Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Princess Health andH+P at the Oktoberfest Run.Princessiccia

As you already know, we had a great experience as a team at the 2013 Oktoberfest Run.  CLICK HERE to see the results.  

The team's individual results were also quite impressive.  As a team, we set a PB in the number of PB's we set (OR PBPB for short).  The final count is 11, 16 for the weekend.  All the personal bests are highlighted.  Here are the results:

Coach Dyce had a huge break through performance, finishing 3rd overall with a new PB of 36:05

Graham Dunn also broke through, having never cracked 40mins, he finished in 38:57 and 3rd in his AG

Val crushed the 10K, running 40:45, placing 3rd overall, 1st in her AG, and achieving a new PB as well!

Adam Dixon ran a 42-something in the 10K, another PB!

Juan Carlos has come a long way after spending almost a year on the DL, coming in at 51:02 

Helen Stubbs showed what consistent training can do- she came in at 47:20, a PB of 1.5 minutes!

Dragan also reaped the benefits of a summer of consistent training- he finished in 45:36, also a PB of 1.5 minutes!

Emily Hunter had a great return to racing after spending a number of months on the DL- she ran 49:00, and new PB, and placed top 5 in her AG

Alex Ni had a great race despite his busy schedule and limited ability to train, coming in at 47:20 

Coach Sean ran 17:04, 4th overall, 1st in his AG

Kevin "no-train" Grotheer ran 19:16 on literally no training, good enough for 4th in his AG

Coach Gill had a great race, coming in at 20:09, a new personal best by about 30s!

Dave crushed the 5K running 20:17, a new personal best!

Kevin Post also PB'd coming in at 25:18!

Brandon Shrigley had a great race, coming in well under 22 minutes

Nicole Shrigley ran a solid 23:27 despite just racing a few days before at WCSSAA

Ed Shrigley prooved he is now 100% back form injury, running 24:14

Candice battled through her injury, coming in at 25 minutes, and placing 2nd in her AG!

Gail, once again, placed second in her AG, coming in well under 29 minutes

Ross Willard had a excellent H+P debut, placing 6th in his AG!

Lori battled hard, and ended up placing 4th in her category with a new PB!

Mike Hewitson ran 23:59, just seconds off his PB from the day before (therefore this counts as a PB weekend!)

Laura Richards battled through a tough knee injury to finish 2nd in her category (also just coming off a huge PB from the day before).

Monday, 21 October 2013

Princess Health andH+P on the trails (Oct 17th- 20th).Princessiccia

It wasn't just road racing this weekend, H+P had a number of runners ripping up the trails as well!

Vulture Bait

At the Vulture Bait 25K, Dave Rutherford had an excellent bounce-back season finale, coming in at 1:50, good enough for 4th overall! RESULTS

Natalie Veras also had an excellent performance.  With only 4 weeks of solid training, she managed to complete her first 50K on tough course, and tougher day.  Great work!

Trek or Treat

Mike Hewitson and Laura Richards decided to warm up for the Oktoberfest with a 5K night trail race in Collingwood the night before.  Bad place for a PB, right?  WRONG!  Mike ran 23:56, and Laura ran 25:25- new personal bests for both of them! RESULTS.


Nicole Shrigley and her team from KCI had a dominant performance- they won the championships with 16 points, the second place team coming in with 61 points!  Nicole finished the 4K in under 20 minutes!

Princess Health andH+P at the Oktoberfest Run.Princessiccia

The team had an amazing time at the Oktoberfet 5 and 10K  With over 20 athletes running for the team, it was great having each other there for support and to help chase some PB's. 

The individual results will come soon (and the number of personal bests was just silly), but here is how we did as a team:

Some of the H+P Oktoberfest team post-race

The 5K team ended up with an average time of 18:51, coming in first place!  CLICK for results.

The 10K team had an average time of 38:39, also coming in first place! CLICK for results

On a side note, it is also great to see our top H+P female runners rounding out the top 3 and scoring points for both of our teams.  Coach Gill placed 3rd in the 5K for us, running 20:11, and Val placed 3rd in the 10K for us, running 40:48 (both personal bests).  Great work girls!

Princess Health andH+P at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon.Princessiccia

We had 3 H+P runners with gutsy efforts at the STWM..here they are:

Click HERE for the full results.

First up, Jeremy Tracey had an excellent result in his second marathon.  While he wanted more from his race, he did manage to take over 80 minutes (yes 80!) from his time from last year, coming in with a time of 4:06.  He also comfortably PB'd en route in the half marathon- a PB he just achieved in May of this year.  Congrats!

Mike Piazza had an awesome performance, coming in with a huge personal best of 3:08, achieving his goal of going sub- 3:10.  He also managed to place in the top 30 in a very competitive AG.  Great work Mike!

Finally, a HUGE congrats goes to Susan Ludwig.  She was part of our beginner run group last year.  When we first started, she struggled with running for 1 minute, and walking for five.  With a year of hard training, she managed to work up to running the marathon yesterday in a very respectable time.  On top of this, Susan was inspired to race in order to raise money for Lupus research- a cause very close to her heart.  In the end, she doubled her original goal, raising over $1000.  Congrats Susan!  

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Princess Health and Sleep and Genetic Obesity Risk. Princessiccia

Princess Health and Sleep and Genetic Obesity Risk. Princessiccia

Evidence is steadily accumulating that insufficient sleep increases the risk of obesity and undermines fat loss efforts. Short sleep duration is one of the most significant risk factors for obesity (1), and several potential mechanisms have been identified, including increased hunger, increased interest in calorie-dense highly palatable food, reduced drive to exercise, and alterations in hormones that influence appetite and body fatness. Dan Pardi presented his research at AHS13 showing that sleep restriction reduces willpower to make healthy choices about food.

We also know that genetics has an outsized influence on obesity risk, accounting for about 70 percent of the variability in body fatness between people in affluent nations (2). I have argued that "fat genes" don't directly lead to obesity, but they do determine who is susceptible to a fattening environment and who isn't (3). I recently revisited a 2010 paper published in the journal Sleep by University of Washington researchers that supports this idea (4).

Read more �

Monday, 7 October 2013

Princess Health andH+P at Run for the Toad.Princessiccia

Just one race for the team this weekend- The Run for the Toad.  

25K Results
50K Results

Here's how the team did:

Graham Dunn had great 50K, throwing down 4 consistent loops to help him finish in 4:40, placing 32nd overall and 7th in his AG.

Dave Rutherford came into the race without really preparing, and just planning on having fun and seeing what happens.  Despite not having the proper preparation, he still managed to run over 43K (only stopping when it was no longer enjoyable) and put in 3 speedy loops in around the hour mark.

In the 25K, Gill wanted to test her abilities to run 5mins/K pace on tougher-than-normal terrain.  WELL, she did just that: putting two loops together in 1:02, averaging exactly 5mins/K.  This was good enough for 4th in her AG!

Craig also competed in the 25K.  He posted two loops in under 1 hour, bringing it home in 1:56 and 6th place in his AG!

Linda had a great 1st Toad- she came in under 2:30, and placed 9th in her AG- nice job!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Princess Health and How To Switch To Healthy Cosmetics?. Princessiccia

Once upon a time....

There was a girl who fell in love with perfumes and all scented cosmetics and household products. She also loved expensive face creams and body lotions, strongly believing in their advertised "magic", and always having dozens of them in her bathroom.

Then one day very ugly and itchy patches appeared on her body and she ran to the doctor. The good news was that it had nothing to do with bacteria, the bad news was that she had to find out what she used she became allergic to. 

That girl was myself, and that was when my journey in the cosmetics and toiletries research started. 
Well, it wasn't easy at the beginning. I started with changing my washing powder  to another one having a baby on the bottle, thinking that it was more gentle (now I know it actually wasn't), and I changed my perfumed body lotion to a baby lotion, which I thought was very gentle, designed for babies (actually they contain even more harsh chemicals...).

These changes didn't make a big difference, so I had to go further. I started my research.  And what I found was mind-blowing.

Did you know for example that the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) did a study in 1988, analising the 3000 most common active substances used in cosmetics (yes, I was surprised myself too by the high number of ingredients used...).  What they found was that 1/3 of the substances analised were severely toxic, could lead to infertility, could cause biological mutation, cancer and could cause skin and eye irritation. 

Scary, is it?

Do you think there were any changes since then? No, unfortunately no changes. 

Here is a link which takes you to the breastcancerfund.org website, where you'll find a list of some of the most harmful chemicals:

You might ask now: Why? How? How is it possible that these products are on shelves and we can buy them? Well, the industry is not really regulated, and don't ask me why. Profit mainly and other reasons. I have my own theory, you can find yours.

My goal now is to give you few tips to easily switch to more gentle versions of products we put on our skin. Did you know by the way that harmful chemicals get absorbed twice as fast through the skin as through our gastrointestinal tract? 

So back to my story, after first finding a list of harmful chemicals to look for on labels, I ran to the bathroom to check them. Well, all of the things I used were rubbish. Actually worse than rubbish. And going back to the shop with the list in my hand what to avoid, didn't get me anywhere. There were no products I could buy...

To be honest, a regular pharmacy or cosmetics/toiletries shop can call themselves 'cancer-shop' or 'infertility-shop', or 'eczema-shop'.

So let's see what you can do:

1. Hand wash

At home, I have a very gentle, fully natural soap, more like the one my grandmother used to make. It never dries my skin. If you use natural products for cleansing, you will never need hand cream. I always carried a hand cream in my bag, no need for it in the last few years.

And this might sound weird at first: when not at home, I only wash my hands with plain water. And what about all the bacteria?- you might ask. Well, bacteria are not that bad guys as they were advertised.

There are good bacteria and bad bacteria. We all have bacteria in and on our bodies. Their job is to protect us. They are the good guys. They fight the bad bacteria when they want to attack us. Now once you wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap, you kill all the good bacteria too on your hand, and there will be no protection.

Am I getting sick or ill because not washing my hands with soap? Do I get a cold easily? Do I get any infection? No. Never. Literally never. Although I used to be sick very often before. Now I protect my own good bacteria and then they can protect me. Very simple, isn't it?

All bacteria and viruses attacking us should always be fight by our protective system, our immune system. When you get a cold, it is not because there is a flu-season. It is because you did something to your own system and it became weak, not being able to protect you.

2. Hair

There are few natural products out there in health shops, not having all the bad stuff in them. You have to be prepared for an experiment-period. At the beginning you might find that the product you choose is not doing what you expected. Be patient. Once you find the right one, you'll never look back.

3. Body

To wash my body, I use the same natural, sometimes hand-made soap as for my hands. They are fantastic! And again, my skin won't get dry!

Sometimes I still want to nurture it a bit, so here are few tips what to use instead of body-lotion: 
-almond oil
-avocado oil
-olive oil
-yoyoba oil

And many other available in health shops. My skin is softer and younger than ever!

4. Face 

This is my favorite part to talk about. 

I always had a mixed skin, oily, with big pores, but dry at the same time. It was always a nightmare to find the right cream, tonic, lotion etc. That's why I never minded to pay more if that was for the right product.

Well, first of all, there is no need for that many products. I only use three products now:

a./ Eye make up removing: yoyoba oil
b./ Cleansing: soap - yes, the same soap what I mentioned twice before :)
c./ Cream - No cream! Oil instead! At the moment I'm using argan oil, but coconut oil is  also amazing. Oil on oily skin? Well, I was surprised myself too when first heard about it, and was afraid to try it, but actually they do a miracle. They are able to make your skin find the right balance. I have friends using avocado oil or olive oil on their face, but those were too heavy for me. 

And voila! My face looks much younger, I pay much less for products and spend much less time in the bathroom!

5. Make up

There are some very good natural brands out there, however they might not provide the same coverage. But you won't even need it, as your face will have a healthy beautiful glow!

6. Household, cleaning products

Again, if you visit a health shop, you will find brands offering skin-friendly, environment-friendly, but very effective products. 

I have to confess here something: there are two products I still haven't changed: the mascara and the hair dye... Yes, that's the truth. But I'm getting there! 

So don't get scared now that you have to change all the products you use on your body and in your house. You can do it on a gradient. However, the best would be to change everything as soon as possible.

And one more thing, which is very important: we use all those products on our body because we want healthier looking skin, we want to be more beautiful. Don't forget, that beauty starts from the inside. Firstly, the food you eat will be shown on your body and on your face, secondly, exercising has highly beneficial effects on your skin tone and texture, and thirdly, the way you feel about yourself and about others will also show on your face. 

Be beautiful, inside and out!