a role to play in their own health care and the health decisions that they make," she said.

Benefits: Benefits include services covered under the health insurance plan. Some participants opposed any changes to current benefits; others wanted to expand existing benefits and still others suggested adding new benefits like housing. All agreed that medically necessary services should be covered for all enrollees.

Reimbursement: Kentucky shifted Medicaid in 2011 to managed care, in which managed-care organizations (usually insurance-company subsidiaries) are paid a flat fee per person as an incentive to limit claims. Providers have complained about the slow and low reimbursement, and participant suggestions included streamlining and accelerating the reimbursement process, increasing provider reimbursement rates, and adding new categories of reimbursed services and providers, like telehealth.

Systems improvement: Participants suggested simplifying administrative processes for providers; expanding providers' scope of practice; adding review panels; reducing the number of managed-care organizations; and creating a single list of drugs for all MCOs.

Health system transformation: Waivers allow states to explore ways to provide care differently through various transformation approaches. Suggestions included creating price transparency, through an all-payer, all-claims database; improving consumer health literacy; and moving beyond coverage issues to addressing access and quality.

�There was also interest among our group in examining a PCMH (patient-centered medical home) or health homes model to promote care coordination, and we feel strongly that pharmacists are essential part of the team and should be used in novel and more expansive ways,� the Colleges and Universities group said.

Evaluation: Waivers require states to perform an evaluation and make it public. Participants agreed that the process should include stakeholders and that findings should be made public periodically.

The Physical and Oral Health Provider group suggested the evaluation should answer the questions, �Have we maintained coverage levels? Have we improved access to care?�

Overarching themes: Many of the stakeholders mentioned two issues that were not included in the issue brief or discussion: integrating behavioral, physical and oral health services, and addressing the wide set of social factors that shape Kentucky's relatively poor health.

�Waivers should include methods to address social determinants of health as these areas are proving most effective in improving outcomes and reducing cost,� the Physical and Oral Health Provider group said. �We encourage inclusion of community health workers, peer support, medical respite care and other innovations to support social needs of patients.�

Zepeda said the Medicaid waiver drafting team faces many challenges. "We consider the rich conversation that happened on May 12 to be the start of the conversation," she said. "We have to find the cost effective win/win strategies that can reduce the cost of Medicaid going forward and let us continue to serve this expanded number of Kentuckians who now have health insurance."

Friday, 11 March 2016

Princess Health and Hard-fought bill to protect independent pharmacies passes Senate committee; would regulate pharmacy benefit managers. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

Update March 28: SB 117 passed the Senate March 14 with a 38-0 vote and passed the House March 25 with a 97-0 vote. It now awaits the signature of the governor.

Approval of Senate Bill 117 by the Senate Appropriations and Revenue Committee March 11 brought Kentucky's independent pharmacies one step closer to getting better price transparency from the companies that negotiate with pharmaceutical manufacturers, insurance companies and their beneficiaries. The bill would subject pharmacy benefit managers to regulation by the state Department of Insurance.

Republican Sen. Max Wise
"We are talking about independent pharmacies that have had family histories for years," Sen. Max Wise, sponsor of the bill, said in an interview. "They are trying to compete just to stay alive and . . . are suffering right now. This is a fight for the little guy and I am happy to stand up with the independent pharmacies."

Wise, a freshman Republican from Campbellsville, told the committee that while pharmacy benefit managers still don't support his bill, they did come to the table over the last week with independent-pharmacy representatives and the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services to reach a compromise that the committee approved unanimously.

The legislation would allow the Insurance Department to regulate PBMs much like insurance companies are regulated. It would also provide an appeal mechanism to resolve pricing disputes between pharmacies and PBMs.

The bill would not require PBMs to change how they work with fee-for-service Medicaid, nor does it require them to release their pricing methodology unless absolutely necessary, and any releases would not be subject to the state open-records law.

The bill was intensely debated for weeks, first in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee and then heard twice in the A&R Committee. Last week's A&R meeting involved "several hours of testimony from a local pharmacist, PBM representatives, and members of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services," the Kentucky Independent Pharmacist Alliance said in a news release.

Wise, a former FBI agent who was elected in 2014, told the committee, "This has been a very tough and complicated bill to work on."

The legislature passed a "maximum allowable cost" law in 2013 to require increased transparency in reimbursement practices. "Kentucky is one of only a handful of states to regulate the actions of PBMs," said the independent pharmacists' release. It said the state has more than 500 independent pharmacists.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Princess Health and Republican legislators question cabinet's figures on managed-care payments and cost projections for Medicaid expansion.Princessiccia

Audrey Haynes (cn|2 image)
"When Audrey Haynes sat down before the legislature�s Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Committee Wednesday, she expected the data she brought would persuade lawmakers that Kentucky�s expansion of Medicaid has been good for the state," Ronnie Ellis reports for CNHI News Service. "The secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, which administers the Medicaid program also may have expected her statistics to ease unhappiness with the state�s move to managed care for most Medicaid services."

"It didn�t happen," Ellis writes. "At least she didn�t persuade Republican members who openly questioned the validity of the cabinet�s data, a couple stopping just short of saying the cabinet is making up the numbers" about payments to providers by managed-care organizations, which it says are 99 percent on time. �The numbers do not appear to represent the reality on the ground,� Rep. Richard Benvenuti, R-Lexington, said after the meeting.

Sen. Ralph Alvarado
�I think those are false,� Sen. Ralph Alvarado, R-Winchester, said after the meeting. �I don�t know if they�re lying, but somebody is providing bad information.�

During the meeting, Alvarado read "segments of letters from providers who have not received full reimbursements from managed care organizations," reports Kevin Wheatley of cable channel cn|2's "Pure Politics."

"Haynes referenced a report from CHFS which showed that over 90 percent of Medicaid claims are being paid in a timely manner," reports the blog of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. "Sen. Alvarado replied that this statistic does not match what he is hearing from his constituents and medical providers." Haynes addressed the managed-care issue in her PowerPoint presentation, downloadable here.

Rep. David Watkins, D-Henderson, a retired physician and co-chair of the committee, "urged the panel to find ways to improve managed care."

Watkins said the managed-care organizations, which are insurance companies or their subsidiaries, should come before the committee to answer questions. �I�m not totally satisfied that they�re doing quite as good a job as your report here would portray,� he told Haynes. �I think they need to be more accountable. I think they need to be more responsive to the providers who actually are doing work in the field.�

The MCOs will appear before the joint House-Senate committee Aug. 19, Brad Bowman reports for The State Journal in Frankfort. For cn|2's three-minute clip of the discussion between Haynes and Alvarado, via YouTubeclick here.

The Republican lawmakers also voiced skepticism, but offered no contrary evidence, about the cost of expanding Medicaid to households with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level, from the previous limit of 69 percent. Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the federal government is paying the entire cost of the expansion until next year, when the state will begin paying a small part, rising to the law's cap of 10 percent in 2020.

Haynes noted projections for Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear's administration that the expansion would add $30.1 billion to the state's economy through 2021, and would pay for itself until then, even after the state starts picking up part of the cost. The numbers were not new; they were part of a study by Deloitte Consulting and the University of Louisville that Beshear released in February.

Republicans focused on the prediction that the expansion would cost the state a net $45 million in 2021. "I know that seems like a way long ways off and some of you may no longer even be in the position to deal with it, but some of us probably will and the taxpayers will," said Alvarado, a physician.

Haynes "stated that she believed with the financial boost to the economy through jobs, the costs will be offset," the blog of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce reports.

�Now that we�re seeing the lowest unemployment that we�ve seen in our state in quite a number of years, I�m sure each of you are amazed at how that we�ve had all 120 counties in our state where the unemployment rate has gone down,� Haynes said. �As this state continues to generate revenue and hopefully, as is planned, this is a bridge program for people who basically are hard-working people, but their employer does not provide insurance or they have children and therefore that qualifies them from an income basis for Medicaid.�

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Princess Health andKentucky re-bidding Medicaid managed care contracts to address complaints of patients, advocates and health-care providers.Princessiccia

Princess Health andKentucky re-bidding Medicaid managed care contracts to address complaints of patients, advocates and health-care providers.Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

State officials are re-bidding Medicaid managed-care contracts that cover more than 1.1 million Kentuckians. The news came as a delight and surprise to many health-care providers and patient advocates.

�I was both stunned and thrilled by the announcement. I did not know it was coming,� Sheila Schuster, a Louisville mental-health advocate, told Tom Loftus of The Courier-Journal. �A number of the changes that they say will be part of the new contracts are things those of us in the behavioral health community have brought up time and time again.�

Kentucky changed to Medicaid managed care from a traditional fee-for-service model in 2011 to fill a projected budget overrun of $166 million. Health Secretary Audrey Haynes said in a news release that doing so has "saved Kentucky taxpayers more than $1.3 billion in state and federal funds" and had also improved the delivery of health care to the Medicaid population.

"However, after several years of experience, we determined it was time to retool, rebid and strengthen the contracts to appropriately address concerns expressed by advocates and healthcare providers," Haynes said.

The transition to managed care has been met with consistent complaints from both patients and providers, despite efforts of the cabinet to work through the issues and keep the channels of communication open between providers, the cabinet and the managed-care organizations.

Two passionately debated bills in the recent legislative session challenged some practices of the current MCOs: one seeking an appeals process for denial of payments and the other removing a cap of "triage fees" for emergency-room services that MCOs later deem not to be emergencies.

Both issues have been challenging to the financial health of rural hospitals. State Auditor Adam Edelen addressed many such issues in a recent report on the financial health of rural hospitals.

�We are pleased to see the cabinet taking steps to improve and strengthen managed care contracts, many of which we recommended in our recent report on the financial strength of rural hospitals,�Edelen told Insider Louisville.

Some requirements for the new contracts include: required statewide coverage; standardized rules among the MCOs; improved administrative processes; increased oversight of claim denials; continued expansion of behavioral health services; incentives for MCOs to work with Medicaid patients to decrease emergency-room use and improve their health; and increased penalties to assure contract compliance. Click here for the Cabinet for Health and Family Services' complete Request for Proposal.

�I�d like to say that they heard the voice of the people,� Schuster told Insider Louisville.�If you look at the Medicaid Advisory Council, those meeting are every two months and it�s the same litany of complaints and concerns every darned time with no response. The only thing I can think of is it�s a gesture by this outgoing administration to get things right so that regardless of who comes in next year, there are strong contracts in place. I applaud them for it, and I�m stunned.�

The current contracts with Anthem, Aetna's Coventry Cares, Humana's CareSource , Passport and Wellcare expire on June 30, 2015 and proposals for the new contracts are due by May 5. The statewide contracts will be awarded to multiple MCOs for a one-year period with four, one-year renewal option, according to the news release.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Princess Health andAuditor will hold meetings in Prestonsburg, Princeton and Somerset to discuss his report on financial status of rural hospitals.Princessiccia

Princess Health andAuditor will hold meetings in Prestonsburg, Princeton and Somerset to discuss his report on financial status of rural hospitals.Princessiccia

State Auditor Adam Edelen will hold three public meetings in rural communities to discuss the findings of his special report about the financial health of rural hospitals.

The meetings will be held Monday, April 21 at 1 p.m. at the Mountain Arts Center in Prestonsburg; Monday, May 4 at 11 a.m. (CT) at the Caldwell County Memorial Hospital in Princeton; and Thursday, May 6 at 1 p.m. at the Liberty center of Somerset Community College.

The report, which covers fiscal years 2011 through 2013, found that as many as one-third of Kentucky's rural hospitals were in poor financial shape, with 68 percent of them ranking below the national average financially.

�Although closure may be an unfortunate reality for some," Edelen said in the press conference, "I believe more can and should be done to help these hospitals rethink their models of business in delivering health care in the 21st century." He went on to suggest rural hospitals consider hiring outside managers, merge with larger hospitals, form coalitions with other rural hospitals or find a specialized health niche as possible alternate business models to consider.

The report calls for the creation of a state work group to monitor rural hospitals, including making sure state law gives them the flexibility to retool their business models. Susan Zepeda, president and CEO of the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, suggested that the proposed work "could be incorporated into the work already under way under a State Innovation Model grant, which is engaging many sectors of health service in Kentucky in an ambitious, collaborative redesign effort."

Edelen said some of the primary problems faced by rural hospitals stem from the many changes in health care since the inception of Medicaid managed care, a decrease in the number of health-care providers, and an economic climate in some areas that doesn't support the current health payment model, which depends on the majority of its users to have private health insurance.

The report suggested that the Cabinet for Health and Family Services negotiate better contracts with managed-care organizations as it approaches the June 30 deadline, especially to address provider payments, stricter penalties for non-compliance and increased administrative burdens that managed care has put on hospitals. Edelen and Haynes sounded hopeful that this was going to happen.

Gov. Steve Beshear called Edelen's report "a dated snapshot" because the 2013 data used in the report does not include 2014 information,when the federal health reform was fully implemented through expansion of Medicaid to people with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty line. Beshear said hospitals received $506 million to care for such people in 2014 while seeing significant reductions in losses on patients who couldn't or wouldn't pay.

Edelen's spokeswoman, Stephenie Hoelscher, said in an email that Edelen believes the full effect of all the changes in health care to hospitals' bottom line is still not clear, and his report establishes a baseline for critical analysis going forward.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Princess Health andUp to 1/3 of rural hospitals in poor financial shape, auditor finds, calling report a baseline for local decisions that could be tough.Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick and Al Cross
Kentucky Health News
For a video of Edelen's press conference, click here. For a cn|2 report with video, go here.

FRANKFORT, Ky. -- As many as one-third of Kentucky's rural hospitals are in poor financial shape, and the survival of some will likely depend on their willingness to adopt new business models, state Auditor Adam Edelen said Monday.

Unveiling a nine-month study, Edelen said 15 of the 44 hospitals examined were in "poor financial health," and warned, "Closure may be an unfortunate reality for some."
Rural hospitals in purple declined to make useful financial information available to the auditor's office.
The study did not include 22 of the 66 Kentucky hospitals that are located outside metropolitan areas, which declined to participate or didn't provide the type of information requested. Edelen said those hospitals are mainly privately owned. If they had been included, Kentucky Hospital Association CEO Michael Rust said, the financial picture "would be better, but I don't think they would be substantially different."

Gov. Steve Beshear said the report was "a dated snapshot" because its most recent data was from 2013, before federal health reform was fully implemented. "Conditions are no longer the same," Beshear said in a news release. "Hospitals received more than $506 million in 2014 through new Medicaid expansion payments, while seeing significant reductions in uncompensated care costs.  Those are huge changes to hospitals� bottom lines that are not shown here."

Edelen, who was Beshear's first chief of staff, said the full effect of federal health reform isn't certain. His report noted that Kentucky hospitals have had higher-than-average penalties from Medicare for readmitting patients within 30 days, a newly implemented feature of the law. Forty of the 63 hospitals penalized were rural, and nine of the 39 in the U.S. that got the maximum penalty were in Kentucky.

"This report doesn't speak to causation" by the reform law or the state's relatively new managed-care system for Medicaid, Edelen said, it is "not a rebuke" of either, but provides "a baseline for monitoring" by policymakers at the state and local levels.

The report says that to survive, rural hospitals must adapt to new business models, such as merging with larger hospitals or hiring them as managers, forming coalitions with other rural hospitals, or finding a health-care niche that hasn't been served.

Edelen cited Rockcastle Regional Hospital, which has become a niche provider of ventilator dependent care and the coalition formed by Morehead's St. Claire Regional Medical Center and Highlands Regional Hospital in Paintsville to provide more efficient care, improve patient access and adapt to changes under the reform law.

Adaptations might be a hard pill to swallow for many rural hospitals because they call for yet more change in the rapidly changing health-care landscape of electronic health records, managed care, Medicaid expansion and full implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Edelen said adaptation is important for rural communities, for whom "the importance of rural hospitals cannot be understated. They provide health care to 45 percent of Kentuckians and in every community they serve they act as one of the larger employers, paying a significantly higher wage than the average the community experiences."

He also cited the many small hospitals that have formed relationships with larger networks to relieve the increased administrative burden associated with the three-year-old managed-care system. The report says half the hospitals studied have reported an increase in hours spent on administration.

The report suggested that the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services negotiate better contracts with managed-care organizations, partly to streamline MCO rules and paperwork to reduce the administrative burden. "We are optimistic that the current work of the cabinet to improve those contracts is going to bear real fruit," Edelen said.

The new contracts will start July 1. In an interview, cabinet Secretary Audrey Haynes sounded optimistic about them but said she couldn't give details.

Haynes has been saying since she became secretary three years ago that many hospitals must change the way they do business. She said in an interview that the readmission penalties have forced hospitals to change by providing better discharge planning, and utilizing outpatient services like home health, nursing homes and rehabilitation.

One Kentucky hospital, in Nicholas County, has closed in the last year. Haynes said the cabinet is working with Fulton County, whose hospital is scheduled to close March 31, to explore how to continue providing care at the facility, such as an emergency room or an ambulatory surgical center.

Haynes recommended in the interview that all nonprofit hospitals put audited financial records and their tax returns on their websites and adhere to open-meeting laws.

In a lengthy response, included in the report, Haynes rejected Edelen's suggestion that her cabinet regularly monitor the fiscal strength of rural hospitals. She said in the interview that would pose a conflict of interest, since the cabinet regulates the hospitals.

Edelen's analysis of hospitals' financial health was based on percentage of revenue kept as profit, number of days of cash on hand, debt financing and depreciation. It found that the financial condition of 68 percent of Kentucky�s rural hospitals scored below the national average.

Edelen's office also surveyed rural hospital administrators, held 11 public hearings and met with representatives of all five Medicaid managed-care companies. His report found that:
  • Rural hospitals that were geographically well-positioned, such as Pikeville Medical Center, scored high while geographically-isolated hospitals, like those in Clinton and Wayne counties, scored low. The Clinton County Hospital is in bankruptcy to restructure debt incurred for an expansion and modernization.
  • The Pikeville hospital, formerly Pikeville Methodist, was one of only three judged to be in excellent financial health. The others were critical-access hospitals in Franklin and Morganfield.
  • Critical-access hospitals, which limit their beds, services and patient stays to qualify for federal reimbursement at 101 percent of cost, scored better than regular acute-care hospitals. They accounted for seven of the 14 that were above the national average and thus were rated "good."
  • Fifteen hospitals were rated "fair" and 15 were rated "poor." Westlake Regional Hospital in Columbia, which is in bankruptcy, was at the bottom, far worse than the next highest, St. Joseph Mount Sterling.
  • The number of health-care providers across the state � particularly in rural Kentucky � dropped significantly between 2013 and 2014. The cabinet disputed that finding, based on different measurements.
Here are the rankings (click on the image for a slightly larger version):

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Princess Health andHealth reform law has been good for hospital finances, health-care costs, Obama administration says.Princessiccia

Princess Health andHealth reform law has been good for hospital finances, health-care costs, Obama administration says.Princessiccia

U.S. hospitals have saved billions of dollars because the federal health-reform law has provided coverage for patients who were once charity cases, the Obama administration announced Monday, the fifth anniversary of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

"Hospitals also saw fewer emergency room visits, which rack up far higher costs and often leave hospitals with the tab," Sarah Ferris writes for The Hill, which covers Congress. "The government�s report, which focuses on the benefits of Medicaid expansion, is an effort to entice states that have been politically resistant to expanding the program."

Kentucky hospitals have acknowledged that the law has reduced their losses from "uncompensated care," but say other aspects of the law have created a mixed effect, depending partly on hospitals' ability to adapt. The increase in coverage has brought hospitals much more money, but they say continued problems with managed-care Medicaid have cause them financial difficulty.

From paying patients' point of view, the law appears to have reduced inflation in health-care costs, but has not achieved advocates' goal of reducing costs. A White House report said, "Since the Affordable Care Act was enacted, health care prices have risen at the slowest rate in nearly 50 years. Thanks to exceptionally slow growth in per-person costs throughout our health care system, national health expenditures grew at the slowest rate on record from 2010 through 2013."

For the White House's Kentucky-specific list of benefits of the law, click here.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Princess Health and Princess Health andWellCare of Kentucky removes co-pays for most Medicaid members and offers to pay for GED course for many.Princessiccia

WellCare Health Plans Inc. is improving its Medicaid benefits in Kentucky by removing most members' co-pays and covering the cost of the General Educational Development test and its corresponding coursework for eligible members.

The co-pay and GED benefits will become available on July 1 and continue through the end of the year, except in Medicaid Region 3, comprising 16 Kentucky counties near Louisville. Region 3�s benefits will be determined in fall 2014 to align with its open enrollment. Region 3 is Breckinridge, Bullitt, Carroll, Grayson, Hardin, Henry, Jefferson, LaRue, Marion, Meade, Nelson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, Trimble and Washington counties.

Open enrollment for the rest of the state ends Wednesday, June 18, so WellCare is offering the new benefits as an incentive for Medicaid recipients to switch form other managed-care companies.

All WellCare of Kentucky Medicaid members will have no co-pays except for non-emergency visits to the emergency room and, only in the Louisville region, a $4 co-pay for preferred-brand medications.

Recipients  of the GED benefits must be at least 16 years old, must not be currently enrolled in high school, cannot be graduates from an accredited high school and cannot have received a high school equivalency certificate or diploma. Members need to complete the required GED coursework at an adult testing center.

For more information about these and other WellCare Medicaid benefits in Kentucky, please visit or call 1-877-389-9457.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Princess Health and Princess Health andMost Kentucky Medicaid members are allowed to switch managed-care organizations until June 18.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Princess Health andMost Kentucky Medicaid members are allowed to switch managed-care organizations until June 18.Princessiccia

Kentucky citizens with traditional Medicaid coverage may switch to a different managed-care organization (MCO) until June 18, Kentucky Voices for Health Board Chair Sheila Schuster notes in a press release.

The option is open to traditional Medicaid members enrolled with Coventry/MH Net or WellCare, except those in Region 3 (Jefferson and 15 area counties). Switching is voluntary. If members take advantage of the option, coverage with any new MCO will start July 1.

Until June 18 eligible Medicaid members can switch to Humana-CareSource, Passport Health Plan, Anthem Health Plans, CoventryCares/MH Net or WellCare. To learn details about each of the MCOs call 1-855-446-1245 or click here or here.

Eligible members can change MCOs by calling 1-855-446-1245 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EDT and speaking with a Medicaid member representative. They should be prepared to give the birthdate and Social Security number of each person listed on their letter from Kentucky Medicaid. (Read more)

Monday, 3 June 2013

Princess Health and State officials tell health-care providers to meet with managed-care companies to get paid, say new system is improving health.Princessiccia

By Molly Burchett and Al Cross
Kentucky Health News

At the latest in a series of forums on Medicaid managed care, state officials said the new system has improved the quality of care, but you could cut the tension with a scalpel in the packed auditorium at the University of Kentucky as they fielded complaints and questions and urged the providers to work out the problems with managed-care companies themselves.

Gov. Steve Beshear and the Cabinet for Health and Family Services say the forums are designed to improve relations between providers and the managed-care organizations, but reactions from capacity crowd of health care providers and staff -- reactions that included a roomful of laughter about the MCOs' low count of transferred phone calls from providers -- suggested that the state�s solutions to providers' problems with the companies aren�t quite the solutions sought by providers.

Kentucky's transition to Medicaid managed care

In 2011, Kentucky was faced by spiraling Medicaid costs that gave the state two options: cut reimbursement rates to providers by a third or moving from a fee-for-service model to a managed- care system, in which MCOs get a specified fee for each patient they manage and use the money to pay providers, said Lawrence Kissner, commissioner of the Department for Medicaid Services.

The change is driving improvements in health for Medicaid clients while saving the state money, said Kissner: It has increased well-child visits for children aged 3-6 from 2 percent to 53 percent, has increased diabetes testing from 6 percent to 59 percent, and has improved adult access to preventative and ambulatory health services.

MCOs also have numerous quality initiatives underway, said Kissner, including one in improving anti-depressant medication management and compliance.  One company, Wellcare, has worked to improve oral health through a campaign that offered $10 gift cards for dental visits, but no one hears about this, he said.

What we've heard are complaints from physicians, hospitals, pharmacies and other health-care providers who aren�t getting some claims paid in a timely manner, or at all. Providers say manage care's complicated pre-approval process, designed to limit costs, delays critical treatment for patients and adds unsustainable administrative burdens.

Read more here:
State officials' response: meet with the MCOs

Kissner said the new system denies 6 percent of providers' requests for pre-authorization, compared to the fee-for-service model that only denied 1 percent of such requests, but he says that's about the same as other states that use managed care.

About 20 percent of providers' claims have either been denied or suspended. In the first 14 months of managed care, 22 million of the 28.3 million claims, or 78 percent, were paid within 30 days. Kissner said 4.9 million (17 percent) were denied in 30 days and 1.2 million (4 percent) were suspended; he did not mention  the monetary amount of the denied or suspended claims.
Kissner speaks to crowd at UK; Cabinet Secretary Audrey Haynes looks on from first front-row seat.
When an audience member questioned the lack of payment for hospice services, Cabinet Secretary Audrey Haynes replied, �There are some providers around the state that have been quite vocal about how much we owe them, but when there�s been an attempt to sit down and work it out with them, they will not make an appointment.� She said it is a provider�s responsibility to reach out to MCOs about the payments they are owed.

�It is about you going to each one of them and setting an appointment for them to work out with them you�re accounts receivable," Haynes said. �If you really want to get paid and if you are really owed, and I believe most of you are, then let�s get an appointment set� with the MCO.

�We want this worked out,� said Haynes. �The time has come and gone for us to still be having problem getting payment if your contract says you deserve payment. These folks know they are on the hook. Let's all work together to get it fixed.

Meetings with MCOs are part of the plan Beshear outlined after vetoing House Bill 5, which the last session of the General Assembly passed to help providers receive prompt payments from MCOs. The plan also requires the state Department of Insurance to investigate payment complaints and to conduct audits of this process. The department began this work in April and says it does not yet have statistics about 'clean claim' approval rates.

However, audits by the state's managed-care branch have shown Kentucky Spirit and Coventry Cares to be deficient in their financial management, and the state has implemented "corrective action plans" to address those deficiencies, said Kissner.
Providers' response to dispute-resolution plan

It may be an unwelcome change for providers as they now may have to set up consultations with MCOs to receive the money owed to them. They may ask: How many other business-to-business contracts require the service provider to meet face-to-face with the payor in order for the provider to be paid for contracted services that have already been provided? They argue that delayed payments and fee cuts could stretch medical practices and hospitals so thin that those needing care might be at more risk.

One provider in the audience addressed this concern, asking how general dentists are supposed to continue giving high-quality care to all patients if their fees are getting cut, but our expenses are going up? None of the officials on the panel answered the question.

Another audience member asked about provider fee cuts, and after the microphone was passed around to Kissner, he said the reductions are a part of the transition process to managed care, which was initiated to avoid a 35 percent Medicaid rate cut.

"When managed care enters into a a fee-for service environment, there's savings in a variety of pockets," Kissner said. "How do they control costs and try to make a profit in the system?"

The forum wrapped up with question from another skeptical audience member: Will this really make a difference?

"Well, you tell me, said Haynes. "And I'm sorry for those of you that feel like it will not make a difference because everyone in this room would have seen a 35 percent cuts in your rate, in all rates, had we not gone to managed care.  Not only that, our folks were not getting healthier, and we have proof of that." In her opening remarks, she said the state has spent billions of dollars on health care for the poor without seeing an improvement in the state's health status, so a different approach was needed.

Future forums

Kissner said the forums between the MCOs and providers are expected to resolve disputes by January, the deadline given to the cabinet by Rep. Bob Damron, D-Nicholasville, during a meeting of the joint Administrative Regulations Review Subcommittee. Damron and other legislators have "vowed to lead a legislative revolt" if the administration doesn't fix these late payment issues between providers and MCOs by then, reports Ronnie Ellis of CNHI News Service.

All the managed-care forums follow the same agenda, which can be found along with additional information at the Medicaid website. The dates and locations of the remaining forums are:
  • Region 2, June 20: Main Lodge, Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park (20781 Pennyrile Lodge   Road., Dawson Springs) 
  • Region 3, June 24: Kent School of Social Work, University of Louisville Shelby Campus (312 N. Whittington Pkwy., Louisville) 
  • Region 4, June 26: VP Henry Auditorium, Lindsey Wilson College (210 Lindsey Wilson St., Columbia) 
  • Region 6, June 27: Student Union Building, Northern Kentucky University (20 Kenton Drive, Highland Heights) 
  • Region 1, July 15: Curris Center, Murray State University (102 Curris Center, Murray) 
Princess Health and Kentucky Spirit can't terminate its Medicaid contract with the state a year early without facing fines, judge rules.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Kentucky Spirit can't terminate its Medicaid contract with the state a year early without facing fines, judge rules.Princessiccia

By Molly Burchett
Kentucky Health News

A Frankfort circuit judge ruled Friday that Kentucky Spirit, one of three companies hired by the state in November 2011 to manage health care for more than 540,000 Medicaid recipients, cannot pull out of its contract with the state a year early with no financial penalty.

Kentucky Spirit, a subsidiary of St. Louis-based Centene Corp., announced in October 2012 that it was pulling out of Kentucky's managed-care system because it was losing money, but the company could face fines if it terminates its three-year contract before expiration in July 2014, Franklin Circuit Judge Thomas Wingate said in his ruling.

Kentucky Spirit argued in its lawsuit that the state rushed to privatize Medicaid in 2011 and provided incorrect cost information to the bidders, causing the firm to lose about $120 million. It made the lowest bid, and on average, gets about $100 less per month for each patient than the other two MCOs, Coventry Cares and WellCare.

The Cabinet for Health and Family Services replied that Kentucky Spirit had breached its contract with the state. Wingate said it had not, because it gave notice of early termination, but it will be subject to fines if it pulls out of the state before July 2014, reports Beth Musgrave of the Lexington Herald-Leader.

Kentucky Spirit had argued that its contract allows it to to be terminated with six months notice. The six-month provision could only be interpreted to mean six months prior to the end of the three-year contract, said Wingate, because there has to be enough time for the state to move hundreds of thousands of Medicaid patients from Kentucky Spirit to another managed-care provider.

Jill Midkiff, a spokeswoman for the cabinet, told Musgrave that state officials were thrilled with Wingate's decision. "The cabinet's priorities are the members who receive health care through Medicaid and the taxpayers who pay for the program," she told Musgrave. "This is the right decision for both."

Friday's decision came three days after another Franklin Circuit Court judge ruled that Kentucky Spirit must reimburse health departments for services provided by school nurses to Medicaid-eligible children, which is estimated include about $8 million in back payments.

Centene officials say they are considering options for both cases, which include appeals.

Kentucky Spirit's legal battles are part of ongoing tensions between health-care providers and managed-care companies, and providers have repeatedly complained that the companies are delaying payments for services. The cabinet is hosting a series of forums across the state designed to help providers resolve such issues with the managed care companies.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Princess Health and Judge orders Medicaid managed-care firm to pay for school health services, including $8 million in claims; appeal possible.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Judge orders Medicaid managed-care firm to pay for school health services, including $8 million in claims; appeal possible.Princessiccia

Medicaid managed care company Kentucky Spirit must cover preventive care services provided by local health departments in schools, a judge has ruled.

Circuit Judge Phillip Shepherd of Frankfort said the company must pay $8 million for the services already provided by school nurses, which would be only .07 percent of its estimated profit for 2013, according to the updated earnings report of Centene Corp. of St. Louis, the parent company for Kentucky Spirit. The company is the only one of the five managed care organizations in Kentucky  that had disputed the coverage of school health services.

Kentucky Spirit stopped providing coverage for school health services last summer, saying its state contract didn't require payment for such services,but Shepherd noted that the state reimbursed health departments for school services before it transitioned to managed care, reports Tom Loftus of The Courier-Journal. �Kentucky Spirit is not free to disregard this longstanding interpretation of Medicaid eligibility and unilaterally re-interpret these to the detriment of local health departments,� Shepherd wrote.

Health departments and school districts will now find some relief because many school nurse programs were threatened by cutbacks and closings as a result of Kentucky Spirits failure to pay for services. �It�s great news because there have been dozens of districts that have had to either say they are going to cut back on nurses, or that they are going to close clinics, or that they are going to dip into their reserves to try to cover the additional costs,� Kentucky School Boards Association spokesman Brad Hughes told Loftus.

Gov. Steve Beshear said Kentucky Spirit had �sought a loophole� in its contract to avoid paying for school health services covered by Medicaid, writes Loftus. Centene released a statement later Tuesday saying that the company is reviewing options and considering an appeal.

This isn't the only payment Centene is trying to avoid. A ruling is expected soon in a lawsuit the company filed against the state last year seeking to end its contract a year early, saying the state rushed to privatize Medicaid in 2011 and provided incorrect cost information to the bidders, causing the firm to lose about $120 million.

Appalachian Regional Healthcare, the largest health-care system in Eastern Kentucky, filed suit in April of this year against Kentucky Spirit for $5.9 million in unpaid claims. This suit is still pending, and was filed just before Centene raised its full-year forecast for premium and service revenue to $10.1 billion to $10.4 billion, Reuters reports.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Princess Health and Beshear vetoes prompt-pay bill but takes several steps to address problems in Medicaid; he and Haynes say it's working.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Beshear vetoes prompt-pay bill but takes several steps to address problems in Medicaid; he and Haynes say it's working.Princessiccia

Gov. Steve Beshear has vetoed the bill designed to make Medicaid managed-care firms pay health-care providers more quickly, but is taking administrative steps to address the issue.

Beshear said he agreed with the intent of House Bill 5 but it might have interfered with the contractual relationship between the state and the four managed-care companies. The bill would have subjected that relationship to the state Department of Insurance's review and investigation process for private-insurance payment complaints. 

"That language would have resulted in excessive costs for state government and taxpayers due to the expansion of the review process beyond the current parameters used for private insurance," Beshear's office said in a press release.

Instead, Beshear ordered the department to take over responsibility for review of prompt-payment complaints from the Department for Medicaid Services. "If improper payment practices are discovered, DOI can impose sanctions," the release said. He also ordered the department to audit each of the managed-care firms operating statewide � Wellcare, Coventry Cares, and Kentucky Spirit � at their cost.

Meanwhile, the firms have agreed to meet with every hospital they have under contract to reconcile outstanding accounts.  "This effort will begin immediately and continue until every hospital�s accounts receivable has been reconciled," the release said.  "The results will . . . be made public, in order to provide transparency and accountability." The firms have  agreed to meet with any other provider who wants a meeting.

Also, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services will hold eight regional forums for providers, managed-care firms, and Insurance Department representatives to discuss concerns and how to improve the system. Part of this effort will focus on "emergency room management that meets community needs without an ER operating as a de facto primary-care office," the release said. "A key component of controlling costs and improving health in a healthcare system is to provide the right treatment in the most cost-effective setting."

CHFS Secretary Audrey Tayse Haynes said the switch to managed care, made in November 2011, is working. �We are already seeing a tremendous increase in the use of preventive services, which improve health-care outcomes, while also reducing the enormous costs for treating chronic health conditions� such as diabetes-related amputations, she said.

Beshear said his plan would solve "lingering implementation problems" with managed care "while preserving the significant improvements in patient care and health care cost savings."

"Getting our people healthy and keeping them that way is not just good health policy, it�s good economics," Beshear said. "That�s why we will never return to the old fee-for-service system.  This is a significant cultural shift in medical care that has already happened across the country in both the private insurance market and in the Medicaid system."

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Princess Health and Will Kentucky expand Medicaid, and if so, how?.Princessiccia

By Molly Burchett
Kentucky Health News

Kentucky is one of the last states to decide whether to expand Medicaid under federal health reform, and now that the General Assembly has gone home, Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear can turn his attention to the many questions that linger. Some Republican legislators think he will expand the program, but they worry about the cost when the state would have to start helping cover the new expenses, beginning in 2017.

Republican Gov. Bill Haslam of Tennessee decided Wednesday that he will not pursue Medicaid expansion, saying that it could put hospitals in financial jeopardy by giving them more patients on which they lose money, reports Michelle Kaske of Bloomberg. If he is right and the same logic applies to Kentucky, Medicaid expansion in the state could harm the rural hospitals and providers -- some of whom are already squeezed by the issues with the new managed-care system.

Along with Kentucky, 10 other states are undecided about Medicaid expansion: Alaska, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, New York, Oregon, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming. The map by The Advisory Board Company shows the lay of the land; for an interactive picture that outlines the research behind the map, click here.?????
Red=Not participating; Pink=Leaning toward not participating;
Gray=Undecided; Blue=Participating; Light Blue=Leaning toward participating
Only three states with Democratic governors are undecided; 18 Republican governors have rejected expansion. Kentucky is shown as leaning for it because Beshear has repeatedly said that he will expand Medicaid if the state can afford it. He has also mentioned that the state can reserve the right to pull out of the deal in 2017, when it must paying 3 percent of the cost of covering the newly insured, reaching 10 percent in 2020. Still, the questions about cost and affordability remain, and Beshear could be considering another option.

Tennessee has joined Ohio and Arkansas in negotiating with the Obama administration over plans to use federal Medicaid money to purchase private insurance for those who can't afford it but don't qualify for Medicaid now. However, Haslam's plan has been held up because the administration placed too many conditions on the money, writes Kaske. Republicans in other states, including Florida, Louisiana, Pennsylvania and Texas, have expressed interest in this option since Gov. Mike Beebe of Arkansas, a Democrat, ignited the wildfire of creating a hybrid of the two alternatives, reports Robert Pear of The New York Times.

The idea of privatizing Medicaid expansion appeals to many doctors and hospitals because they typically receive higher payments from commercial insurance than from Medicaid. However, many Kentucky hospitals and providers are concerned about the managed-care program that is run by three private organizations, and are calling for immediate action. Beshear has not said whether he will sign or veto a bill that would subject the managed-care firms to the prompt-payments and dispute-resolution rules of the state Department of Insurance.

"Action is needed to address the problems that patients and hospitals are experiencing with Medicaid managed care and to make the system work properly," wrote Harold "Bud" Warman, chair of the Kentucky Hospital Association, and Charles Lovell, chair-elect of the association, in a recent Herald-Leader article that laid out the various problems with the system. "And with the possibility that Medicaid will be expanded in Kentucky to include an additional 350,000 people, it is critical that these issues be addressed right away to avoid even greater problems in the future."

Either using federal dollars to buy private insurance in order to cover newly qualified individuals (the hybrid plan) under the health law's expansion  or expanding in the "traditional" way will not change the current managed care structure of Medicaid in Kentucky. Yet, it would mean that 350,000 more Kentuckians would be covered under managed care; Medicaid would cover those earning up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level, currently up to $15,856 a year for an individual.

The money that the federal government offers for expansion is very tempting. The question then may be, how will it be used?

Kentucky Health News is an independent news service of the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues at the University of Kentucky, with support from the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Princess Health and Senate sends bill for prompt payment by managed-care firms to Beshear, who won't say whether he will sign or veto it.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Senate sends bill for prompt payment by managed-care firms to Beshear, who won't say whether he will sign or veto it.Princessiccia

A bill aimed at resolving payment disputes between medical providers and Medicaid managed-care companies passed unanimously Monday in the Senate, and has been sent to Gov. Steve Beshear for his consideration.

House Bill 5, sponsored by House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg, would apply existing prompt-payment laws to managed-care firms and would set up an appeal process in the Department of Insurance to handle disputes between them and medical providers. Those claims are now handled by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, which administers Medicaid and has had some problems with the bill.

Hospitals, doctors and other health-care providers have complained that the cabinet is not resolving their payment disputes with managed-care firms, putting many rural hospitals, clinics and health departments in serious financial binds.  Mental health centers have also reported cutting back services.

Asked last night what he would do with the bill, Beshear said the cabinet "has worked with the managed-care organizations and health-care providers to reduce problems during the change, and many concerns have been addressed.  However, I recognize that some issues persist.  I will review this bill carefully.�

Beshear has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to decide whether to veto the bill, sign it into law or allow it to become law without his signature. Stumbo said that if bill is vetoed it would likely be House Bill 1 in the 2014 session, reports Jessie Halladay of The Courier-Journal. The bill is a top priority for many health-care providers.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Princess Health and State Auditor Edelen says state must fix managed-care issues that have put rural hospitals and providers on brink of survival.Princessiccia

Princess Health and State Auditor Edelen says state must fix managed-care issues that have put rural hospitals and providers on brink of survival.Princessiccia

State Auditor Adam Edelen said last week that shoring up the financial base for rural hospitals in Kentucky is the number one challenge to the state's Medicaid managed-care system.

The managed-care system has left rural hospitals at a tipping point that determines whether or not they will survive, which is deeply disconcerting when considering access to quality health care for Kentuckians in rural areas, Edelen said in a cn|2 "Pure Politics" interview. The state has a significant rural population, and "you can't overstate the importance of these rural hospitals," he said.

Hiring private companies to manage Medicaid has helped Kentucky slow cost increases in the $6 billion program, but the system has serious structural issues, and hospitals, doctors, dentists and other providers say the managed-care organizations (MCOs) are not paying them for treating Medicaid patients, Jacqueline Pitts of cn|2 reported.

There are many stories "about providers who have submitted claims and all of sudden, these MCOs change the rules, and so these claims are deemed unclear or improper and they are sent back," House Speaker Greg Stumbo said.

Edelen said the problem is that there is no consistent oversight in the claims process from the cabinet, and there is no opportunity for the provider to respond. "Right now we have our providers up against such a wall that the choice is to do one of two things," he said. "It's either to opt out of Medicaid, which is not something we want to do considering we have one of the largest percentage of population on Medicaid anywhere in the country, or go to the courts," which is inefficient and expensive.

�You have good people in the cabinet trying to manage it, you�ve got providers that are just trying to provide services to people, but we�ve got to have a better system of oversight and accountability because if that happen and we begin to lose hospitals in rural Kentucky then we have significantly reduced the level of quality of life for the people of Kentucky,� Edelen said.

Fixing the system for those hospitals and doctors is what is so important to the state as a whole, he said. He said the state and MCOs have had enough time to work out glitches with doctors and hospitals, and they must make some substantial changes before medical care for Kentucky�s neediest suffers any more.

Princess Health and Managed care, pension payments causing problems for community mental health centers; Edelen, C-J call for changes.Princessiccia

"Kentucky mental health centers are cutting back services and struggling to assist patients the first time they�re admitted because of ongoing struggles with Medicaid managed care," Don Weber reports for cn|2. "At the same time, they�re losing out on federal grants because of red flags caused by their administration costs being inflated by increasing contributions to the public pension system."

NorthKey Community Care Mental Health Center in Northern Kentucky, which serves eight counties, had to close its adult day-treatment programs for the seriously mentally ill. Dr. Owen Nichols, the president and CEO, told Weber, �I get calls periodically from elderly parents in the community wanting help with their adult child that suffers from schizophrenia because they�re now wandering the streets, having some difficulties with local authorities.�

A recent editorial in The Courier-Journal addresses Kentucky's need for better mental health treatment, saying that Kentucky has "an underfunded, fragmented and now �thanks mostly to Medicaid managed care �hopelessly complicated system of mental health care."

The editorial notes last week's C-J articles in which reporters Laura Ungar and Chris Kenning uncovered the problems families face when navigating a fragmented mental-health system while trying to provide appropriate treatment for a loved one suffering form a severe mental illness, in addition to the "F" grade Kentucky received for its poor mental-health funding.

The editorial also describes how structural issues with managed care, which began in November 2011, have complicated the state's mental-health system. It notes the community mental-health centers asked to be left out of managed care, "pointing out they already operate efficiently and amount to only about 3 percent of the state�s $6 billion a year Medicaid program."

In addition, the editorial notes, "State Auditor Adam Edelen recommended the Cabinet for Health and Family Services take mental health out of managed care and let the state resume running it." Against his advice and the requests of community mental-health centers, the state expanded managed care of mental health. Now some haven�t been paid for Medicaid services since January, when managed care took effect, the editorial says.

"The nightmare needs to end for the many Kentuckians who need basic mental health services," says the editorial. "It�s time for the state to fully explore this system and, if folks are serious about improving it, fix the problems and find the money to fund it." (Read more)

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Princess Health and Legislature eases physician assistant rules; nurse practitioners' prescription power, Medicaid prompt-payment bills, others linger.Princessiccia

By Molly Burchett and Al Cross
Kentucky Health News

The Kentucky General Assembly has joined other states in easing the restrictions on physician assistants� medical practice, but has held up a similar move for advanced registered nurse practitioners. Both issues relate to the shortage of medical practitioners in many Kentucky counties, and the quality of medical care.

The Senate added the physician assistant language of Senate Bill 43 to House Bill 104, an art-therapy bill, in order to preserve an agreement between the Kentucky Medical Association and the Kentucky Academy of Physician Assistants. It will repeal the law that bans PAs from practicing for their first 18 months unless a physician is on site; one will still have to be available by telephone. The amended bill has been sent to Gov. Steve Beshear for his signature or veto.

The amendment was used because the House had tacked onto SB 43 an amendment from advance practice registered nurses that would have repealed the need for them to have a collaborative agreement with a physicians to prescribe non-narcotic drugs. The KMA opposes that idea.

"It's looking like the doctors win," said Sen. Julie Denton, R-Louisville, who favors the repeal. "I'm not hopeful" it can pass, she said, but added that some physicians also favor it: "With Obamacare coming in, we're going to need all the front-line physicians we can get." Leading opponents of the measure, Republicans Katie Stine of Fort Thomas and Carroll Gibson of Leitchfield, didn't return a call seeking comment.

Nurse practitioners say that SB 43 is necessary to allow them to fill health-care gaps in rural Kentucky and address the state's shortage of primary-care providers. The Kentucky Coalition of Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Midwives says in an article prepared for Kentucky newspapers that NPs have never been required to practice under physician supervision and 17 states allow full prescribing authority for non-scheduled medications.

The Medicaid prompt-payment bill, HB 5, went to a conference committee after the House refused to go along with Senate changes, and may be considered when the legislature returns later this month, ostensibly to consider any bills Beshear vetoes. The bill would apply prompt-payment laws to managed-care organizations and would move Medicaid late-payment complaints to the insurance department; those are now handled by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, which administers Medicaid.

In the final crunch to pass legislation before the veto recess, lawmakers attached seven health care-related bills to HB 366, which had focused on identifying congenital heart disease in newborns. It had 10 additional measures "hung on it like a Christmas tree before the free conference committee of House and Senate members," reports Ryan Alessi of cn|2's "Pure Politics."

The bills still hanging on the measure, dubbed the "healthy Christmas tree," are:
  • HB 187, addressing a free prescription-drug program for under-insured Kentuckians.
  • HB 79, which would exempt licensed health care providers from being disciplined for prescribing naloxone in the event of an overdose.
  • HB 387, which aims to provide nutritional supplements for low-birth-weight newborns.
  • SB 201, which addresses licensed diabetes educators.
  • SB 38, to require Medicaid to accept provider credentialing by a Medicaid managed-care organization.
  • SB 108, relating to managed-care contracts with the IMPACT Plus program, a behavioral health program for children.
Kentucky Health News is an independent news service of the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues at the University of Kentucky, with support from the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Princess Health and House sends Senate pill-mill and Medicaid managed-care fixes.Princessiccia

Princess Health and House sends Senate pill-mill and Medicaid managed-care fixes.Princessiccia

The state House yesterday approved without dissent two bills aimed at improving Kentucky's health care.

House Bill 217 addresses some "unintended consequences" of last year's "pill mill bill" by easing some of the bills regualtions. The bill also tightens restricitions on prescription drugs, reports Ryan Alessi of cn|2.

The other measure, House Bill 5, deals with payment problems of the Medicaid managed care system. Itl would apply the prompt-payment laws to managed-care organizations and would move Medicaid late-payment complaints and disputes to the insurance department; those are now handled by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, which administers Medicaid.

Both bills are expected to see action in the Senate.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Princess Health and Bill to make Medicaid managed-care firms pay up, and more promptly, nears final form in House and will get attention in Senate.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Bill to make Medicaid managed-care firms pay up, and more promptly, nears final form in House and will get attention in Senate.Princessiccia

By Molly Burchett and Al Cross
Kentucky Health News

The complaints by many health-care providers about Medicare managed-care firms' delay or denial of payment claims appears to be generating a bipartisan solution in the General Assembly. A bill on the House floor that would transfer late-payment complaints to the state Department of Insurance, which enforces Kentucky's prompt-payment laws, appears to have support in the Senate.

House Bill 5 would apply the prompt-payment laws to managed-care organizations and would move Medicaid late-payment complaints to the insurance department; those are now handled by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, which administers Medicaid.

Hospitals, doctors and other health care providers have complained that the cabinet is not resolving their payment disputes with managed-care firms. The bill cleared the House Health and Welfare Committee Feb. 21 and is awaiting a vote on the House floor. The bill is sponsored by House Speaker Greg Stumbo.

Sen. Julie Denton, chair of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee, told Kenny Colston of Kentucky Public Radio that she plans to give the bill a hearing and supports its intent to make managed care organizations pay providers. "I think anything we can do to have more oversight and more assistance in keeping them in compliance with their contracts is a welcome breath of fresh air," she said.

Senate President Robert Stivers said he has concerns about the bill affecting the MCOs contracts with the state. But he said his chamber will take a look at the bill, Colston reports. The cabinet has had the same concerns, and some other objections that are to be addressed by House floor amendments.

Kentucky providers report being burdened by a lack of or delayed payments from the new managed-care system. Kentuckians have called for immediate action by state government to help fix these issues on behalf of providers and patients, which has prompted this bipartisan legislative response.

Kentucky Health News is an independent news service of the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues at the University of Kentucky, with support from the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.