Showing posts with label teenagers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teenagers. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Princess Health and  CDC boss Tom Frieden, at SOAR, gives examples of how communities can improve health, such as smoking bans. Princessiccia

Princess Health and CDC boss Tom Frieden, at SOAR, gives examples of how communities can improve health, such as smoking bans. Princessiccia

By Al Cross
Kentucky Health News

PIKEVILLE, Ky. -- Speaking to a region with some of the nation's poorest health, the top federal public-health official gave examples of how individual communities and states have made themselves healthier.

"Health is not just about health, it's about society," Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told more than 1,000 people at the Shaping Our Applalachian Region Innovation Summit in Pikeville. "Healthy societies are more productive, and productive societies are more healthy."

Referring to Kentucky's high rates of disease and factors that cause them, Frieden said bringing Eastern Kentucky's health statistics up to the national average would save more than 1,000 lives a year.

Frieden cited six communities that have tackled specific health issues, such as obesity, lack of physical activity, heart health, smoking and teen pregnancy.

Obesity is one of SOAR's three main health targets, but it's not an easy one, Frieden said. He said Somerville, Mass., reduced obesity in children under 6 by 21 percent by making it a community issue, with creation of farmers' markets for local produce, construction of walking paths and the mayor leading community walks.

"Physical activity is the closest thing to a wonder drug," Frieden said, because it helps prevent heart disease, strokes, diabetes and cancer, improved mood and lengthens life.

The leading preventable cause of death is smoking, Frieden said, calling for ordinances and laws making workplaces smoke-free. "Nobody should have to risk getting cancer to come to their job," he said.

Heart disease is the most preventable major cause of death, Frieden said, explaining how Minnesota and Grace Community Health Centers in Knox, Clay, Leslie and Bell counties have improved heart health by improving treatment of high blood pressure, or hypertension. "It's the single most important thing" to do for heart health, and it's simple, Frieden said, because the medicine is inexpensive and taken once a day with few if any side effects.

Frieden said the CDC thinks a lot about teen pregnancy because "Teen pregnancy perpetuates a cycle of poverty." He said Spartanburg, S.C., reduced teen pregnancy by 61 percent from 2001 to 2014 partly because South Carolina's Medicaid program paid for long-acting, reversible contraception immediately after delivery, and was the first state to give full reimbursement for post-partum insertion of intrauterine devices for birth control. Kentucky Medicaid doesn't cover such services.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Princess Health and  Clark County schools to provide mental health services via contract with agency that can bill Medicaid or private insurance. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Clark County schools to provide mental health services via contract with agency that can bill Medicaid or private insurance. Princessiccia

Facing a surge in behavioral health cases among students, the Clark County Board of Education has contracted with a mental-health agency services for all preschool through high school students in the district.

Mountain Comprehensive Care will place a mental health therapist in every school to address issues immediately, at no cost to the district, Whitney Leggett reports for The Winchester Sun: "In the past three years, the district has seen the number of students in the home-hospital program because of mental-health issues surpass those with physical ailments."

Greg Hollon, director of pupil personnel and support services, told Leggett, �Previously, about 80 percent of home-hospital students were for physical ailments and 20 percent for mental. Fast forward a couple of years later, and that has switched to 65 percent mental, 35 percent physical.�

Hollon said the therapists at each school will help the district stay on top of problems. �This puts someone in the buildings full time to be there to address issues as they occur,� rather than requiring staff to call Mountain or some other agency.

Mountain, based in Prestonsburg, is able to provide the service without charge because it can bill Medicaid or private insurance.

Monday, 25 April 2016

Princess Health and  Levels of suspected 'hormone disruptors' in teen girls dropped after they switched to products that didn't contain them . Princessiccia

Princess Health and Levels of suspected 'hormone disruptors' in teen girls dropped after they switched to products that didn't contain them . Princessiccia

A recent study found that after three days of not using personal-care products that contain "problematic substances," the levels of chemicals that potentially disrupt hormones in the bodies of teenage girls dropped, Environmental Working Group Vice Preisdent Alex Formuzis writes for its Enviroblog.

The study, led by Kim Harley of the Center for Environmental Research and Children�s Health at the University of California-Berkeley, asked 100 Latina girls between 14 and 18 years old to not use personal-care products such as cosmetics, shampoos and soaps, for three days and instead to only use products free of the suspected hormone disruptors: phthalates, parabens and triclosan. The girls, all volunteers, were given products that did not contain these chemicals.

After three days, the teens' urine tests showed a 44 percent decrease in the levels of methyl and propyl parapen, preservatives widely used in cosmetics, shampoos and skin lotions; a 35 percent decrease in triclosan, a commonly used antibacterial chemical that has been linked to the disruption of thyroid and reproductive hormones; and a 27 percent decrease in mono-ethyl phthalates, a common industrial plasticizer found in some nail polishes and fragrances.

�Techniques available to consumers, such as choosing personal care products that are labeled to be free of phthalates, parabens, triclosan, and oxybenzone, can reduce personal exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals,� the study authors wrote. �Our study did not test for the presence of these chemicals, but simply used techniques available to the average consumer: reading labels and investigating product safety through web-based databases.�

The study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, notes that the study shows that "consumers may be able to reduce exposures to these chemicals by seeking out commercially available products with lower levels of these chemicals."

However, Formuzis pointed out that the federal Food and Drug Administration has "virtually no authority" over this industry and notes that this study helps to, "underscores the need to regulate the personal care products industry."

Legislation by U.S. Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine), proposes to do just that.

"The Feinstein-Collins Personal Care Products Safety Act would give the FDA tools for ensuring the safety of personal care products as strong as those that regulate food and drugs," Formuzis writes. The bill would require the FDA to investigate the safety of five cosmetics ingredients and contaminants yearly; cosmetic makers would have to register their manufacturing facilities,disclose their ingredients, report health incidents related to their products, and label their products with disclosures and warnings as needed; and it would allow the FDA the authority to recall dangerous products.

Formuzis reports that "some of the corporations backing the Feinstein-Collins bill include Revlon, Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble, Unilever, L�Oreal, California Baby and the industry trade organization, the Personal Care Products Council."

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Princess Health and  Teens now more likely to use e-cigs than tobacco; health officials call for regulations and better education about the products. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Teens now more likely to use e-cigs than tobacco; health officials call for regulations and better education about the products. Princessiccia

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News

The number of adolescents using electronic cigarettes has risen so much that more of them use e-cigs than tobacco products, says the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The findings come from the National Youth Tobacco Survey, which collected data from about 20,000 middle- and high-school students across the country from 2011 to 2015.

Only 1.5 percent of high schoolers used e-cigarettes in 2011, but that zoomed to 16 percent in 2015, with most of the increase seen between 2013 and 2014. The number of middle-school students using e-cigarettes increased from less than 1 percent in 2011 to 5.3 percent in 2015.

Tobacco smoking with hookahs, or water pipes, showed a lesser but significant increase, rising to 7.2 percent from 4.1 percent among high-school students and to 2 percent from 1 percent among middle-school students.

During this same time frame, children's use of cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco products decreased. The share of high-school and middle-school students who reported smoking a cigarette in the last month dropped, respectively, to 9.3 percent from 15.8 percent; and to 2.3 percent from 4.3 percent.

The rise in e-cigarette and hookah use offset the decrease in traditional tobacco use, meaning there was no overall change in use of nicotine or tobacco products among middle and high school students between 2011 and 2015.

An estimated 25.3 percent of high school students and 7.4 percent of middle school students say they have used a tobacco or nicotine product in the past 30 days. That amounts to 3.82 million high school students and 880,000 middle school students.

The study did not give state-by-state figures, but Kentucky has long ranked high in youth tobacco use.

One of the reasons for the rise in popularity of e-cigarettes is that there are no restrictions on buying them on the internet, Carina Storrs reports for CNN after interviewing Brian A. King, deputy director of research translation in the CDC Office on Smoking and Health, who led the current research.

"The fact that we have a flavored product that is easier to access and possibly cheaper has created a perfect storm to lead to increased use," King said.

Also, King said, e-cigarette companies appeal to youth by advertising heavily on social media, selling trendy accessories and employing celebrities to market the products. King said older peers and family members could also be providing e-cigs, just as they have provided conventional cigarettes to.

Pediatricians have called for raising the smoking age to 21 and for the regulation of e-cigarettes.

As of April, 2016, 141 cities in 10 states and the state of Hawaii have raised the legal age to buy tobacco or vaping products to 21, according to the website.

In Kentucky, Democratic Rep. David Watkins, a retired physician from Henderson, filed a bill this year to raise the legal age for buying tobacco or vaping products to 21, which made it out the the House Health and Welfare Committee, but was not called up for a vote on the House floor. Kentucky banned the sale of e-cigarettes to minors in 2014.

The Food and Drug Administration introduced a proposal in 2014 to oversee and regulate electronic cigarettes, but it has still not been finalized.

Dr. M. Brad Drummond, associate professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, told Storrs that tighter restrictions are needed around purchasing, taxation, flavoring and advertising of e-cigarettes, noting that this would have an effect on "denormalizing their use." He also said teens need to be better educated about the harms associated with e-cigs.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Princess Health and Almost one-third of teens have changed their health habits after looking up information on the Internet, study suggests.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Almost one-third of teens have changed their health habits after looking up information on the Internet, study suggests.Princessiccia

A decade-long study by researchers at Northwestern University about how teenagers use the Internet for health information found that almost one-third of adolescents report changing health habits after looking for information online, Lena H. Sun writes for the Washington Post.

The study also found that almost 25 percent of teens check the Internet to find information about health conditions their family and friends have. "While most teens rely on digital resources to learn more about puberty, drugs, sex and depression, among other issues, a surprising 88 percent said they did not feel comfortable sharing their health concerns with friends on Facebook or on other social networking sites," Sun writes.

"I mainly find it kind of moving because it really illustrates that a lot of teens are grappling with very real, very important health challenges and that the Internet is empowering them with the information they need to take better care of themselves," said Vicky Rideout, a co-author of the study.

Although the study found that parents are still the leading source of health information�55 percent of teens reported learning "a lot" of health information from parents�and health classes in school, doctors and nurses came in second and third, the Internet is the fourth-largest source of health information. "Eighty-four percent of teens said they turned to the Internet for health information," Sun reports.

Teens are still asking their parents health questions, and only 13 percent of those surveyed said they consult the Internet because they couldn't talk to their parents. "The Internet is not replacing parents, teachers and doctors; it is supplementing them," the researchers wrote.

Participants in the study were 1,156 American teenagers between 13 and 18 years old. "We need to make sure there is good information for teens online," Rideout said. Teenagers need to learn digital literacy skills and acquire the ability to tell the difference between advertising and content. (Read more)

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Princess Health and Princess Health andParents can help teens make healthy food choices this summer by strategically stocking the pantry.Princessiccia

A steady diet of junk food can be especially harmful to teens, who tend to experience a growth spurt during these years, and these poor nutritional choices as teens can affect their health in years to come, reports Newswise, a research-reporting service.

�While it�s important to eat healthy at every age and stage, the growth and physical maturation occurring during adolescence makes good nutrition all the more critical,� Kristen Kizer, a clinical dietician with Houston Methodist Wellness Services, said in the release. �Teens are growing, meaning that their cells are diving rapidly. This means increased calorie and protein needs, as well as increased need for vitamins and minerals like calcium, vitamin D, iron, and folate.�

So, as parents stock their refrigerators and pantries for the summer, it is important for you to remember to include healthy foods that are quick, easy and tasty to teens, while paying special attention to providing foods high in calcium and vitamin D.

Calcium and vitamin D intake should be of particular importance for teens because about half of peak bone mass occurs during the teen years, Kizer explains in the release. If teens don't get adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D, they can become adults with poor bone density, setting themselves up for osteoporosis and bone fractures in later years.

The National Institute of Health says teenagers need 1,300 milligrams of calcium each day. offers a list of foods that are high in calcium that includes dairy products, veggies including broccoli and dark green, leafy vegetables, soy products, calcium-fortified foods, beans and canned fish.

Parents and teens should also remember that good eating habits and a healthy weight are important to establish during the teen years because approximately 90 percent of overweight and obese teens will remain overweight or obese as adults, Newswise reports.

�Most teens aren't thinking about chronic disease 30 years down the road, reminding them that the foods they choose now have an impact on their appearance, athletic performance, or academics can help them make healthier choices,� Kizer says in the release. �Girls especially may be struggling with body image issues, so helping them select foods that will make them physically feel well can also improve their mood and emotional health.�

Kizer's suggestions for healthy food choices:

  • Guacamole, made from a jar of salsa and avocados, and baby carrots. The vitamin C in the salsa will keep the guacamole from turning brown and the healthy monounsaturated fat from the avocado will keep your hungry teens satisfied.
  • Whole wheat rotini and veggies and pasta sauce, all mixed together and ready to heat. This meal provides fiber, magnesium, manganese and selenium.
  • Greek yogurt with fruit. The added protein from the Greek yogurt will keep your hungry teen full and he or she will also be getting fiber from the fruit, as well as vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, and calcium.
  • Cereal. Look for cereals that include no more than 6 grams of sugar.
  • Baked chips instead of full-fat chips.
  • Low-fat ice-cream sandwiches or 100 percent frozen fruit bars.
  • Whole-wheat thin crust pizza that features veggies rather than high-fat meat like sausage and pepperoni.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Princess Health and Princess Health andSenate committee kills bill to keep minors from using tanning beds.Princessiccia

Legislation to ban minors from using tanning beds fell two votes short of passing the Senate Health and Welfare Committee on Wednesday. The bill, which passed the House 61-31, would have prohibited anyone under the age of 18 from using tanning beds. Kentucky prohibits all minors under 14 from using tanning beds, and requires parental permission for those ages 14 to 17.

Sen. Jimmy Higdon, R-Lebanon, told Stu Johnson of  WEKU-FM, "I just can't get to the point where I ban juniors and seniors in high school from using a tanning bed. I think they're of age to be responsible enough to understand the consequences." (Read more)

Sen. Joe Bowen, R-Owensboro, said he didn't "support the bill because it is an example of the government telling people how to live their lives," The Associated Press reports. "He noted his wife had skin cancer in her 20s that was not caused by a tanning bed." (Read more)

Seventeen states and Washington D.C. have laws banning minors from using tanning beds, and 33 states and Washington, D.C., regulate the use of tanning beds by minors, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. California, Illinois, Nevada, Texas, Vermont and Oregon ban tanning bed use for all minors, with exceptions made in some cases for medical use. (Read more) (American Academy of Dermatology graphic of state tanning laws for minors)

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Princess Health and Parents should talk to children about alcohol; study shows teens do listen.Princessiccia

Princess Health and Parents should talk to children about alcohol; study shows teens do listen.Princessiccia

Two recent studies highlight how important it is for parent to talk with their teens about the risks of alcohol use, which leads to more than 4,500 deaths nationwide every year.

In the first study, Mothers Against Drunk Driving found that fewer than a third of alcohol-related deaths among 15- to 20-year-olds are caused by drinking and driving. About 32 percent of the drinking-related deaths involved traffic crashes, while 68 percent involved incidents such as murder (30 percent), suicide (14 percent), alcohol poisoning (9 percent) and other causes (15 percent), MADD says in a press release.

"These data show that taking away the keys truly does not take away all of the risks when it comes to underage drinking," MADD national president Jan Withers said. "MADD hopes this information will inspire parents to have ongoing conversations with their kids about the dangers of drinking alcohol before age 21, especially since we know that a majority of kids say their parents are the biggest influence on their decisions about alcohol."

Another study says parents can help reduce children's excessive drinking in college by talking with them about the potential dangers of excessive drinking before they set foot on campus, and it turns out that children really do listen to their parents about drinking, says the study by Rob Turrisi of Penn State. Discussing drinking in any way before teens go to campus, including why some teens drink while others don't, as well as the potential dangers of excessive drinking, can help.

Having this type of conversation with teens about the reality of underage drinking and its risks, such as alcoholism and alcohol poisoning, and can reduce the odds that light drinkers will escalate into excessive drinkers, says the study. It can also increase the likelihood that already heavy-drinking teens cut down on their drinking or even stop completely.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism also urges parents to talk with their children about alcohol. Click here for more information about doing this or to read about the risks of alcohol use and other prevention strategies.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Princess Health and As U.S. teen birthrate reaches 70-year low, Ky. still 7th highest.Princessiccia

The teenage birth rate nationwide is the lowest in nearly 70 years, but Kentucky's rate is much higher than the national average � 46.2 births per 1,000 compared to 34.3 across the U.S.

That ranks it seventh highest in the nation, but the figure is down from 53.1 per 1,000 in 2007. Nationwide, the number is down from 61.8 per 1,000 in 1991. "Young people are being more careful," Sarah Brown, CEO of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, told Sharon Jayson of USA Today.

In 2010, a total of 367,752 infants were born to mothers ages 15 to 19. Mississippi had the highest rate, with 55 teen births per 1,000 and New Hampshire had the lowest with 15.7, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.

Girls who are having sex for the first time are much more likely to use contraception than their predecessors, notes Laura Lindberg, a senior research associate with the non-profit Guttmacher Institute in New York. She credited the lower teen-birth rate to "the elimination of pelvic exams before receiving prescriptions for hormonal methods, as well as use of long-acting methods such as IUDs." (Read more)