Showing posts with label Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Princess Health and  Medicaid stakeholders OK with healthy behavior incentives, oppose penalizing recipients who don't take part in cost sharing. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Medicaid stakeholders OK with healthy behavior incentives, oppose penalizing recipients who don't take part in cost sharing. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick and Al Cross
Kentucky Health News

Groups of people concerned about changes in Kentucky's Medicaid program are open to the state offering incentives for healthy behaviors, but they don't want to penalize recipients who can't or won't pay premiums, deductibles or co-payments.

So reports the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, which convened a meeting May 12 to hear from people with stakes in the program: individual health-care providers, health systems, consumers, consumer advocates, payers, public-health professionals and representatives of higher education.

�Participants were unified in opposing penalties to enforce cost-sharing provisions� such as premiums, deductibles or co-payments, the foundation's consultant said in a report on the meeting.

However, they supported cost sharing for procedures not deemed medically necessary and �had diverse perspectives on this matter, ranging from opposing any cost-sharing in Medicaid to proposing specific premium and co-payment amounts,� such as $5 monthly premiums.

Also, �Participants were generally very supportive of implementing incentives for healthy behaviors such as smoking cessation and health risk assessments,� the report said. �Incentives might be reductions in the amount of cost-sharing or themselves supportive of healthy behavior,� such as gym membership.

Gov. Matt Bevin has said he wants Medicaid recipients to have "skin in the game" through cost-sharing, arguing that Kentucky can't afford to have more than a fourth of its population getting free medical care.

Under federal health reform, then-Gov, Steve Beshear expanded Medicaid eligibility to households with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level, adding more than 400,000 more people to the rolls. The federal government pays for the expansion through this year, but next year the state will be responsible for 5 percent, rising in annual steps to the reform law's limit of 10 percent in 2020.

Bevin's administration is working on getting a waiver from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to create new ways to cover those in the expansion. Six states have such waivers, including Indiana, which Bevin has cited as an example of how Kentucky might change its program.

In Indiana, recipients who pay premiums based on income levels, ranging from $1 a month to 2 percent of income ($27 a month for those at 138 percent of poverty) get expanded benefits and are charged co-payments only for non-emergency use of emergency rooms, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Those above the poverty level who fail to pay are disenrolled and barred from re-enrolling for six months, in what is known as a "lock-out" rule.

Bevin has indicated that he wants to announce his plan this summer. By law, states that seek a waiver must hold at least two public hearings: one at least 20 days before submitting the application to CMS, and the second after CMS accepts the application.

Stakeholders who attended the foundation's May 12 convening wanted to make sure their voices were heard early on in the process.

"Our goal is to help inform the process of changing the way Kentucky provides Medicaid services to ensure that we maintain the gains achieved under the Affordable Care Act, while also enabling the state to try new methods of ensuring access to affordable quality health care for Medicaid beneficiaries," Foundation President and CEO Susan Zepeda said in a news release.

"The biggest takeaway for me was the energy and commitment in the room," Zepeda said in a telephone interview. "A lot of thoughtfulness clearly went into sharing their experience and making suggestions on how to make the system more cost effective."

Before breaking into groups to offer their imput, stakeholders were given an overview of the state's Medicaid expansion and an overview of an issue brief created by the State Health Access Data Assistance Center at the University of Minnesota that looked at how waiver provisions are set up in five other states. Foundation staff wrote the 25-page "Stakeholder Input Report" that summarized suggestions and concerns and broke them into eight areas:

Cost-sharing and penalties: Health-care providers strongly opposed any cost-sharing, and uniformly opposed to any measure that involved "lock-out" penalties for failure to pay premiums, co-pays or deductibles.

"Our shared experience has been that we�ve been prohibited from denying care if a patient refuses or is unable to pay," the Physical and Oral Health Provider group said. "Therefore, the desired behavior isn�t actually enforced."

The Behavioral Health Provider group offered a compromise: �If the administration chooses to explore lock-outs we recommend that lock-outs be immediately lifted (upon payment) and payment be retroactive to the date the consumer re-enrolls.�

Participants in general were open to the idea of low co-payments, cost-sharing for non-medically necessary services, using Medicaid dollars to pay premiums for employer-sponsored insurance plans and charging co-payments for non-emergency use of the ER. They also agreed that certain groups, like those with chronic illnesses or disabilities, should be exempted.

Incentives: Most post-ACA waiver programs have implemented incentives for healthy behavior, and those at the meeting generally supported implementing evidence-based incentives, such as smoking cessation and health-risk assessments.

Zepeda said that most of the stakeholders wanted to see healthy behavior incentives used as credits against premiums, especially for recipients who can't afford them. "There is a recognition that people have a role to play in their own health care and the health decisions that they make," she said.

Benefits: Benefits include services covered under the health insurance plan. Some participants opposed any changes to current benefits; others wanted to expand existing benefits and still others suggested adding new benefits like housing. All agreed that medically necessary services should be covered for all enrollees.

Reimbursement: Kentucky shifted Medicaid in 2011 to managed care, in which managed-care organizations (usually insurance-company subsidiaries) are paid a flat fee per person as an incentive to limit claims. Providers have complained about the slow and low reimbursement, and participant suggestions included streamlining and accelerating the reimbursement process, increasing provider reimbursement rates, and adding new categories of reimbursed services and providers, like telehealth.

Systems improvement: Participants suggested simplifying administrative processes for providers; expanding providers' scope of practice; adding review panels; reducing the number of managed-care organizations; and creating a single list of drugs for all MCOs.

Health system transformation: Waivers allow states to explore ways to provide care differently through various transformation approaches. Suggestions included creating price transparency, through an all-payer, all-claims database; improving consumer health literacy; and moving beyond coverage issues to addressing access and quality.

�There was also interest among our group in examining a PCMH (patient-centered medical home) or health homes model to promote care coordination, and we feel strongly that pharmacists are essential part of the team and should be used in novel and more expansive ways,� the Colleges and Universities group said.

Evaluation: Waivers require states to perform an evaluation and make it public. Participants agreed that the process should include stakeholders and that findings should be made public periodically.

The Physical and Oral Health Provider group suggested the evaluation should answer the questions, �Have we maintained coverage levels? Have we improved access to care?�

Overarching themes: Many of the stakeholders mentioned two issues that were not included in the issue brief or discussion: integrating behavioral, physical and oral health services, and addressing the wide set of social factors that shape Kentucky's relatively poor health.

�Waivers should include methods to address social determinants of health as these areas are proving most effective in improving outcomes and reducing cost,� the Physical and Oral Health Provider group said. �We encourage inclusion of community health workers, peer support, medical respite care and other innovations to support social needs of patients.�

Zepeda said the Medicaid waiver drafting team faces many challenges. "We consider the rich conversation that happened on May 12 to be the start of the conversation," she said. "We have to find the cost effective win/win strategies that can reduce the cost of Medicaid going forward and let us continue to serve this expanded number of Kentuckians who now have health insurance."

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Princess Health and Many Americans, including those on Obamacare plans, can't afford their health-insurance deductibles, studies show. Princessiccia

The United States has entered the era of high out-of-pocket medical cost as a way to keep insurance premiums low, but recent studies have found that many Americans are having trouble paying them, and the presidential candidates are hardly talking about this issue, Harris Meyer reports for Modern Healthcare.

Graph: Urban Institue's Health Reform Monitoring Survey
Nearly 25 percent of Americans surveyed last September who had coverage through employer plans, the Affordable Care Act, or individual plans outside health-insurance exchanges reported problems paying family medical bills in the previous 12 months, according to the Urban Institute's Health Reform Monitoring Survey. That compared with 16 percent of people on Medicaid and 27.8 percent of the uninsured.

The Kaiser Family Foundation also found that people on Medicaid or policies bought through the federal or state exchanges, also called marketplaces, couldn't afford their deductibles. This 2016 focus group study of 91 low-income Medicaid and exchange-plan enrollees in six cities found that "all reported that they had trouble affording some aspect of their current coverage, including premiums, deductibles, and/or co-payments." It also found that "nearly all marketplace participants" said they had received unexpected bills for services they thought were covered, and fear of this often led them to forgo care.

The latest Kentucky Health Issues Poll found that affordability is also a problem in Kentucky, with 28 percent of Kentucky households having at least one person who reported struggling to pay their medical bills in the previous 12 months. This rate was about the same as in 2014 and didn't vary much between those with insurance or without insurance.  In addition, the poll found that 20 percent of Kentucky households did not get the medical care they needed, or delayed care because of cost in the past 12 months.

This lack of affordability also affects health-care providers. Meyer reports that the chief financial officer for Community Health System told analysts at the first-quarter earnings report meeting that the fourth quarter of 2016 will be his company's best quarter, because patients will have hit their insurance deductibles and only then be able to afford needed care at their facilities.

�As individuals take on high deductibles and higher co-pays, they are essentially taking on insurance risk they can't necessarily afford,� Trevor Fetter, CEO of Tenet Healthcare Corp., told Meyer. Fetter told Meyer that his company now focuses on helping patients understand how to pay their bills, "including pressing for cash payments at the point of service."

What are the presidential candidates saying?

Meyers writes that Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton offers the most help for those who can't afford their high deductible. She says she "would require health plans to: cover three annual visits to a doctor for illness without applying the deductible; give insured people a $5,000-per-family refundable tax credit for out-of-pocket costs exceeding 5 percent of their income; cap out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs; bar providers and insurers from charging patients out-of-network bills for services received at an in-network hospital; and strengthen states' authority to block excessive insurance premium increases."

"Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Clinton's Democratic opponent, wants to eliminate premiums and cost-sharing entirely by establishing a tax-funded, government single-payer insurance program covering the full range of healthcare services, including long-term care," Meyer writes.

"Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, has released a seven-point health policy agenda that doesn't directly address out-of-pocket costs. It would offer households a tax deduction for buying coverage, expand health savings accounts, and let insurers sell plans across state lines," Meyers writes.

Meyers calls the issues surrounding high deductible plans and high prescription drug costs "the domestic policy elephant in the room," and says these issues are not getting enough attention.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Princess Health and  Beshear calls for transparency as Bevin and feds work on Medicaid changes and stakeholders prepare to meet Thursday. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Beshear calls for transparency as Bevin and feds work on Medicaid changes and stakeholders prepare to meet Thursday. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

Former Gov. Steve Beshear sent an open letter to Gov. Matt Bevin and Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell May 9, accusing his Republican successor and President Obama's appointee of working "in secret" and with "no public input of any kind" to change the Medicaid program that Beshear expanded under Obama's reforms.

"On behalf of all who care about the health of Kentuckians, we demand the Bevin and Obama administrations pull back the curtain, stop the back-room deals, and allow for full disclosure and transparency throughout the development of this Medicaid waiver proposal that will impact the lives of hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians, and the future of the entire commonwealth," Beshear wrote.

Beshear asked Bevin to release the details of his plan before Thursday, May 12, when the Foundation for a Health Kentucky is scheduled to host a stakeholders' meeting to discuss what they would like to see in the plan. He also asked Burwell to "demand" that Bevin provide details of the plan before any "formal or informal" decisions are made.

"This meeting of stakeholders should mark the beginning of the the process to solicit input from as many Kentuckians as possible, and the Bevin administration must create future opportunities for other interested stakeholders to weigh in before taking any next steps in the process," he wrote.

Bevin's office declined to comment, but told Kentucky Health News that stakeholder meetings have occurred and more formal ones are in the works. Bevin has said that he wants to announce his plan this summer.

According to the website on the type of waiver Kentucky is seeking, states are required to post their proposed plans for a 30-day comment period before sending them to the federal government. Once the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services accepts the application, it is required to post the proposal for another 30-day comment period.

Under federal health reform, Beshear expanded Medicaid to Kentuckians with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level, adding about 400,000 people. The federal government pays for this expanded population through this year, but next year the state will be responsible for 5 percent of the expansion, rising in annual steps to the reform law's limit of 10 percent in 2020.

Bevin told reporters in early May that he had "gone to the mat" with federal officials but remains optimistic they will agree. "If it does not happen it will be because CMS does not want to see expanded Medicaid continue in Kentucky," he said.

Burwell's press secretary, Ben Wakana, "indicated any changes to Kentucky's Medicaid plan should not weaken it," Deborah Yetter reports for The Courier-Journal. Wakana told her, "Kentucky's Medicaid expansion has led to one of the biggest reductions of uninsured people in America, and any changes to the program should maintain or build on the historic improvements Kentucky has seen in access to coverage, access to care and financial security."

Read more here:

Bevin has said many times that the state can't afford its Medicaid population. He appointed Mark Birdwhistell, a University of Kentucky health executive and former state health secretary, in December to help his administration design a new Medicaid program.

Since then, no details have been released, but Bevin has said Kentucky's revised program should require its members to have "skin in the game" and that the state cannot continue to pay for the health insurance of "able-bodied adults."

He has also referred to Indiana's plan, which has monthly fees, co-payments and refers its participants to a work program, as a model for Kentucky. However, spokeswoman Jessica Ditto told Kentucky Health News in March that, "The Indiana model is just one of many models that we are looking at for influence in crafting a plan that is specifically tailored for the needs of Kentucky."

Beshear said evidence suggests a move to a plan like Indiana's will "lead to increased cost for enrollees, and less access to healthcare for the most vulnerable Kentuckians."

He noted that "federal rules prohibit waivers for the sole purpose of saving money or shrinking the size of the program, both of which Gov. Bevin has publicly stated are his goals." He suggested that it is "precisely these types of changes" that are in the proposal, and calls again for "public review and debate." In addition, he calls for CMS to not approve changes that "would leave beneficiaries worse off than they are under a state's existing Medicaid program."

Beshear writes in conclusion, "Transparency, openness and honest conversation with the people of Kentucky is not only the right thing to do on such a critical decision, the people demand it."

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Princess Health and  UnitedHealth will leave Ky. next year, leaving much of the state with only one or two choices for health insurance on exchange. Princessiccia

Princess Health and UnitedHealth will leave Ky. next year, leaving much of the state with only one or two choices for health insurance on exchange. Princessiccia

UnitedHealth Group Inc. won't be participating in Kentucky's individual insurance plans offered through the Affordable Care Act marketplace next year, which could leave about 20 percent of the state with just one insurer to choose from for next year and another 22 percent with only two choices, according to an analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Including Kentucky, this brings the number of states the health insurer is quitting next year to 26, Zachary Tracer reports for Bloomberg.

"The company plans to halt sales of individual plans in Kentucky for 2017, both inside and outside the state�s Affordable Care Act exchange, as well as the small-business exchange," United said in a letter dated March 28 to the state�s insurance department, Tracer reports. Bloomberg noted that it obtained the letter through an open-records request.

United warned in November that this would likely happen after reporting that "low enrollment and high usage cost the company millions of dollars," USA Today reported.

�UnitedHealthcare�s intent to withdraw from the market was not unexpected,� Doug Hogan, a spokesman for the state Public Protection Cabinet, which oversees the state�s insurance regulator, said in an e-mail to Bloomberg. �Insurers across the country have been losing hundreds of millions of dollars in the Obamacare exchanges and can no longer sustain such heavy financial losses.�

The administration of Republican Gov. Matt Bevin is shutting down the state's Kynect exchange and moving its 100,000 or so users to the federal exchange, but plans on that exchange are offered state by state.

Bloomberg says it has confirmed that United is leaving at least 26 of the 34 states where it sold 2016 coverage, but will continue to offer small-business plans off the exchange. New York and Nevada confirmed for Bloomberg that United plans to sell ACA plans in those states next year. The company has also filed plans to participate in Virginia.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Princess Health and Struggling Tenn. hospital takes care of Kentuckians, who get better care than Tennesseans thanks to expanded Medicaid. Princessiccia

Jellico Community Hospital, just across the Kentucky border in Tennessee along Interstate 75, was taken over by Community Hospital Corp. last May, but that's not a guarantee it will survive, especially since Tennessee refuses to expand Medicaid to its poorest citizens, as Kentucky has, Harris Meyer reports for Modern Healthcare.

Meyer notes that one of the contributing factors to the hospital's struggle is the Tennessee Legislature's refusal to expand Medicaid under health reform to those who make up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level. That would decrease the hospital's level of uncompensated care.

About half the hospital's patients come from Kentucky, and its administrators, doctors and nurses all told Meyer that it is easier to get testing and specialty care for Kentucky Medicaid patients than for uninsured Tennessee patients who would qualify for expanded Medicaid.

�We're able to do more for Kentucky patients,� Christy Elliott, the hospital's case management supervisor, told Meyer. �For Tennessee patients, it's a struggle. If you don't have insurance, you don't get services.�

One such patient was Rebecca Jarboe, a mother of three from Kentucky. She told Meyer that she went into a "difficult" labor during a snowstorm on Valentine's Day. Because of the weather and her condition, she said she and her husband decided to travel 14 miles from their home to Jellico to have the baby, instead of making the 70-mile-journey down I-75 to the University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville, 20 miles of which would have been over snow-covered Pine Mountain (known locally as Jellico Mountain).

�The care here is excellent,� a tired-looking Jarboe told Meyer while lying in her hospital bed cradling 2-day-old Silas and surrounded by her family. �Whatever you need, they are right at the door, and everyone is really friendly.�

The 31 states that have expanded Medicaid have been able to "shore up finances" in many of their rural hospitals, Meyer writes, but others have not fared so well. Nationwide, more than 50 rural hospitals have closed in the past six years, and nearly 300 more are in deep financial trouble, according to the National Rural Health Association.

A state report by then-Auditor Adam Edelen last year found that one in three of Kentucky's rural hospitals were in poor financial condition. Since the release of the report, several Kentucky rural hospitals have merged with larger hospital groups to make ends meet and rural hospitals in Nicholas and Fulton counties have closed.

Meyer also notes that Jellico hospital's problems go deeper than just not expanding Medicaid. In its service area good-paying jobs with health benefits have dwindled, only 10 percent of the population has private health insurance, residents have higher-than-average rates of disease, and there is rampant obesity and drug abuse. A similar story could be told about many rural Kentucky communities.

In addition to providing health care, the 54-bed hospital with its staff of 232 is the community's largest employer, as is often the case. The mayor of nearby Williamsburg, where the hospital has a clinic, noted that new businesses will often not consider moving to a community without a hospital.

�A lot depends on economic development in these communities,� Alison Davis, a professor of agricultural economics who studies rural healthcare at the University of Kentucky, told Meyer. �What are they going to do to create jobs? It's the No. 1 issue besides substance abuse they are facing. It's a struggle, and not every community will make it through.�

Adventist Health System, out of Florida, announced in May 2014 that it wanted to get rid of the hospital because it was losing "millions a year." A year later, CHC, a Texas-based not-for-profit with a mission to preserve access to healthcare in rural communities, took over the hospital and its clinic. CHC owns, manages and provides support to 21 community hospitals nationwide, according to a news release.

CHC told Meyer that it is optimistic the hospital will survive because of the medical staff's commitment to keeping quality healthcare in their community. It has also implemented cost-saving measures, like decreasing staff and installing a less costly electronic health record system, and is exploring ways to further save money, while increasing its client base.

But several local business leaders told Meyer they weren't so sure the hospital will survive.

�There have been so many layoffs that they don't have enough people to do lab work or X-rays, and you have to wait and wait,� Elsie Crawford, business manager of the Wilkens Medical Group in Jellico and a member of the City Council, told Meyer. �You can't draw more patients if you don't have enough people to take care of them.�

Dr. Charles Wilkens, who helped establish and maintain the hospital, told Meyer, �People would die for lack of health care if we didn't have a hospital in this community.�

Monday, 28 March 2016

Princess Health and Officials hope reduction in Ky. colon cancer deaths via screening can be replicated with lung cancer, in which state is No. 1. Princessiccia

Health officials in Kentucky, especially in the eastern part of the state, hope to increase lung-cancer screenings by following a successful colon-cancer screening initiative, Jackie Judd reports for PBS NewsHour. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention graphic: Colon-cancer screenings are up)

In rural Eastern Kentucky, smoking and lung cancer rates are double the national average, while the state is second in adult smoking rates and leads the nation in lung cancer and rates of death from it. That is "fueled by a toxic combination of poverty, medical illiteracy, limited access to care, lifestyle choices like smoking, and a fatalism that says knowing you have cancer won�t save you."

Another challenge is that local bans of smoking in public places have left two-thirds of residents living in areas with no such bans, and a statewide ban seems unlikely because it failed to pass the state House this year after narrowly passing last year. New Republican Gov. Matt Bevin opposes a statewide ban.

Fifteen years ago Kentucky led the nation in "both the highest incidence and mortality rates for colorectal cancer," Allison Perry reports for University of Kentucky News. Rural residents didn't seek care, partly because of a lack of facilities and partly because of a refusal to schedule an appointment. If local residents wouldn't seek care, health officials decided to bring care to local residents.

"In the seven years following this new focus on colorectal cancer, the screenings rates nearly doubled, from 34.7 percent of the age-eligible population receiving screenings to 63.7 percent," Perry writes. "This raised Kentucky�s rank from 49th in the country to 23rd compared to other states. No other state has had such a dramatic increase in colorectal screenings in such a short period of time. As a result, the lives of many Kentuckians have been saved: the incidence rate for colorectal cancer is down nearly 25 percent, and the mortality rate has dropped 30 percent. Through colorectal screenings, doctors can find precancerous lesions and remove them before they become cancer. Screenings also allow physicians to find these cancers at an earlier stages, when they are more likely to respond to treatment."

The number of cancer screenings jumped in 2014 and 2015, as the state expanded eligibility for the Medicaid program under federal health reform, making many more people eligible for free screenings. Bevin is seeking change the state's program in ways that could require co-payments, premiums and deductibles.

In Kentucky "the challenge is to not only encourage certain lifelong smokers to get screened, but to get them to quit, and for others to never start," especially because of the addictive nature of smoking, Judd reports. "It will be even more difficult than changing the profile of colon cancer, because smoking involves addiction. The hope of public health officials is that the model used to bring down colon cancer deaths can be used to the same effect, not only for lung cancer, but for other diseases plaguing this depressed swath of America."

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Princess Health and  At top legislative Republican's invitation, Democrats embrace Obamacare, or at least Kynect and Beshear's Medicaid expansion. Princessiccia

Princess Health and At top legislative Republican's invitation, Democrats embrace Obamacare, or at least Kynect and Beshear's Medicaid expansion. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

With a verve for Obamacare most had not publicly demonstrated, state House Democrats passed bills March 22 to preserve the Kynect health insurance exchange and the state's expansion of the federal-state Medicaid program.

The almost entirely party-line votes were a response to Republican Senate President Robert Stivers, who had challenged the House to act on the bills so the public will know where legislators stand on health reform.

The Senate is not expected to pass House Bills 5 and 6, but may use them as a device for debate of an issue on which Republicans seem to think they have had the upper hand. Democrats appear to think otherwise.

"This is a political issue, we all know that," House Speaker Greg Stumbo said. "The president of the Senate wanted to challenge us to talk about it, so I think we ought to talk about it because . . . Kynect is working."

(The debate begins four minutes into the following KET video. The continuation of the debate can be seen here.)

Kynect, where Kentuckians can sign up for Medicaid or buy federally subsidized health insurance, was established under executive order with federal grant money by then-Gov. Steve Beshear, a Democrat. It is paid for by a 1 percent assessment on all insurance policies sold in the state. The fee formerly funded a pool for high-risk insurance, which health reform made unnecessary.

Gov. Matt Bevin and other Republicans say Kynect is not necessary because the federal exchange, used by most states, does the same thing. "We will still be providing Kentuckians with access to care," said Rep. Addia Wuchner, R-Florence. "It will be as easy as going to a different website."

Democrats say using the federal exchange will leave Kentuckians without enough of the assistance needed by people who are unfamiliar with health insurance. More than 400,000 Kentuckians have used Kynect to sign up for Medicaid and about 100,000 have used it to get health insurance, many with the help of Kynect-paid "Kynectors."

Rep. Darryl Owens, D-Louisville, the bills' sponsor, said many people in Kentucky don't have access to the Internet and that many who do are not "tech savvy." He said that a decrease in the number of helpers, who are available to meet clients after hours and at convenient locations, will create additional barriers to access for many Kentuckians.

Rep. Kelly Flood, D-Lexington, told the House about one of her constituents who learned in the middle of a family medical crisis that they had been dropped from Medicaid. Flood said the woman told her she could not "reach that wonderful Kynector who used to tell me what was going on."

The Kynector later told her that "she had been swamped with others like her who wanted to know what was happening to the stability of their health care that they had just secured," Flood said. "It is so much more complicated than just going to a new website. I am wanting us to understand the people whose lives are on the line."

The state, completing a plan put in place by the Beshear administration, recently shifted Medicaid users of Kynect to a new system called Benefind that handles most public-assistance programs.

Emily Beauregard, executive director for Kentucky Voices for Health, told Greg Stotelmyer of Public News Service that the wait times on Benefind are two hours and 6,000 to 7,000 calls are going unanswered each day. Advocates have said that the average wait time on Kynect is two minutes.

Cabinet for Health and Family Services spokesman Doug Hogan told Stotlemyre that there had been "difficulties" with the transition and the cabinet is "working diligently with the contractor to correct problems and make the system perform as was intended."

The House voted on the bills separately but the main debate touched on both Kynect and Beshear's expansion of Medicaid to people with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level. The federal government is paying for the expansion until next year, when states will begin paying 5 percent, rising to the law's limit of 10 percent in 2020.

Bevin and other Republicans say that is not sustainable, and he is negotiating with federal officials to change Medicaid to save money and add more personal responsibility, such as premiums, co-payments and deductibles.

Rep. Joni Jenkins, D-Louisville, chair of the House Budget Subcommittee on Human Services, said most Kentuckians who get insurance through Kynect and expanded Medicaid work in low-income jobs and without the program cannot afford insurance.

"With all of this great news -- more people covered, profitable hospitals, more jobs, better health care and wellness -- I believe the evidence is overwhelming that Kentucky must keep Kynect and expanded Medicaid," Jenkins said.

At times the debate was more about federal health reform in general than about the specifics of Kynect or Medicaid expansion.

Rep. Jim Gooch, a Providence insurance agent who recently became a Republican, said many Kentuckians have been helped by Obamacare, others have been hurt. He said many can't afford their co-payments and deductibles, and he said President Obama lied when he said people could keep their old health plans and doctors if they wanted after the reform law passed in 2010.

Another insurance agent, Rep. Jeff Greer, D-Brandenburg, argued the other side. He said the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act had brought many people their first affordable health insurance, especially those with pre-existing conditions, and relieved many farmers of the need to to work another job to get insurance.

"What I see is that we have something that is working, and I'm in a field where I see it work and yet we want to dismantle it and go to something that we're not sure is gong to work or not, Greer said. "I just don't get it."

House Minority Leader Jeff Hoover, R-Jamestown, said using the federal exchange "will not cause a single policy to be canceled or a single person to lose coverage." He said 36 other states now use the federal exchange "seamlessly."

Hoover and other Republicans said the debate was overdue, referring to Beshear's executive actions that the legislature was unable to block.

The Kynect bill passed 52-46, followed by a 54-44 vote for the Medicaid expansion, with Republican Reps. Jim DuPlessis of Elizabethtown and Jim Stewart of Flat Lick joining the Democrats. Reps. Gerald Watkins, D-Paducah, and David Floyd, R-Bardstown, did not vote on either bill.

All House seats are on the November ballot. House Democratic Caucus Chair and state party Chair Sannie Overly was asked how a vote for Obamacare might affect the election. "I think that House Bill 5 and 6 are simply a message to others that we stand by our commitment to providing access to healthcare to all Kentuckians," she said. "We've seen that our constituents support making sure that their friends and neighbors and relatives have access to health care."

To the same question, Rep. Robert Benvenuti, R-Lexington, said, "I think the voters have already thoughtfully evaluated that and cast a strong vote for Gov. Bevin, so I do think it will come up again in these November elections."

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Princess Health and Republicans accuse Beshear of holding down failed co-op's premiums to make Obamacare look good; he denies the charge. Princessiccia

By Al Cross
Kentucky Health News

Did Kentucky's government-sponsored insurance company fail because then-Gov. Steve Beshear and federal officials kept its rates artificially low to make Beshear's embrace of federal health reform look better?

Sen. Ralph Alvarado
That's what Republican state Sen. Ralph Alvarado of Winchester, using documents provided by Gov. Matt Bevin's office, suggested or claimed March 14 in a Senate floor speech about the Kentucky Health Cooperative.

"It appears that rates for the co-op may have been purposely kept down for the sake of optics, to make the rollout of the ACA in Kentucky appear successful when it clearly was not," Alvarado said, citing "multiple meetings between the co-op, the governor's office and CMS," the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversees the state-based co-ops created under the reform law, in the fall of 2014.

"Somewhere along the way rates were kept down despite these actuarial recommendations," which said the money-losing cooperative should increase its rates 35 to 40 percent for the 2015 plan year, Alvarado said. The co-op's average increase, announced in late October 2014, was 15 percent. In November, CMS expanded the co-op's $47 million solvency loan to $125 million "to try to sustain this company," he said.

Beshear denied the charges through a spokeswoman, Hayley Prim. She said in an email, "Rates were set by the co-op, which was a privately run insurance plan. Like all other insurance plans, the rates must be certified by the Department of Insurance and actuarially sound. The state did not hold rates artificially lower to improve optics."

CMS officials encouraged co-ops "to price their plans low and grow as fast as they could," Adam Cancryn reported for SNL Financial in November 2015, in a long article that is widely regarded as the best written about the failure of the co-ops. Twelve of the 23 have closed or plan to.

The insurance co-op's offices are in eastern Jefferson County.
In December 2014, the Kentucky Health Cooperative reported a loss of $50 million, "with several hazardous financial conditions indicated," Alvarado said, but that year its chief executive officer, chief financial officer and member-services vice president got bonuses of $50,000, $40,000 and $40,000 on top of their salaries of $250,000, $179,000 and $131,000.

"This company had no money, was in deficit, and yet funds were being used clearly for bonuses," Alvarado said. Its CFO, Leonard Sherman, left the company in December 2014, according to a document filed by its liquidators.

Joe Smith of Frankfort, who was chair of the cooperative's now-dissolved board, said in an interview that the salaries and bonuses were "probably a little bit less" than typical in the insurance industry. He said bonuses were paid because the co-op enrolled many more customers than expected, but no bonuses were paid after the first year.

Smith blamed "the Republican Congress" for killing the co-op and those in many other states by limiting the "risk corridor" subsidies paid to insurance companies for covering sicker-than-average populations.

He acknowledged that the Obama administration largely abandoned the co-ops, making them "a sacrificial lamb," but he said they could not effectively compete with large insurance companies, mainly because the reform law prohibited them from advertising, as the big insurers wanted. The law created funding for the not-for-profit cooperatives as a way to provide competition with for-profit insurers and hold premiums down.

Janie Miller, who was Beshear's first health secretary, resigned as CEO of the Kentucky Health Cooperative in June 2015. That October, the co-op said it had largely eliminated its losses but would close because it was getting only a $9.7 million of a $77 million risk-corridor subsidy that it needed to stay afloat. It is now in liquidation, supervised by Franklin Circuit Court.

Alvarado said Miller and her successor, Glenn Jennings, refused to appear at a legislative budget subcommittee meeting in November. He said the Insurance Department "gave us very limited answers about what happened, [which] made me wonder if any wrongdoing was involved."

Alvarado said the legislature's Program Review and Investigations Committee should examine the co-op's finances and the Senate should issue a subpoena requiring Miller and Jennings to appear.

Then-Gov. Steve Beshear,
discussing health reform at the
Brookings Institution in D.C.
Prim, Beshear's spokeswoman, said, "While it is unfortunate the co-op did not succeed, an overwhelming majority of Kentuckians have a positive view of Kynect," the online exchange where Kentuckians can buy federally subsidized health-insurance policies. "It has succeeded by providing low-cost health insurance options and creating a competitive marketplace for private insurers that have kept rates low for everyone."

In his speech, Alvarado incorrectly referred to Kynect policies as Medicaid, the federal-state health plan for the poor and disabled. Beshear expanded Medicaid eligibility to Kentuckians in households with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level.

Alvarado declined to give Kentucky Health News the documents to which he referred in his speech, saying he got them from Bevin's office, which could be asked for them.

Bevin's office provided the liquidators' first report, filed Dec. 31; an actuarial report on small-group plans for 2016, submitted in July 2015; an actuarial report on individual plans for 2015, filed in August 2014; and a February 2015 letter from Miller responding to the Insurance Department's request for a "corrective action plan." None of the documents mention the meetings Alvarado said occurred among CMS, the co-op and the governor's office.

The August 2014 actuarial report said, "The financial viability of KHC is in question. . . . KHC's projections reflect very aggressive assumptions, albeit within a reasonable range, and may result in a very optimistic view of future experience."

The co-op's members used medical services more often than it expected. In the second quarter, there were 263 hospital patient days per 1,000 members, higher than the pricing assumption of 184 per 1,000 but a still a "significant decrease" from the first quarter, for which the report did not give a figure.

The co-op was also having trouble dealing with members and health-care providers. Its corrective plan filed in February 2015 addressed complaints about such things as slow payment standards, paid premiums not being posted to members' accounts, complaints from in-network providers about being processed as out-of-network, and long waits for customer service, with supervisors not being available.

The liquidators' report to the court estimated that the co-op still owes about $80 million in claims, and their financial analysis left unclear whether all those claims would be paid. The balance sheet in the liquidators' statement, dated June 30, said the co-op had $117 million in assets and $128 million in liabilities, and the liabilities included only $67.7 million in unpaid claims. However, the co-op's biggest federal loan, of $125 million, is "subordinate to policyholder obligations, claimant and beneficiary claims, operating expenses and state reserve and solvency requirements," the report said. CMS, the federal agency, has asked an independent actuary to provide its own estimate of unpaid claims.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Princess Health and  Customers of exchanges such as Kynect are more likely to get prescriptions than other private health-insurance customers. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Customers of exchanges such as Kynect are more likely to get prescriptions than other private health-insurance customers. Princessiccia

"People enrolled in health plans through the Affordable Care Act exchanges are ramping up their use of prescription medications more rapidly than those in employer or government-sponsored plans, according to a new report from Express Scripts, the largest prescription drug benefits company," Carolyn Y. Johnson reports for The Washington Post, which headlined the story "A new sign Obamacare is helping the people who really need it."

"In 2015, people in the exchanges increased their number of prescriptions filled by 8.6 percent, four times the rate of people who receive insurance through commercial plans outside of the exchanges," Johnson writes. However, "The overall amount spent was much lower per person -- $777.27 compared to $1060.75" for commercial plans.

"The rapid uptake of the prescription drug benefit suggests there was a significant unmet medical need for many people gaining insurance through the exchanges, some of whom could have preexisting conditions and may not have previously had access to medicines," Johnson reports. "Before 2014, insurance companies could refuse coverage or charge much higher premiums for people with pre-existing conditions."

Express Scripts handles about a third of the prescriptions paid for by plans sold through the exchanges, including Kynect in Kentucky.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Princess Health and Low-income workers say to keep Kynect and Medicaid expansion; advocates wonder how new insurance exchange will work. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

As Republican Gov. Matt Bevin's administration moves forward with plans to dismantle Kynect, the state's health insurance exchange, several working Kentuckians shared stories at a news conference March 8 about how having affordable health insurance through Kynect and expansion of Medicaid has changed their lives, and asked the governor to reconsider his decision.

Jesus Gonzalez and Troy May
"For working Kentuckians in particular, Kynect is much more than just a website. It is a one-stop-shop for coverage that allows workers, students and caregivers an easy and seamless way to not only enroll in coverage, but to move easily between Medicaid and private insurance as their incomes fluctuate," said Emily Beauregard, executive director of Kentucky Voices for Health, an umbrella group of health-care lobbying organizations.

Beauregard said that contrary to popular belief, most newly insured Kentuckians are low-income workers who didn't have health benefits.

One of the part-time workers from Covington, Troy May, who is also a full-time graduate student at Cincinnati Christian University, explained how getting insurance through a qualified health plan on Kynect has allowed him to pursue a new career, work part-time and also care for his 90-year-old grandmother. He said federally subsidized insurance from Kynect "fills in the gap" between his life now and when he will eventually work full time and get work benefits.

"Every time that Gov. Bevin talks about dismantling Kynect," May said, "it's like a punch in the stomach." He said the same coverage he gets on Kynect will be $200 more a month, with higher deductibles and co-payments on the federal exchange, which he says is not affordable.

"So this idea that we can easily move to a federal exchange and it not impact Kentuckians negatively is just flat out wrong," he said, adding later, "I beg Governor Bevin and the Republicans in the state not to dismantle Kynect."

May said he is a Democrat who comes from a family of Republicans, many of whom have signed up for health insurance through Kynect and have asked him, on their behalf, to ask Bevin to reverse his decision.

Another worker, Jesus Gonzalez, a single father and a food server in a Lexington restaurant, signed up on Kynect for the Medicaid expansion, which allows those with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty line to enroll. He said that he had not had health insurance for the past 10 years because he couldn't afford it and shared stories about the "peace of mind" he now has because he can go to the doctor and the dentist. He said this has "made a huge difference in my life."

"It is really important that we do what we can to save and keep Kynect and Mediciad expansion in Kentucky," Gonzalez said. Bevin has said the expansion won't be sustainable once the state has to start paying a small part of the cost next year, and is negotiating changes in the program with the federal government.

The conference was sponsored by Keep Kentucky Covered, a coalition that is focused on sustaining access to affordable health coverage in Kentucky through Medicaid expansion and Kynect.

Pleas to save Kynect are likely falling on deaf ears. Bevin campaigned on closing Kynect, and has said it is redundant because there is a federal exchange that does the same things.

Advocates argue that Kynect provides one website to sign up for subsidized insurance and Medicaid, while Bevin's new model will require two websites, one called Benefind for Medicaid and other public-assistance programs, and the for federally subsidized insurance.

Health Secretary Vickie Yates Brown Glisson told a House budget subcommittee last week that the state would move to a "supported state-based marketplace" that will allow it to keep some control over review of insurance plans and handle insurance-company grievances, but the actual enrollment and any consumers' eligibility appeals will be handled by the federal exchange. Consumer grievances will be handled by a state-federal partnership.

Glisson said she didn't know how many Kynectors, or health-insurance navigators, will remain. Beauregard and Rep. Joni Jenkins, D-Louisville, chair of the House Budget Review Subcommittee on Human Services, voiced concerns about the abilities of local offices of the Department of Community Based Services to handle the 1.3 million Kentuckians on Medicaid.

"They are already overburdened and overwhelmed with the amount of work that they are doing and facing budget cuts," Beauregard said. "I worry that people are going to have a harder time getting enrolled in coverage and keeping their coverage, and getting the assistance they need when they run into an application problem or need to ask a question."

Wait times at DCBS offices average 2 hours and 44 minutes, while wait times at the Kynect call center are 2.15 minutes, according to the education and outreach director at Kynect, Beauregard said.

Jenkins voiced the same concerns in a separate interview, also noting the importance of Kynectors who not only help people sign up for health insurance, but also help them access health care after they sign up.

"I would hope that our state's goal was to not only get people signed up, but (to also) connect them with health care," Jenkins said. Later adding, "I find it so interesting that we are going to do away with a Kentucky-made product that is working so well, that pays for itself, and that was paid for by federal dollars and it's like letting big brother come down and -- so, that is very interesting,"

Glisson told the subcommittee that she believed there would be some funding for Kynectors. She also said the county-based employees of her cabinet could help people get to the federal exchange if they don't qualify for Medicaid.

But even if some Kynectors are included in this new model, the number of them will be determined by the number of people on the federally subsidized plans, and not include funding for Kynectors to help those on Medicaid, Beauregard said, "so you will also see a difference in the level of service you get if you enroll in Medicaid verses enrolling in a private plan," she said.

"What is really important right now is to ensure that we have an enrollment system that works as well or better than Kynect moving forward for all of the Medicaid recipients in Kentucky," Beauregard said. "And what that means is that we have to make sure that we have the capacity, whether that be at the Kynect call centers or in DCBS, to help these individuals enroll in coverage and to make sure that we are not creating barriers that translate into our uninsured rates going higher again or people loosing access to the care that they critically need,"

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Princess Health and Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsides in all states; ruling has no direct effect on Kentucky, but focuses political debate.Princessiccia

By Molly Burchett
Kentucky Health News

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the tax subsidies provided under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are legal in every state.

While the ruling has no effect on Kentucky, and would have had no direct effect if it had gone the other way, it sets the table for continued political debate about health policy in Congress and in Kentucky's race for governor.

"Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the 6-3 majority opinion. "If at all possible, we must interpret the Act in a way that is consistent with the former, and avoids the latter."

The law says the federal government can pay subsidies to help people afford insurance bought through �an Exchange established by the State.� The lawsuit argued that Americans in the 34 states using the federal exchanges were not eligible for the subsidies, which are crucial to the law's success, helping to make health insurance more affordable, reducing the number of uninsured Americans. Proponents of the law say not providing subsidies to individuals in those 34 states relying on the federal exchange would have upended the law, notes CNN.

President Obama called on critics to accept the law as permanent, saying after the ruling, "The Affordable Care Act is here to stay."

But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., called Obamacare �a rolling disaster for the American people,� with a �multitude of broken promises, including the one that resulted in millions of Americans losing the coverage they had and wanted to keep. Today�s ruling won�t change the skyrocketing costs in premiums, deductibles, and co-pays that have hit the middle class so hard over the last few years.�

Maps: Percentage uninsured in 2012, above, and 2014, below
Obama countered, "The setbacks I remember clearly. But as the dust has settled, there can be no doubt that this law is working. It has changed, and in some cases saved, American lives. It set this country on a smarter, stronger course." He added, "The law has helped hold the price of health care to its slowest growth in 50 years" and "Nearly one in three Americans who was uninsured a few years ago is insured today. The uninsured rate in America is the lowest since we began to keep records."

A White House fact sheet noted that the law also expanded "access to preventive care, including immunizations, well-child visits, certain cancer screenings, and contraceptive services, with no additional out-of-pocket costs as well as no more annual caps on essential benefit coverage and new annual limits on out-of-pocket costs."

Since Kentucky established its own exchange, Kynect, for buying subsidized health insurance or signing up for Medicaid, the ruling may seem moot for Kentuckians. However, it establishes some of the facts for a health-care policy debate in the governor's race between Republican Matt Bevin and Democratic Attorney General Jack Conway.

The exchanges and the expansion of the federal-state Medicaid program are choices for the states, and Bevin has said that if elected he would shut down Kynect and end the Medicaid expansion, which has covered about 430,000 Kentuckians. The federal government is paying their entire cost through next year; in 2017 the state would start picking up a small share, rising to the law's limit of 10 percent in 2020.

Conway has acknowledged questions about whether the state can afford to pay its share, but to �say you�re going to kick a half a million people off of health insurance based on what we may or may not be able to afford in 2021 is irresponsible.� A Conway spokesman said he "appreciates the court's careful consideration of this case and agrees with today's decision," reports the Lexington Herald-Leader.

The Herald-Leader's Mary Meehan interviewed officials and experts for a package of questions and answers about the law and Kentucky. It is published at

Outgoing Gov. Steve Beshear, a Democrat who expanded Medicaid, said in a statement that the decision �reaffirms that, from the very start, we did the right thing for the more than 500,000 Kentuckians who have qualified for health-care coverage through Kynect since January 1, 2014.�

Susan Zepeda, president and CEO of the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, said in a release, "While many have been awaiting this important decision, we must remember that much remains to be done to assure that all Kentuckians � and all Americans � have timely access to safe, effective and affordable quality care." Zepeda said Kentuckians continue to work on ways to improve and protect Kentuckians' health, such as reforming the way we pay for care and making health care cost and pricing more transparent.

"As people who have forgone care too long because of its expense now gain access to care, it will place a larger short-term burden on the health-care system, which approaches like these can help to address," said Zepeda. "The Affordable Care Act permits � and incentivizes � local health care innovation. We can and must shape Kentucky solutions to Kentucky�s health challenges."

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Princess Health and Most insured through Kynect will pay more in 2016; Kentucky Health Cooperative seeks 25 percent increase.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Most insured through Kynect will pay more in 2016; Kentucky Health Cooperative seeks 25 percent increase.Princessiccia

By Molly Burchett
Kentucky Health News

The federal health law requires that insurers planning to significantly increase premiums for policies on a health-insurance exchange to submit their rates by June 1 for review. Many insurance carriers across the country, including four in Kentucky, are requesting double-digit increases in insurance premiums for 2016.

For the individual market, the requested average rates from companies already participating in the Kynect exchange are:
  • Anthem Health Plans, 14.6 percent increase;
  • CareSource Kentucky, 11.8 percent increase;
  • Humana Inc., 5.2 percent increase;
  • Kentucky Health Cooperative, 25.1 percent increase;
  • WellCare Health Plans, a 9.28 percent decrease.
The rates are not final, but are subject to approval by the state Department of Insurance, "so we don�t yet know what the final numbers will be," Gov. Steve Beshear said. "Changes still may occur. Rates should be finalized sometime in mid-July. We do expect that some plan rates will go down, some will go up and some will stay close to the same as last year."

Consumers will have more choices when enrollment opens, because the exchange is adding three new insurers to its individual market. United Healthcare will be offering coverage statewide, Aetna policies will be available in 10 counties, and Baptist Health Plan, now Bluegrass Family Health, will offer coverage in 79 counties. CareSource will expand its coverage area from 16 to 67 counties.

With these additions, at least three insurers will be offering Kynect coverage in every county, said Ronda Sloan of the Department of Insurance.

"When open enrollment begins this fall, Kentuckians should seek information about their individual plans, not average costs," Beshear said. "System-wide averages don�t give a good picture of what an individual�s out-of-pocket costs may be."

It is also important to keep in mind that premiums cannot be viewed in isolation, and you should look at the individual market dynamics that impact how much consumers pay for their health care coverage.

Why are most rates going up?

For an insurance company to survive, its cost of providing benefits should be less than the premiumums paid for those benefits. Companies now have had more than a full year of claims data to inform pricing structures, and many insurers are finding that people who buy policies on exchanges are considerably older and sicker than anticipated, reports Megan McArdle of Bloomberg News.

As a result, insurers are incurring greater costs of providing benefits than expected. Initially, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said that about 40 percent of the exchange policies should be bought by people between 18 and 35, the most healthy age group, to keep the exchanges financially stable. However, according to HHS data, that group accounted for only 28 percent of the policies in 2014 and 2015.

Not only do older people have more complex and more costly health needs, rising premiums in some state-based exchanges are due in part to the uncertainty in the overall health-insurance marketplace. First, there is much uncertainly about the reform law's "risk corridor program," which was designed to have insurers share the financial risk of offering policies on Obamacare exchanges from 2014 through 2016.

The program creates a pool of money to reduce risk for insurers: Those that pay out less in benefits than they collect in premiums pay into the pool; those whose premiums don't cover the cost of providing benefits take money from the pool. However, a recent Standard & Poor's report says the risk corridor will probably not get enough money from insurers with profitable exchange plans, so many insurers must raise premiums to support themselves.

Kentucky Health Cooperative needs shoring up

In another potentially worrisome sign, some insurers had risk-corridor receivables that exceeded half of their reported capital, and Kentucky Health Cooperative had the second-highest level of receivables as a percentage of capital: 117 percent, reports CNBC. That helps explain why it has asked for the largest average increase in premiums this year, 25 percent, and last year, 20 percent. The cooperative is one of several start-ups funded by the reform law to encourage competition in states; it sells most of the 106,000 private policies on Kynect.

Other reasons for the overall premium increases include rising health-care costs, especially for prescription drugs, Larry Levitt, senior vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation, said on "PBS NewsHour" Wednesday night.

Speaking nationally, Levitt said state regulation means the requested premiums "will come down, in some cases by a lot." He said "Insurers are jockeying for position in these new marketplaces [so] there are some good deals to be had, but consumers really have to look around,"

David Blumenthal, president of The Commonwealth Fund, which researches health and social policy, said exchanges like Kynect "give people the ability to comparison-shop much more easily than before."

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Princess Health and Lexington Herald-Leader says Kentucky Hospital Association report on members' finances damages the group's credibility.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Lexington Herald-Leader says Kentucky Hospital Association report on members' finances damages the group's credibility.Princessiccia

The Kentucky Hospital Association's recent "Code Blue" report on its members' finances is a symptom of "financial hypochondria," the Lexington Herald-Leader said in a long editorial Sunday. It said the title, "signaling a patient needs resuscitation, is an unintentionally fitting title because the KHA's credibility could use a little CPR."

Read more here:

The report "voices a universal human desire: more money, less accountability. The association implies that federal financial penalties aimed at reducing harm to patients are too onerous for hospitals that care for Kentuckians," the editorial says. "Little more than anecdotes are offered with no acknowledgment that some Kentucky hospitals are recording record bottom lines and steep drops in uncompensated care."

The newspaper offered its own anecdote, a large one, noting that the University of Kentucky's medical center is a major beneficiary of the Medicaid expansion under federal health reform: "The 2014 period saw an 83 percent drop in non-paying inpatients, a 66 percent drop in non-paying outpatients and a $60 million increase in Medicaid revenue. UK Healthcare's annual net income through March is up $70 million over the same time last year. Not all of that increase is due to the Medicaid expansion or Kynect," the state exchange for enrolling in Medicaid or buying private insurance.

"The important point," the paper says, is that "Slowing down spending on hospital care is one of the best things we can do for the economy and our health. The United States spends the highest percentage of its GDP on health care of any country but gets worse outcomes. Even by U.S. standards, Kentuckians over-utilize hospital care."

Read more here:

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Princess Health andLaw requires equal access to mental-health and drug-abuse treatment, but is not always obeyed; Ky. says it's working on issue.Princessiccia

Princess Health andLaw requires equal access to mental-health and drug-abuse treatment, but is not always obeyed; Ky. says it's working on issue.Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

By law, mental health benefits must be offered equally to medical and surgical benefits if the plan offers them, but this isn't always the case.

Not only does a 2008 federal law require most employer-sponsored plans to provide equal access to mental health benefits, but that parity was expanded and strengthened in 2010 by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Twenty-three states, including Kentucky since 2000, require some level of parity.

Common requirements of these laws prohibit insurers from charging higher co-payments and deductibles for mental-health services; require insurers to pay for mental-health treatment in the same scope and duration as medical treatments; ban insurers from requiring additional authorizations for mental-health services; and says they must offer an equal number of mental-health providers and approved drugs.

While insurers typically keep track of the copayment and deductible requirements, they struggle with keeping track of the compliance requirements related to actual delivery of medical services, Michael Ollove reports for Stateline.

The spokeswoman for the Kentucky Department of Insurance, Ronda Sloan, said in an e-mail that Kentucky is very diligent about parity requirements. "Kentucky insurance companies must cover mental-health treatment like other covered services," she wrote. "We review both provider networks and drug formularies for compliance and (make sure) both meet the requirements of the ACA."

A recent report by the National Alliance on Mental Illness found that this isn't always the case. Nearly one-third of those surveyed were denied authorization for mental health and substance abuse treatment, with this rate nearly twice as high for those on ACA plans.

It also found other barriers to care including the number of mental health providers in health insurance plan networks; more than half of the health plans analyzed covered less than 50 percent of anti-psychotic medications; high out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs; high co-pays, deductible and co-insurance rates; and a lack of information about mental health coverage to consumers to help them make informed decisions in choosing their health plans.

The survey was conducted by Avalere Health and is based on a survey of 2,720 individuals with mental illness or with someone in their family with mental illness and an analysis of 84 insurance plan drug formularies in 15 states.

Sloan said that in Kentucky, "Work is being done on many fronts to increase access and progress is being made to address some of the access issues."

She said Kentucky monitors provider networks to make sure they are meeting their minimum requirements. She also said that a recent law passed by the 2015 General Assembly, which created three levels of drug and alcohol counselors with varying degrees of  certification, will have a "positive impact" on access to treatment.

Gwenda Bond, spokeswoman for the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services, said in an e-mail, "We also opened the provider network for behavioral-health services in early 2014 to a range of private providers of such services, increasing the number of options available for members, who previously could only receive treatment through the community mental health centers."

One of the main obstacles for consumers and providers is that it is not clear what criteria insurance companies and managed-care Medicaid organizations use to determine medical necessity for mental-health and substance-abuse care, and aren't transparent with this information.

"Without that information," Ollove wrotes, "it is difficult for regulators and consumers to determine whether the denial of coverage is warranted." 

Ollove also notes other problems include the federal governments delay in creating regulation guidelines, the challenges states and the federal government have had in simply implementing the ACA, let alone regulating parity and the stigma that is still associated with mental illness and addictions that make regulators not want to get involved.

Two states, New York and California, are leading the way in enforcing parity rules, Patrick Kennedy, a former Democratic congressman from Rhode Island, told Ollove, saying that they were the "only states that consistently enforce mental health parity."

Sloan took issue with that, saying, "We believe Kentucky consistently enforces the rules related to mental health and substance abuse parity." 

Kentuckians who believe they have been improperly denied mental-health and substance-abuse care should contact the Department of Insurance.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Princess Health and3,047 got private health insurance in special March-April signup designed to avoid or reduce tax penalty for not being covered.Princessiccia

Princess Health and3,047 got private health insurance in special March-April signup designed to avoid or reduce tax penalty for not being covered.Princessiccia

More than 3,000 Kentuckians signed up for health coverage during a special March-April enrollment period that allowed them to avoid or reduce tax penalties for being uninsured.

"At the Feb. 15 close of the 2015 open enrollment period, 158,685 individuals had enrolled in health care coverage through Kynect for 2015," a state press release said. "That number included 102,830 Kentuckians who have either newly enrolled in a qualified health plan since Nov. 15, 2014, or renewed the private insurance plan they purchased through Kynect last year."

With the additional 3,047 enrollments, the final enrollment in private health insurance was 105,877. The federal tax penalty for being uninsured in 2014 was $95 for each adult household member or 1 percent of income, whichever is greater. In 2015, it will be $325 for each adult or two percent of income, whichever is greater. Penalties for not insuring children are half those for adults.

�Given that the personal risks of not having health coverage are even greater than the penalties, we decided to continue a special enrollment period to allow those individuals more time to sign up,� Gov. Steve Beshear said in the release.

Those who took advantage of the special enrollment period will still owe a penalty for any months they were uninsured and did not qualify for an exemption in 2014 and 2015. "This special enrollment period was designed to allow such individuals the opportunity to get covered for the remainder of the year and avoid additional fees for 2015," the release said.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Princess Health andKentucky hospitals say they're losing money on Obamacare, as cost of treating new Medicaid patients exceeds reimbursements.Princessiccia

Princess Health andKentucky hospitals say they're losing money on Obamacare, as cost of treating new Medicaid patients exceeds reimbursements.Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

Kentucky hospitals are struggling financially because of the billions of dollars in cuts caused by the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and many aren't sure they will survive, the Kentucky Hospital Association said at its annual meeting May 8.

KHA applauded the successful implementation of the federal health reform in Kentucky, which has extended health insurance coverage to approximately 500,000 more Kentuckians, mainly through expansion of Medicaid, but said that has come at a "significant cost to our commonwealth hospitals."

"The expansion [of Medicaid] has infused money into some of our hospitals, which is good, but the rest of the story is the cuts," KHA President Michael Rust said.

KHA Chair Dennis Johnson, CEO of Hardin Memorial Health in Elizabethtown, said  the revenue from the expansion "is less than the cuts Kentucky hospitals will experience in order to finance the ACA."

Kevin Halter, KHA's incoming chair and CEO of Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital in Ashland, said, �Much has been made about the fact that Kentucky hospitals have received an additional $506 million in Medicaid payments last year through the expansion, suggesting that hospitals' bottom lines are healthier as a result, but what is often not mentioned is that hospitals lose money on every Medicaid patient they treat.�

The report says that changes in the way hospitals are paid under Obamacare are projected to result in the loss of almost $7 billion in federal cuts to Kentucky hospitals through 2024:
  • Lower-than-cost Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements, 82 percent and 86 percent respectively, with actual Medicaid and Medicare payment cuts from 2010 to 2024 projected to be $4.6 billion
  • Readmission penalties, which can be as much as 3 percent of Medicare payments, imposed on hospitals that readmit patients within 30 days of discharge, regardless of the reason
  • Medicare cuts to hospitals that have any increase in hospital-acquired infections
  • Cuts, delayed until 2017, in extra payments to hospitals that have a "disproportionate share" of Medicare and Medicaid patients.
KHA also cited impacts that aren't associated with the reform law, such as sequestration, or automatic across-the-board federal budget cuts, and other cuts in Medicare.

Hospital officials said that rural hospitals have been hit hardest by these changes because 72 percent of their patients are on Medicaid or Medicare. A recent report by state Auditor Adam Edelen found that 68 percent of Kentucky's rural hospitals have below-average of poor financial health, with 34 percent of the total in the latter classification.

Part of the problem is that the law was built on the nationwide presumption that about half of the newly insured would have private health insurance and the other half Medicaid, but in Kentucky, a poor state, 75 percent of the newly insured are covered by the Medicaid expansion, which covers those earning less than 138 percent of the federal poverty line, or about $33,000 for a family of four.

Halter said while hospitals got $506 million for treating patients covered by the expansion, that treatment costs the hospitals $617 million to deliver that care. While low Medicaid reimbursement is not a new problem, Johnson said, "There's no question it's been accelerated under the ACA."

Gov. Steve Beshear said expanded Medicaid payments had "blunted the impact of other fiscal pressures on hospitals. . . . We are very aware of the challenges that medical providers face in Kentucky. Rather than trying to turn back the clock and return to old business practices, we are working directly with providers to help them develop new strategies for better, more efficient, quality health care delivery."

The challenges are real.

A September 2014 survey found that more than 65 percent of the 109 responding Kentucky hospitals had reduced staff since June 2013, eliminating more than 7,700 positions, with more jobs lost in rural hospitals than the urban ones. About 44 percent had frozen or reduced wages, and 40 percent of had cut costs by reducing or eliminating programs, such as closing psychiatric units and outpatient clinics.

"The reality is that hospitals are being forced to reduce costs to deal with these financial pressures," said Charles Lovell, CEO Caldwell Medical Center in Princeton. "This is the third year without our employees getting an increase."

While Obamacare has reduced hospitals' losses on patients who can't pay, Halter noted that 12 percent of Kentuckians remain uninsured, and the report said hospital emergency rooms are still the first choice for many new Medicaid patients because they have't found a regular physician. Many Kentucky counties are short of doctors.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Princess Health andFederal agency offers a consumer-friendly website that ranks patients' experiences in your local hospitals .Princessiccia

Consumers now have access to a website that ranks 3,500 hospitals around the country on patients' experiences to help them choose a hospital and better understand the quality of care participating hospitals offer, according to a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services press release.

The 12 star ratings on Hospital Compare are based on 11 of the publicly reported measures from the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey, and a summary rating for the survey. The survey asks patients questions about nine topics:communication with doctors, communication with nurses, responsiveness of hospital staff, pain management, communication about medicines, discharge information, cleanliness of the hospital environment, quietness of the hospital environment, and transition of care. This survey information is self-reported by patients and will be updated quarterly.

�The patient experience star ratings will make it easier for consumers to use the information on the Hospital Compare website and spotlight excellence in health care quality,� Dr. Patrick Conway, acting principal deputy administrator for the CMS, said in the release.

Consumers already have access to Medicare star systems to rate nursing homes, dialysis centers, private Medicare Advantage insurance plans and certain situations for physicians and group practices, but are they using it?

Not much, according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll. It found that only 31 percent of those polled had seen any information comparing doctors, hospitals, and health insurance plans in the past 12 months. When asked specifically if they had seen information comparing prices or quality across plans and providers, fewer than 1 in 5 people said they had seen such information, and fewer than one in 10 reported using such information.

CMS said the website helps meet goals of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which calls for transparent, easily understood and widely available public reporting. The agency also reminds consumers that the site is just one tool to help them make a decision abut which hospital to use, and encourages them to talk to their health-care providers about hospital quality, and to use "multiple factors" when deciding about a hospital, such as clinical outcomes and other publicly reported data that is on the website.

To see the rankings:
  • Go to the Hospital Compare website
  • Type in your ZIP code, or the name of a particular hospital
  • Click on "Search"
  • Choose three hospitals, by clicking on the "Add to Compare" button
  • Click on "Compare Now," located at the top of the screen
  • Click on "Survey of Patients' Experiences"
  • Scroll down and view star ranking and additional information results
This is a screen shot of the final screen, with a bar of options to click on.