Showing posts with label prescription drugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prescription drugs. Show all posts

Monday, 13 June 2016

Princess Health and  Doctors trying to reverse course on opioid prescriptions can find it difficult because of addiction, shortage of good alternatives. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Doctors trying to reverse course on opioid prescriptions can find it difficult because of addiction, shortage of good alternatives. Princessiccia

The epidemic of opioid overdoses, 60 percent of which are blamed on abuse or misuse, "is changing prescribing habits, but there's still a lack of other pain medications, access to alternative therapies and knowledge among primary-care providers about multidisciplinary approaches to pain management," Modern Healthcare reports.

"The medical community turned to opioid prescriptions to address a condition many believed had been ignored or undertreated," Steven Ross Johnson writes. "And the dependence on fee-for-service payments also made it easier for providers to whip out their prescription pads rather than spend the time to help patients find alternatives. But experts now say the over-reliance on opioids for chronic pain, despite a lack of evidence on their efficacy and impact, was misguided and has distorted the public's concept of what pain is and what it means to be treated."

But reversing course can be difficult because many patients "have built up resistance to opioids and seek treatment while addicted or at risk of addiction," Johnson reports. He quotes Dr. Neel Mehta, medical director of Weill Cornell Medical College's Pain Medicine Center, which specializes in treating long-term pain as saying many come there because their doctor won't write them another prescription: �So we're sort of left with them expecting to get prescribed an opioid and we have to then calmly redirect that.�

In March the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "recommended doctors prescribe alternative treatments such as over-the-counter medications, cognitive behavioral therapy and exercise before resorting to opioids. Weeks later, the Joint Commission [which accredits health-care facilities] clarified its 2001 standards for pain management and treatment to stress that opioid use was neither required nor specified for treating pain."

Other alternative treatments chiropractic care and the use of anti-inflammatory and neuropathic medications and even vitamin supplements, Johnson notes. "The problem is that few carry the punch or, for some, the pleasure of opioids. . . . The use of medical marijuana, meanwhile, has increased in several parts of the country. It's approved in 38 states and the District of Columbia for patients with illnesses such as cancer and HIV. But only some of those states allow the use of marijuana to relieve chronic pain." Kentucky does not.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Princess Health and Kentucky is the only truly Appalachian state to have put a brake on fatal overdoses from narcotics. Princessiccia

Kentucky is the only truly Appalachian state to have put a brake on fatal drug overdoses, report Rich Lord and Adam Smeltz of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette as part of a series in the about the deadly epidemic of prescription painkillers in the region.

A chart with the series' story about Kentucky shows that fatal drug overdoses were less numerous in the state in 2013 than in 2012, when the General Assembly cracked down on "pill mills," and that while fatal overdoses rose in 2014, they were still not as numerous as in 2012. Official numbers for 2015 are expected soon, and may rise because of the spread of heroin.

The series also credited a crackdown by the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure, which "took disciplinary action for prescribing irregularities against 135 of the state�s roughly 10,600 doctors" from 2011 to 2015. "The board also moved against 33 doctors during that time for abusing narcotics themselves."

"Getting tough on doctors works," Lord wrote in the series' main story. The state story reported, "Kentucky�s per-capita opioid consumption -- though still seventh in the nation -- dropped by a steepest-in-Appalachia 12.5 percent from 2012 to 2014, according to IMS Health Inc.," Lord and Smeltz report. "Kentucky is the only state, among the seven studied by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, in which fatal overdoses have plateaued. Elsewhere, they have climbed relentlessly."

The story quotes Kerry B. Harvey, U.S. attorney for the eastern half of Kentucky: �In much of Eastern Kentucky, the workforce is engaged in difficult, manual labor,� like mining, farming and logging, �so people would injure themselves and be prescribed these very potent narcotics, because the medical profession changed the way it looked at prescribing these kinds of narcotics for pain.� The drugs dulled the �sense of hopelessness� people had about the area�s economy, �and so for whatever reason, this sort of culture of addiction took hold.�

"Harvey said that as physicians have gone to jail, and others have faced board discipline, the painkiller business model has adapted. . . . Now the doctors take insurance, and bill the insurer or the government not just for the office visit, but for the MRI, urine screen and back brace they use to justify the addictive narcotic." Harvey said, �So instead of a cash business, in many cases now the taxpayers or the insurance companies pay. The result is the same. We end up with our communities flooded with these very potent prescription narcotics.�

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Princess Health and At forum on opioid abuse in Corbin, people say they need more treatment services, community education and coalitions. Princessiccia

Image from Lauren Osborne, WYMT-TV Mountain News
By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

CORBIN, Ky. � After a day of learning and talking about opioid prevention, treatment and mobilization, people at a forum in Corbin agreed on three things: Access to substance abuse and mental health services remains a huge barrier in southeastern Kentucky; more community education is needed; and drug-prevention programs should form coalitions to better use their limited resources.

Substance abuse affects almost every family in Kentucky, and four Kentuckians die every day from a drug overdose. That was part of the opening message from Dr. Allen Brenzel, medical director of the state Department for Behavioral Health, Development and Intellectual Disabilities.

"This is, in my opinion, one of the most pressing health-care issues facing our commonwealth today," Brenzel said. "If 1,000 people a year were dying from measles in the state of Kentucky, think about the public response that we would have. ... We would be on red-alert, we would have a complete, public-health, massive intervention to solve that problem."

Van Ingram, executive director at the Governor's Office of Drug Control Policy, said that next year's drug overdose report, which will be released in a few weeks, will show the problem is getting worse.

About 125 people, most of them health-care providers, attended the "Cumberland River Forum on Opioid Use Disorders: A Time for Community Action" May 17 at the Corbin Technology Center. It was sponsored by The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, and Cumberland River Behavioral Health. Similar forums were held in Lexington May 16 and Louisville May 13.

John Tilley
John Tilley, secretary of the Kentucky Cabinet for Justice and Public Safety, said he hoped the forum would "light a fire under this community" to talk to their neighbors and friends, community leaders and legislators about the value of treatment over incarceration for substance abuse and mental health issues.

Tilley, who chaired the House Judiciary Committee when he was a state representative from Hopkinsville, acknowledged that some abusers should be in prison, but said society must distinguish between "who we are mad at and who we are afraid of. ... I promise you the way to get out of this mess is not to over-criminalize addiction and mental illness."

Tilley said "The solution is right before our eyes," using for treatment some of the billions of dollars now used to incarcerate drug users.

Tim Feeley, deputy secretary for the CHFS and a former legislator from Oldham County, agreed: "We are not going to incarcerate our way out of this." He said the state needs more treatment programs and said the cabinet was fully committed to addressing the state's addiction problems to the best of its abilities.

William Hacker
Kentucky has moved away from treating mental health and substance abuse issues criminally, said Dr. William Hacker, chair of Shaping Our Appalachian Region's Health and Wellness Advisory Committee and former state health commissioner. He said other successful anti-drug efforts include grassroots advocacy groups, the online prescription-drug tracking program, needle-exchange programs, a move toward medication assisted treatments for opioid addiction, and the SMARTS initiative, which provides addiction care for pregnant and parenting women for up to two years.

Hacker also mentioned Operation UNITE, a Kentucky non-profit created by U.S. Rep. Hal Rogers that leads education, treatment and law enforcement initiatives in 32 counties in Southern and Eastern Kentucky. UNITE has held a national drug abuse conferences for the past five years, with this year's summit in Atlanta including President Barack Obama. The acronym stands for Unlawful Narcotics Investigations, Treatment and Education.

A former pediatrician in Corbin, Hacker also noted that SOAR recently held a Substance Abuse Roundtable to discuss research and emerging opportunities associated with substance abuse and intravenous drug use in Appalachian Kentucky. He said SOAR works to create a network across the region to share best practices and money opportunities and to create community level empowerment.

"Substance abuse is not a failure of moral character, it is a disease," Hacker said. "Don't give up. Never give up."

At the end of the meeting, the attendees broke into groups that represented schools, community leaders, health-care professionals, parents and the faith community to discuss what actions they could take to address opioid abuse in their communities.

Most groups reported that lack of access to substance abuse and mental health treatment is a barrier in their communities. And while it was noted that some communities offer more services than others, several groups said they did not have enough counselors to support medication-assisted therapies or enough doctors willing to prescribe it. Lack of transportation was also mentioned as a barrier toward getting treatment in several groups.

Also, most groups said community members often aren't aware of the resources, so more community education is needed. They listed schools, churches and county Extension offices as possible sources of education, and noted that a community resource website would be helpful. They also said parents would benefit from a class to learn how to talk to their children about drugs.

The groups agreed that all sectors of the community were needed to combat substance abuse and suggested that drug prevention programs in each community should form coalitions to better use resources and information.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Princess Health and Many Americans, including those on Obamacare plans, can't afford their health-insurance deductibles, studies show. Princessiccia

The United States has entered the era of high out-of-pocket medical cost as a way to keep insurance premiums low, but recent studies have found that many Americans are having trouble paying them, and the presidential candidates are hardly talking about this issue, Harris Meyer reports for Modern Healthcare.

Graph: Urban Institue's Health Reform Monitoring Survey
Nearly 25 percent of Americans surveyed last September who had coverage through employer plans, the Affordable Care Act, or individual plans outside health-insurance exchanges reported problems paying family medical bills in the previous 12 months, according to the Urban Institute's Health Reform Monitoring Survey. That compared with 16 percent of people on Medicaid and 27.8 percent of the uninsured.

The Kaiser Family Foundation also found that people on Medicaid or policies bought through the federal or state exchanges, also called marketplaces, couldn't afford their deductibles. This 2016 focus group study of 91 low-income Medicaid and exchange-plan enrollees in six cities found that "all reported that they had trouble affording some aspect of their current coverage, including premiums, deductibles, and/or co-payments." It also found that "nearly all marketplace participants" said they had received unexpected bills for services they thought were covered, and fear of this often led them to forgo care.

The latest Kentucky Health Issues Poll found that affordability is also a problem in Kentucky, with 28 percent of Kentucky households having at least one person who reported struggling to pay their medical bills in the previous 12 months. This rate was about the same as in 2014 and didn't vary much between those with insurance or without insurance.  In addition, the poll found that 20 percent of Kentucky households did not get the medical care they needed, or delayed care because of cost in the past 12 months.

This lack of affordability also affects health-care providers. Meyer reports that the chief financial officer for Community Health System told analysts at the first-quarter earnings report meeting that the fourth quarter of 2016 will be his company's best quarter, because patients will have hit their insurance deductibles and only then be able to afford needed care at their facilities.

�As individuals take on high deductibles and higher co-pays, they are essentially taking on insurance risk they can't necessarily afford,� Trevor Fetter, CEO of Tenet Healthcare Corp., told Meyer. Fetter told Meyer that his company now focuses on helping patients understand how to pay their bills, "including pressing for cash payments at the point of service."

What are the presidential candidates saying?

Meyers writes that Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton offers the most help for those who can't afford their high deductible. She says she "would require health plans to: cover three annual visits to a doctor for illness without applying the deductible; give insured people a $5,000-per-family refundable tax credit for out-of-pocket costs exceeding 5 percent of their income; cap out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs; bar providers and insurers from charging patients out-of-network bills for services received at an in-network hospital; and strengthen states' authority to block excessive insurance premium increases."

"Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Clinton's Democratic opponent, wants to eliminate premiums and cost-sharing entirely by establishing a tax-funded, government single-payer insurance program covering the full range of healthcare services, including long-term care," Meyer writes.

"Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, has released a seven-point health policy agenda that doesn't directly address out-of-pocket costs. It would offer households a tax deduction for buying coverage, expand health savings accounts, and let insurers sell plans across state lines," Meyers writes.

Meyers calls the issues surrounding high deductible plans and high prescription drug costs "the domestic policy elephant in the room," and says these issues are not getting enough attention.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Princess Health and In many people, OxyContin doesn't give 12-hour pain relief as advertised, and that can cause an addiction problem. Princessiccia

Oxycontin tablets (Los Angeles Times photo by Liz Baylen)
Why have so many people become addicted to the painkiller OxyContin? We know about the overselling of the drug by its manufacturer, Purdue Pharma, which cost the company $635 million in 2007 to settle an investigation by the Department of Justice. Now the Los Angeles Times reports on another big reason, which the settlement didn't address: In many people, OxyContin doesn't last as long as advertised, and "Patients can experience excruciating symptoms of withdrawal, including an intense craving for the drug," Harriet Ryan, Lisa Girion and Scott Glover report.

Purdue Pharma "launched OxyContin two decades ago with a bold marketing claim: One dose relieves pain for 12 hours, more than twice as long as generic medications," the writers report. "On the strength of that promise, OxyContin became America�s bestselling painkiller, and Purdue reaped $31 billion in revenue."

However, the Times reports, "Even before OxyContin went on the market, clinical trials showed many patients weren�t getting 12 hours of relief," as the company claimed. "Since the drug�s debut in 1996, the company has been confronted with additional evidence, including complaints from doctors, reports from its own sales reps and independent research. The company has held fast to the claim of 12-hour relief, in part to protect its revenue. OxyContin�s market dominance and its high price � up to hundreds of dollars per bottle � hinge on its 12-hour duration. Without that, it offers little advantage over less expensive painkillers."

In the late 1990s, when doctors began telling patients to take OxyContin at shorter intervals, "Purdue executives mobilized hundreds of sales reps to [refocus' physicians on 12-hour dosing. Anything shorter 'needs to be nipped in the bud. NOW!!' one manager wrote to her staff," the Times reports. "Purdue tells doctors to prescribe stronger doses, not more frequent ones, when patients complain that OxyContin doesn�t last 12 hours. That approach creates risks of its own. Research shows that the more potent the dose of an opioid such as OxyContin, the greater the possibility of overdose and death. More than half of long-term OxyContin users are on doses that public-health officials consider dangerously high, according to an analysis of nationwide prescription data conducted for The Times."

More than 7 million Americans have abused OxyContin in the last 20 years, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, and a disproportionate number have been in Appalachia and Eastern Kentucky, where the drug has been called "hillbilly heroin." OxyContin "is widely blamed for setting off the nation�s prescription opioid epidemic, which has claimed more than 190,000 lives from overdoses involving OxyContin and other painkillers since 1999," the Times reports.

Purdue Pharma issued statement calling the Times story �long on anecdotes and short on facts� and said it was based on a �long-discredited theory.� Times spokeswoman Hillary Manning replied, �Our editors see nothing in Purdue�s statement that casts doubt on our reporting or our findings.� For details, click here.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Princess Health and National Drug Take-Back Day is April 30; dispose of unused or expired drugs at most State Police posts from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. Princessiccia

Kentuckians can get rid of their unused or expired prescription drugs Saturday, April 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. as part of National Drug Take-Back Day. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. Most collections will be made at Kentucky State Police posts.

"The goal of these programs is to reduce the volume of drugs that could end up on the streets and then used illegally," says the Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy website.

All but two of the 16 KSP Posts will have "Take Back" locations on-site. Post 11 will have its collection at the Laurel County Health Department in London, and Post 8 will have a location at the Morehead Covention Center.

Sgt. Michael Webb, KSP spokesperson, said in the news release that the the program is designed to be easy for citizens and offered the following tips for those interested in participating:
  • Participants may dispose of a medication in its original container or by removing the medication from its container and disposing of it directly into the disposal box located at the drop off location.
  • All solid-dosage pharmaceutical products and liquids in consumer containers will be accepted.
  • Liquid products, such as cough syrup, should remain sealed in original containers.
  • The depositor should ensure that the cap is tightly sealed to prevent leakage.
  • Intravenous solutions, injectables and syringes will not be accepted due to potential hazard posed by blood-borne pathogens.
  • Illicit substances such as marijuana or methamphetamine are not a part of this initiative and should not be placed in collection containers.
Not including this Take-Back Day, "Kentucky has collected a total of 59,719 pounds of unused and/or unwanted prescription medications at all Drug Take-Back events and locations since October 2011," says the ODCP website. For more information about the Take-Back program, contact KSP at 502-782-1780 or click here.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Princess Health and Study says proton-pump inhibitors, used to treat heartburn, acid reflux and ulcers, could increase the risk of kidney disease. Princessiccia
Long-term use of commonly prescribed medications called proton-pump inhibitors, used for heartburn, acid reflux or ulcers, could increase the risk of chronic kidney disease, kidney failure or lead to a decrease in kidney function, according to new research  published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

In 2013, about 15 million Americans were prescribed proton-pump inhibitors, but the number of users is likely higher, because many are sold without a prescription, the American Society of Nephrology said in a news release.

Proton-pump inhibitors are sold under the brand names Prevacid, Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix, Aciphex and others. Nexium is one of the top ten drugs prescribed in the U.S., Troy Brown reports for Medscape Medical News.

The study looked at data from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and found 173,321 people who used PPIs and 20,270 who took histamine H2 receptor blockers, an alternative class of drugs also used to treat heartburn.

Histamine H2 receptor blockers are sold under the brand names Tagamet, Pepcid, Axid and Zantac

Researchers analyzed the data over five years and found that patients who took PPIs had a 96 percent increased risk of developing kidney failure and a 28 percent increased risk of chronic kidney disease compared to the patients who took the histamine H2 receptor blockers. And those who used PPIs over a long period of time, were at a higher risk of having kidney issues, says the release.

"The findings suggest that long-term use of PPIs may be harmful to the kidneys and should be avoided. PPI use may not only increase the risk of developing chronic kidney disease, but may also increase the risk of its progression to complete kidney failure," says the release.

�The results emphasize the importance of limiting PPI use only when it is medically necessary, and also limiting the duration of use to the shortest duration possible,� Dr. Al-Aly, one of the researchers, said in the news release.� A lot of patients start taking PPIs for a medical condition, and they continue much longer than necessary.�

Friday, 1 April 2016

Princess Health and  Adults 62-85 are often taking combinations of drug or dietary supplements that could be deadly; risk nearly doubled in 5 years. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Adults 62-85 are often taking combinations of drug or dietary supplements that could be deadly; risk nearly doubled in 5 years. Princessiccia

Update: 4/4/16, This story has been updated to reflect that the study says the number of adults using at least five prescription drugs a day has increased and not the average older American is using at least five prescription drugs a day.

The number of older Americans at risk of potentially life-threatening drug interactions almost doubled between 2005 and 2011, according to a study from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

"One in six older adults now regularly use potentially deadly combinations of prescription and over-the-counter medications and dietary supplements, a two-fold increase over a five year period," says the release.

More than half the potentially deadly interactions involved a non-prescription medication or dietary supplement such as a vitamin. The study found that older adults have increased their use of vitamins and supplements, despite limited evidence of their clinical benefit.

The study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, examined changes in medication use in more than 2,000 adults aged 62 to 85 between 2005 and 2011.

Fifteen potentially life-threatening drug combinations of the most commonly used medications and supplements were identified, and the study found nearly 15 percent of older adults in 2011 used at least one of these dangerous combinations, up from 8 percent in 2005.

The study found that older adults have grown more fond of non-prescription medications and supplements: 63.7 percent of older adults used them in 2011, up from 51.8 percent in 2005. Older adults using at least five prescription medications increased to 35.8 percent from 30.6 percent in the same time period.

The most common life-threatening interaction identified by the study was cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins), drugs used to prevent blood clots (anti-platelet drugs) and omega-3 fish oil supplements.

�Many older patients seeking to improve their cardiovascular health are also regularly using interacting drug combinations that may worsen cardiovascular risk,� one of the researchers said in a news release.

The researchers encourage health-care providers to carefully consider adverse effects of combining prescription and nonprescription medications when treating older adults, and to counsel patients about the risks. Older adults should also ask their pharmacists about potential drug interactions.

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Princess Health and Obama joins Rogers at National Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit, says it's time to focus on treatment over incarceration. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

The fifth annual national summit on prescription drug abuse, started by U.S. Rep. Hal Rogers of Kentucky, was the largest, broadest and highest-profile yet.

A non-prescription drug was added to the title of the four-day event, making it the National Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit. It drew more than 1,900 to Atlanta, including President Barack Obama, who joined an hour-long panel to talk about new ways to deal with a growing opioid and heroin epidemic.

U.S. Rep. Hal Rogers
"The rapid growth of this summit is truly a testament to the power of unity. Everyone here has one common goal - to save lives from the dark clenches of drug abuse," Rogers, a Republican from Somerset, said in a news release.

The summit was hosted by Operation UNITE, a Kentucky non-profit created by Rogers that leads education, treatment and law enforcement initiatives in 32 counties in Southern and Eastern Kentucky. The acronym stands for Unlawful Narcotics Investigations, Treatment and Education.

According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the U.S. someone dies every 20 minutes from an opioid overdose and Kentucky has one of the nation's highest rates, with more than 1,000 deaths a year from it.

(On Monday, April 4, KET's "Kentucky Tonight" will have a report on the summit and a look back at the network's coverage of drug addiction issues. For a preview from host Bill Goodman, click here.)

The University of Kentucky and UK HealthCare, which helped sponsor the summit, sent a delegation of executive, clinical and research leaders, including President Eli Capilouto as one of the keynote presenters, according to a UK news release.

�Too many Kentucky families are too often confronted by the dark and painful scourge of prescription drug abuse and opioid addiction," Capilouto said. "It�s an epidemic that penetrates communities across the nation, both urban and rural, but has especially intractable roots in Appalachia and the regions served by the University of Kentucky.�

Obama opened his remarks on the panel by thanking Rogers,who is also co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Prescription Drug Abuse, and UNITE, "the organization that has been carrying the laboring oar on this issue for many years now. We are very grateful to them."

Obama focused some of his comments on broadening access to medication-assisted treatments for addiction, most successfully with counseling and behavior therapy.

"What we do know is that there are steps that can be taken that will help people battle through addiction and get onto the other side, and right now that's under-resourced," the president said.

Obama's administration recently proposed doubling the number of patients a health-care provider can treat with buprenorphine, one of the drugs used to fight addiction, to 200 from 100.

He said the opioid and heroin epidemic is a public-health issue and not just a criminal-justice problem, which is the only way to reduce demand. "In this global economy of ours that the most important thing we can do is to reduce demand for drugs," he said.

Because the opioid and heroin epidemic is touching everybody and not just poor people and minorities, there is now more emphasis on treatment over incarceration, Obama said: "This is not something that's just restricted to a small set of communities. This is affecting everybody -- young, old, men, women, children, rural, urban, suburban."

The president also noted that there has been a significantly increase in opioid abuse in rural areas, which often suffer from an under-resourcing of treatment facilities and mental health services.

"And that's why, for all the good work that Congress is doing, it's not enough just to provide the architecture and the structure for more treatment. There has to be actual funding for the treatment," he said.

The president has proposed $1.1 billion in his upcoming fiscal year 2017 budget request to fund drug-treatment programs in counties all across the country.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced two rural initiatives at the summit: town hall meetings in rural areas hit hardest by drug abuse, including Appalachia, "to raise awareness of the issue and discuss possible solutions," and an extension of the Rural Health and Safety Education competitive grant program to include $1.4 million in grants that will now be available to rural communities to fight heroin and painkiller abuse, according to a press release.

The president also announced several other new initiatives: establishing a Mental Health and Substance Disorder Parity Task Force; implementing mental health and substance use disorder parity in Medicaid; releasing $11 million for the purchase and distribution of the opioid-overdose reversal drug, naloxone; expanding an initiative that improves local partnerships between law enforcement and public health; a $7 million investment for community policing to address heroin; and providing guidelines for the use of federal funds to implement or expand needle-exchange programs.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Princess Health and Trying to stop overdose epidemic, CDC tells docs to limit most opioid prescriptions to 3-7 days, use low doses and warn patients. Princessiccia

Graphic from CDC guideline brochure
Kentucky Health News

Doctors who prescribe highly addictive painkillers for chronic pain should stop and be much more careful to thwart "an epidemic of prescription opioid overdoses" that is "doctor-driven," the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday, March 15.

"This epidemic is devastating American lives, families, and communities," the CDC said. "The amount of opioids prescribed and sold in the U.S. quadrupled since 1999, but the overall amount of pain reported by Americans hasn�t changed."

Kentucky ranks very high in use of opioids and overdoses from them, and Louisville reported a big increase in overdoses this month, Insider Louisville reports.

The agency said doctors should limit the length of opioid prescriptions to three to seven days, use "the lowest possible effective dosage," monitor patients closely, and clearly tell them the risks of addiction.

It said most long-term use of opioids should be limited to cancer, palliative and end-of-life treatment, and that most chronic pain could be treated with non-prescription medications, physical therapy, exercise and/or cognitive behavioral therapy.

The guidelines are not binding on doctors, but Dr. Thomas Frieden, the CDC director, "said state agencies, private insurers and other groups might look to the recommendations in setting their own rules," the Los Angeles Times reported.

However, Modern Healthcare reported that the guidelines are unlikely to change physicians' practices. "One current hurdle to curbing the number of prescriptions is that it's much easier for a busy clinician to prescribe a 30-day supply of oxycodone or Percocet to treat a patient's chronic pain than it is to convince him or her to do physical therapy," Steven Ross Johnson writes. "The time constraints affecting physicians' practice has never been more acutely felt than in this era of health-care reform that emphasizes quality and value-based payment."

Money could be a key in making the guidelines effective. Sabrina Tavernise of The New York Times writes, "Some observers said doctors, fearing lawsuits, would reflexively follow them, and insurance companies could begin to us them to determine reimbursement." The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services could also play a role.

Johnson notes that physicians are trained to "reserve opioids for severe forms of pain . . . but in the 1990s, some specialists argued that doctors were under-treating common forms of pain that could benefit from opioids, such as backaches and joint pain. The message was amplified by multi-million-dollar promotional campaigns for new, long-acting drugs like OxyContin, which was promoted as less addictive."

Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin, agreed to pay $600 million in penalties to settle federal charges that it over-promoted the drug to doctors, prompting the epidemic, especially in Central Appalachia.

"When reports of painkiller abuse surfaced, many in the medical field blamed recreational abusers. In recent years, however, the focus has shifted to the role of doctors," Harriet Ryan and Soumya Karlamangla report for the Times, noting that a 2012 analysis "of 3,733 fatalities found that drugs prescribed by physicians to patients caused or contributed to nearly half the deaths."

Doctors, insurers, drug companies and government agencies "all share some of the blame, and they all must be part of a solution that will probably cost everyone money," Caitlin Owens writes for Morning Consult, which also notes prescribers' complaints and CDC's responses.
Princess Health and  Customers of exchanges such as Kynect are more likely to get prescriptions than other private health-insurance customers. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Customers of exchanges such as Kynect are more likely to get prescriptions than other private health-insurance customers. Princessiccia

"People enrolled in health plans through the Affordable Care Act exchanges are ramping up their use of prescription medications more rapidly than those in employer or government-sponsored plans, according to a new report from Express Scripts, the largest prescription drug benefits company," Carolyn Y. Johnson reports for The Washington Post, which headlined the story "A new sign Obamacare is helping the people who really need it."

"In 2015, people in the exchanges increased their number of prescriptions filled by 8.6 percent, four times the rate of people who receive insurance through commercial plans outside of the exchanges," Johnson writes. However, "The overall amount spent was much lower per person -- $777.27 compared to $1060.75" for commercial plans.

"The rapid uptake of the prescription drug benefit suggests there was a significant unmet medical need for many people gaining insurance through the exchanges, some of whom could have preexisting conditions and may not have previously had access to medicines," Johnson reports. "Before 2014, insurance companies could refuse coverage or charge much higher premiums for people with pre-existing conditions."

Express Scripts handles about a third of the prescriptions paid for by plans sold through the exchanges, including Kynect in Kentucky.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Princess Health and Kentucky ranks fourth nationally in painkiller prescriptions; CDC proposal would limit prescription strength and amount. Princessiccia

Kentucky has the nation's fourth highest rate of painkiller prescriptions, at about 130 prescriptions for every 100 people, Christine Vestal reports for Stateline. The high rate of painkiller prescriptions is being blamed on a rising rate of overdose deaths, leading health and government officials in many states to call for a limit on the number and strength of painkiller pills prescribed by doctors. (Stateline graphic)
"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is close to taking the unprecedented step of issuing national guidelines to curb liberal opioid prescribing practices widely blamed as the cause of the epidemic," Vestal writes. "CDC�s draft proposal urges primary care doctors to try drug-free methods to relieve chronic pain, such as exercise, weight loss and physical therapy, as well as non-opioid pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, before resorting to powerful opioid pills. If opioids are needed, the guidelines recommend starting with the smallest effective dose of immediate-release opioids, avoiding more dangerous time-release formulations except when needed." (Stateline graphic)
"Democratic and Republican governors unanimously support the CDC initiative and have pledged to promote the voluntary physician guidelines in their states," Vestal writes. "But the American Medical Association and pain organizations backed by drugmakers are complaining the initiative could make it difficult for chronic pain sufferers to get the pills they need."

Last week the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced that five Kentucky clinics�in Richmond, Louisville, Burkesville, Mount Sterling and Whitesburg�would receive $1.8 million to fight addiction to heroin and painkillers, Curtis Tate reports for McClatchy Newspapers. "According to the Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy, 1,087 Kentucky residents died of overdoses in 2014, including 204 in Jefferson County and 112 in Fayette County. HHS estimates that overdose deaths from prescription pain medications quadrupled from 1999 to 2013 and that deaths related to heroin increased 39 percent from 2012 to 2013."

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Princess Health and  McConnell touts bill to fight opioid abuse; blocks extra funding, says money is available and more should require cuts elsewhere. Princessiccia

Princess Health and McConnell touts bill to fight opioid abuse; blocks extra funding, says money is available and more should require cuts elsewhere. Princessiccia

The U.S. Senate passed a bill 94-1 March 10 aimed at "the growing epidemic of painkiller and heroin abuse," Karoun Demirjian reports for The Washington Post. "Drug abuse has been in the spotlight this political season, with presidential candidates recalling personal stories about relatives and friends who struggled with addiction and lawmakers from states dealing with the crisis highlighting their efforts to address the problem legislatively."

Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, as majority leader, helped lead the effort to pass the bill, along with fellow Republicans who "face tough re-election battles" and whose losses could cost the GOP its majority, Demirjian notes. Sens. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) "supported a Democratic-led, and ultimately unsuccessful, effort last week to add $600 million to the bill to support the treatment and prevention programs it would create." So did Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), "who is also facing a formidable election challenge."

McConnell opposed the funding amendment, saying there is enough money for the programs already and extra funding must be offset with budget cuts elsewhere. "Senators are now eyeing the appropriations process as the next place they intend to appeal for more drug abuse treatment and prevention funding," Demirjian reports.

McConnell said in a press release, "At a time when more Kentuckians now die from drug overdoses than car crashes, it�s clear that more action is needed."

Van Ingram, executive director of the Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy, told Beth Warren of The Courier-Journal, �One of the nice things this bill does is sets some standards around treatment.�

"The legislation would establish grant programs to help state and local governments improve education and treatment for drug abuse, encourage medical providers to reduce unnecessary prescriptions, commit resources to help veterans deal with addiction, and give local law enforcement and mental health officials tools to lower the death rate from overdoses," the Post reports. "A key provision would provide states with incentives to make naloxone, which can counteract overdoses, more widely available by offering liability protections to officials who distribute it. The bill�s fate in the House remains unclear."

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Princess Health and Seniors get a lot of anti-anxiety drugs, sometimes in dangerous combination with narcotics; Ky. ranks third in the nation in that.Princessiccia

When Medicare's drug program, called Part D, was put into place more than a decade ago, Congress decided to not pay for anti-anxiety medications. In 2013, when Medicare started paying for them, the program went from spending nothing for these medications to paying more than $377 million, Charles Ornstein and Ryann Grochowski Jones report for ProPublica, a nonprofit, investigative news organization.

Using anti-anxiety drugs in combination with narcotics increases the risk of overdoses, but Kentucky has many doctors who prescribe a lot of both. More than 100 Kentucky doctors each wrote at least 1,000 prescriptions for both types of drugs in 2013, according to data compiled by ProPublica.

That ranked Kentucky third in the nation, trailing only Florida and Alabama. Other southeastern states dominated the top 10. California, the nation's most populous state, ranked eighth; Tennessee was fourth and Ohio was ninth.

ProPublica has an application that lets you look up, by doctors' names, cities or ZIP codes, the number of Medicare claims they filed in 2013, the amount of money, the number of patients and the number of prescriptions for brand-name drugs.

The anti-anxiety drugs, some known as benzodiazepines, include popular tranquilizers such as Valium, Xanax and Ativan. 

Lawmakers initially chose to keep them out of Medicare Part D because they had been linked to abuse and an increased risk of falls among the elderly. Doctors kept prescribing them to Medicare enrollees, who found other ways to pay for them.

In 2013, the year Medicare started covering benzodiazepines, it paid for nearly 40 million prescriptions, ProPublica found. Generic versions of Xanax (alprazolam), Ativan (lorazepam) and Klonopin (clonazepam) were among the top 32 most-prescribed medications in Medicare Part D that year.

The American Geriatrics Society "discourages the use of benzodiazepines in seniors for agitation, insomnia or delirium because they can be habit-forming and disorienting and their effects last longer in older patients." The society does say the drugs "are appropriate to treat seizure disorders, severe anxiety, withdrawal and in end-of-life care," ProPublica notes.

One geriatric psychiatrist told ProPublica that the drugs are a "very real safety concern" for the elderly, and that he and others in his field don't use them as a "first-, second-, or third- line of treatment." Some geriatric psychiatrists have voiced concerns that these drugs are now being used instead of antipsychotics, since Medicare has pushed to reduce the use of antipsychotics, particularly in nursing homes, because of their risks.

Several doctors who rank among Medicare's top prescribers of the drugs told ProPublica that any risks of anti-anxiety drugs are outweighed by their benefits. One said that the drugs worked well for his patients, many of whom were trying to kick addictions to narcotics, but struggled with anxiety and depression.

However, ProPublica also found that some doctors appear to be prescribing benzodiazepines and narcotic painkillers to the same patients, which increased the risk of misuse and overdose. That's where Kentucky ranked third.

Dr. Leonard J. Paulozzi, a medical epidemiologist at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, co-authored an analysis showing that benzodiazepines were involved in about 30 percent of the fatal narcotic overdoses that occurred nationwide in 2010, ProPublica reports.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Princess Health andPolling shows Kentucky ranks third in share of residents, 24.5 percent, who say they take mood-altering drugs every day.Princessiccia

Kentucky is the place to be for mood-altering drugs. The state ranked third in a Gallup Organization study that asked 450 adults in each state how often they use drugs and medications to affect their mood or relax them, Christopher Ingraham reports for The Washington Post. West Virginia led, with 28.1 percent of respondents saying they use mood-altering drugs every day, Rhode Island was second at 25.9 percent, but Kentucky was not far behind at 24.5 percent.

Nationally, 18.9 percent of respondents said they take drugs almost every day, while 62.2 percent said they never do, 13.1 percent said they rarely do and 5 percent said they sometimes do.

The way the question was worded allows for errors, Ingraham writes. The question asked about drugs and medications, but didn't specify which ones, and didn't mention alcohol or tobacco. That left interpretation of the question up to individual respondents.

A recent National Survey of Drug Use and Health said that at least 71 percent of American adults drank in the past year, and 56 percent drank in the past month, which if true, could raise the rates in most states, if respondents were to consider alcohol a mood-altering drug. (Read more) (To view this interactive Post map click here)

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Princess Health andNew health-related laws deal with heroin, dating violence, end-of-life care, prescriptions, colon-cancer and newborn screening.Princessiccia

Princess Health andNew health-related laws deal with heroin, dating violence, end-of-life care, prescriptions, colon-cancer and newborn screening.Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

FRANKFORT, Ky. � The Kentucky General Assembly passed several health-related bills this session, including high-profile measures on heroin and dating violence. It did not pass many others, including one that would have a great influence on the state's health: a statewide smoking ban, which passed the House for the first time ever, but never got out of an unfavorable committee in the Senate. Here's a roundup:

Heroin: Kentucky's heroin-overdose epidemic was caused partly by a 2012 legislative crackdown on prescription painkillers, which steered users to the illegal drug. Last year's bill died because of deadlock over sentences for traffickers and needle-exchange programs for addicts, and Gov. Steve Beshear and legislators gave this year's bill top priority. It was not finally negotiated until a few hours before passage, but Beshear signed Senate Bill 192 into law less than 12 hours after it passed so that its emergency clause could put it into effect immediately.

SB 192 includes both a needle-exchange program and harsher penalties against traffickers, the main points of contention between the House and Senate, but requires local governments to approve needle exchanges and allows judges to be lenient in sentencing addicts, to help them get treatment. It allocates money for drug-treatment programs, allows increased access to Naloxone, a drug that reverses the effects of an overdose, and allows jailers to provide medically assisted treatment for inmates with opiate addiction.

Dating violence: After 10 years of lobbying and debate, the dating violence bill will allow dating partners to get interpersonal protective orders from a judge if they have been the victim of dating violence, sexual abuse or stalking. This year's bill largely dissolved social conservatives' opposition by creating a new chapter in the law for dating violence, with the same protections as the domestic-violence law. Kentucky is the last state to offer protection to dating-violence victims. House Bill 8 was sponsored by Rep. John Tilley, D-Hopkinsville, who also sponsored the House heroin bill.

Beshear has signed these bills into law:

Prescription synchronization: SB 44, sponsored by Sen. Julie Raque Adams,R -Louisville, will allow patients with multiple prescriptions, in consultation with their health-care provider and their pharmacist, to synchronize prescriptions so that they may be picked up at the same time.

Medical order scope of treatment: SB 77, sponsored by Sen. Tom Buford, R-Nicholasville. will create a medical order scope of treatment (MOST) form that specifically directs the type of treatment a patient would like to have, and how much intervention he or she would like to have, during end-of-life care.

Colorectal cancer screening: SB 61, sponsored by Sen. Ralph Alvarado, R-Winchester, will require that a fecal test to screen for colon cancer, and any follow-up colonoscopy, be considered preventive measures that health insurance is required to cover without imposing additional deductible or co-insurance cost. The governor also signed a similar measure, HB 69, sponsored by Rep. Tom Burch, D-Louisville, which contains an amendment by Sen. Julian Carroll, D-Frankfort, for a Medicaid savings study.

Newborn screenings for fatal disease: SB 75, sponsored by Sen. Alice Forgy Kerr, R-Lexington, will require all newborns to be tested for Krabbe disease, a neurological disorder that destroys the protective coating of nerve and brain cells and is fatal once symptoms occur.

Spina bifida: SB 159, sponsored by Adams, will require medical providers to supply written, up-to-date, accurate information to parents when their unborn child is diagnosed with spina bifida so they can make informed decisions on treatment.

Emergency care for strokes: SB 10, sponsored by Sens. Stan Humphries, R-Cadiz, and David Givens, R-Greensburg, requires that local emergency services have access to a list of stroke-ready hospitals, comprehensive stroke centers and primary stroke centers in Kentucky. Emergency medical providers will set their own protocols for assessment, treatment and transport of stroke patients.

Alcohol and drug counselors: HB 92, sponsored by Rep. Leslie Combs, D-Pikeville, creates an enhanced licensing program to recognize three levels of certified alcohol and drug counselors, with different levels of education. The goal is to increase the number of counselors in the state.

UK cancer research centerHB 298, sponsored by Rep. Rick Rand, D-Bedford, revises the state budget to authorize $132.5 million, half of the cost, for a new medical research center at the University of Kentucky. The university says it will raise money to cover the other half.

These health bills awaited the governor's signature Monday morning:

Physician assistants: HB 258, sponsored by Rep. Denver Butler, D-Louisville, to allow physicians to supervise up to four physicians at the same time, rather than two.

In-home care: HB 144, sponsored by Burch, to establish a 60-day, hospital-to-home transition program through an approval waiver from the Department for Medicaid Services.

Pharmacist-practitioner collaboration: HB 377, sponsored by Rep. Dean Schamore, D-Hardinsburg, to allow collaboration between pharmacist and practitioners to manage patients' drug-related health needs.

Tax refund donations: SB 82, sponsored by Sen. Max Wise, R-Campbellsville, to put an income tax check-off box on tax forms to allow people the option of donating a portion of their tax refund to support pediatric cancer research, rape crisis centers or the Special Olympics.

Health related bills that were left hanging:

The smoking ban, HB 145, sponsored by Rep. Susan Westrom, D-Lexington, never got a hearing in the Senate Veterans, Military Affairs and Public Protection Committee, and neither did the Senate companion bill, SB 189, sponsored by Adams.

Three bills challenged Medicaid managed-care companies. SB 120, sponsored by Alvarado, would have created a process for health-care providers to appeal the companies' decisions to the state passed the Senate, but not the House.  And the following two bills that never got out of the Senate: SB 88, also sponsored by Alvarado, which challenged the $50 "triage fees" MCOs pay for emergency-room visits that they conclude were not emergencies, and would have required them to pay contracted fees instead and SB 31, sponsored by Buford, which would limited the amount of co-payments. Also not getting House action was Alvarado's SB 6 would have created review panels for lawsuits seeking damages from health-care providers.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Princess Health and Princess Health andNew rule allows Medicare to drop doctors for irresponsible prescribing.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Princess Health andNew rule allows Medicare to drop doctors for irresponsible prescribing.Princessiccia

Medicare physicians who prescribe drugs in abusive ways can now be expelled by the federal government, Charles Ornstein reports for ProPublica.

This increased oversight of Medicare Part D prescribers could help decrease the availability of prescription drugs to abusers in Kentucky. More than 1,000 Kentuckians die each year from prescription drug overdoses, and the state has the third-highest overdose death rate in the nation.

Opoids, which are often found in pain medicine, are the most commonly abused prescription drugs, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Hydrocodone, an opoid, is the most commonly prescribed controlled substance in Kentucky, according to the Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting (KASPER) system, and is also the most prescribed drug in Part D program, according to ProPublica's Prescriber Checkup, a tool that compares physicians' prescribing patterns among specialties and states.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed the new rule after ProPublica documented "how Medicare's failure to oversee Part D effectively had enabled doctors to prescribe inappropriate or risky medications, had led to the waste of billions of dollars on needlessly expensive drugs and had exposed the program to rampant fraud," Ornstein writes.

Part D covers 37.5 million seniors and disabled patients, and one in every four prescriptions in the U.S. is paid for by Medicare, costing taxpayers $62 billion in 2012, and experts have complained that Medicare is more interested in providing drugs to patients than in targeting problem prescribers, Ornstein notes. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' inspector general has called for tighter controls.

The new rule allows Medicare to drop doctors "if it finds their prescribing abusive, a threat to public safety or in violation of Medicare rules," or if their Drug Enforcement Administration registration certificates are suspended or revoked, Ornstein writes. Problem providers will be identified by prescribing data, disciplinary actions, malpractice lawsuits and other information.

Opponents of the rule have called its definition of "abusive" prescribing too vague. Some worry that patients will lose access to necessary medication if their doctor is removed from the program, Ornstein writes. Medicare officials said they intend to expel providers only in "very limited and exceptional circumstances," saying "It will become clear to honest and legitimate prescribers . . . that our focus is restricted to cases of improper prescribing that are so egregious that the physician or practitioner's removal from the Medicare program is needed to protect Medicare beneficiaries."

The new rule also allows the Medicare center to "compel health care providers to enroll in Medicare to order medications for patients covered by its drug program, known as Part D," Ornstein writes. Now, doctors not enrolled in Medicare can prescribe for Part D patients; they will have to enroll or opt out of the program by June 1, 2015.

The doctors most affected by this will be dentists and Department of Veterans Affairs physicians who provide services not covered by Medicare but have patients who fill prescriptions covered by the program, Ornstein notes. Most health providers are already enrolled. (Read more)

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Princess Health and Princess Health andMore treatment needed to deal with painkiller abuse, expert witness tells Senate caucus; McConnell says jail helps, too.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Princess Health andMore treatment needed to deal with painkiller abuse, expert witness tells Senate caucus; McConnell says jail helps, too.Princessiccia

Addiction to prescription painkillers, and increased addiction to heroin by people originally hooked on prescription medicine, is "a public health disaster of catastrophic proportions" that "was caused by the medical community," the chief medical officer of a New York drug-treatment program said at a U.S. Senate hearing Wednesday.

"The medical community, including dentists, must prescribe more cautiously," Dr. Andrew Kolodny of Phoenix House told the U.S. Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control. In areas where abuse is rampant, "Treatment capacity does not come close to meeting demand," he said. "If we don't rapidly expand access to treatment, the outlook is grim." He also called for better education of physicians about the risks of prescribing painkillers.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky attended the first several minutes of the hearing and read a statement calling for the problem to be attacked by a combination of treatment and incarceration, with the use of multi-agency partnerships. He also said, "It's clear that the increase in heroin addiction is tied to our fight against prescription drug abuse."

Part of that fight included requiring Kentucky doctors to participate in the state's prescription-drug monitoring program, which Kolodny said made the state one of only three with such a requirement. The others are New York and Tennessee.

Officials have said that when Kentucky cracked down on disreputable "pill mill" pain clinics, making prescriptions harder to get, addicts turned to heroin. "Heroin is just a symbol for the prescription-drug problem," Joseph Rannazzisi, deputy assistant administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, told the senators.

Rannazzisi said the largely successful effort against pill mills in Florida has driven them to Georgia and Tennessee. He said Tennessee has 300 pain clinics. "They're moving north and west," he said. "Regulatory boards in the states need to take control."

Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the Democratic co-chair of the caucus, said the testimony made prescription-painkiller and heroin abuse seem worse than the drug problems she dealt with as mayor of San Francisco in the 1980s. "Nothing like today," she said. "I am really struck."

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Princess Health and Princess Health andAt National Prescription Drug Abuse Summit, Beshear cites Kentucky's successes.Princessiccia

Gov. Steve Beshear told attendees at the 2014 National Prescription Drug Abuse Summit in Atlanta on Wednesday about the progress Kentucky has made in the last two years in its battle to combat abuse of prescription drugs.

"Prescription drug abuse was wasting away the future of Kentucky... and collectively, as a state, we decided it was past time to take aggressive action," Beshear said.

Two years ago, Beshear attended the summit  and described a plan; what Kentucky was going to do about prescription drug abuse. Since then, not only has Kentucky implemented an aggressive, strategic plan, it has data showing significant progress.

The plan included increased monitoring of prescriptions, tighter regulations for painkillers, closing pain clinics that did not meet tougher requirements, collecting and disposing of leftover drugs and educating prescribers and the public about the dangerous, addictive nature of these drugs.

The state also set up an electronic prescription drug monitoring system, called KASPER and increased coordination among health regulators and law enforcement both inside Kentucky and with other states.

As for the progress, the evidence is in the numbers. From August 2012 to July 2013, Kentucky saw an 8.5 percent drop in the prescription of controlled substances, Beshear reported, adding that there must have been " a lot of unnecessary prescribing going on."

He also noted the closure of 36 pain clinics that did not meet the new requirements: "They packed up and left, essentially in the dark of the night."

Beshear reported the third area of improvement as less reported abuse of prescription drugs by teen-agers, based on every-other-year surveys of Kentucky 10th graders by Kentucky Incentives for Prevention.

In 2008, 19.3 percent of 10th graders said they had used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes at some point in their lives. In 2012, that number had dropped to 10.4 percent. In 2008, 14.1 percent said they had illegally used prescription drugs in the last month; in 2012, that number dropped to 7.6 percent.

Getting rid of old, unused drugs, whose presence in medicine cabinets can lead to abuse and theft, has also been a strategy of success in Kentucky, Beshear said. He said 172 permanent drop-off sites have been established, with at least one site in 110 of Kentucky's 120 counties.

Beshear also stressed the importance of educating both prescribers and the public. Kentucky's medical community has access to a free, on-line education program and students in Kentucky participate in Keep Kentucky Kids Safe program which has reached 40,000 students so far.

The governor said increased availability of substance abuse treatment is important, and mentioned his expansion of Medicaid under federal health reform. "Access to treatment is at an all-time high in Kentucky, thanks to expanded Medicaid programs and the Affordable Care Act," he said. "There are many addicts who want to get clean, and we�re helping them." For a copy of the speech, click here.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Princess Health and Princess Health andBeshear signs bill allowing limited use of oil extracted from marijuana to treat children's seizures.Princessiccia

Gov. Steve Beshear has signed into law a bill allowing doctors at the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville, or those conducting a clinical trial approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, to prescribe a marijuana extract to treat seizures in young people.

Denton (Herald-Leader photo)
Senate Bill 124 was sponsored by retiring Sen. Julie Denton, R-Louisville, who said its passage was unimaginable a decade ago, according to the Lexington Herald-Leader. The General Assembly rejected legislation to authorize medical use of marijuana, but legislators and the Beshear administration agreed to SB 124 because tearful parents testified for the bill and cannabidiol contains none of marijuana's psychoactive ingredient.

"Both our law enforcement leaders and our drug policy director worked with the legislators on this bill, and they gave the bill their support," Beshear said in a press release. "Because the bill has been carefully constructed to require that any prescriptive recommendation for the oil can come only from physicians at the state�s research universities or through an FDA clinical trial, I am confident that this law will provide the relief that these families seek, without creating complications for our law enforcement community.�