Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Princess Health and August 2nd, 2016 Despite Myself. Princessiccia

August 2nd, 2016 Despite Myself

Today was one of those days where I wasn't planning on it becoming what it did. It was a busy day! It was a great day--but highly involved! From morning on, I was hitting on all eight--took a little slow down late afternoon, then ramped it up all evening. Don't let the exclamation points mislead you. I'm not necessarily proud of my sometimes tilted scheduling.

I've eaten dinner too late two nights in a row. I've never set a time limit or deadline for my meals. The last food of day happens whenever it happens--the last meal of day, same thing--I've never been hung up on the "I can't eat after this time." I'm not saying it isn't bad for me to eat so late, I'm simply saying that obviously, having lost over 300 pounds and now maintaining for almost a year, it hasn't kept me from continued positive progress. The "too late" designation is less about the food and for me, more about the meal crowding into what I need to make my sleep time, on a more consistent basis.

Lord knows this trek of mine hasn't been and never will be perfect. I've said it many times and I'll say it again--The pursuit of perfection is the quickest detour to disappointment. There's a long list of things I haven't "done right" along the way. And here I am, despite myself. 

I'm full of gratitude this evening. I want to say a big thank you to Certified Life Coach Kathleen Miles for being a fantastic partner in our teleconference support groups. Our next session is completely full. However, Coach Kathleen is accepting new One-On-One clients! If you're interested, email totalkathy@aol.com

We had another special guest speaker tonight. Michael Prager delivered his story and a message of sustainability to our group. If you're not familiar with Michael, I highly recommend his books, Fat Boy Thin Man and his latest, Sustainable You.

Link to purchase Sustainable You- https://www.createspace.com/5997216

Link to purchase Fat Boy Thin Man-

Today, I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained abstinent from refined sugar, I remained heavily connected with great support and I met my water goal.

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Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Monday, 1 August 2016

Princess Health and  August 1st, 2016 Worth It. Princessiccia

Princess Health and August 1st, 2016 Worth It. Princessiccia

August 1st, 2016 Worth It

I couldn't turn my brain off last night. I had too much on my mind. The car issue was just one of a few. I made the decision to take a sick day today. I just wasn't feeling well. It wasn't an illness--but it was needed. You know? Some days--sometimes, we just need a day we can simply rest--get recentered and adjust our perspective. I needed it and I took it. And it was worth it. I'm worth it.

We had a special event guest speaker tonight on the support group conference line. Dr. Marty Lerner was incredible in every single way. Dr. Lerner's free e-book available at Milestonesprogram.org is titled "A Guide To Eating Disorder Recovery." I highly recommend!

I had the pleasure of being introduced via phone to Dr. Lerner years ago by Life Coach Gerri. He actually wrote the expert review of my book. If you have a copy of Transformation Road--his review is on the very first page. What's interesting to me, is, in that review, he alluded to possible trouble ahead, without saying it--and he was right. His expert review was glowing and wonderful for me, but also foreshadowing of events to come.

Without saying it directly--it was as if he knew what was likely coming. And boy did it ever come. But as I've said before--that 164-pound relapse/regain was exactly what I needed in order to reach where I needed to reach, to see what I needed to see--accept what I needed to accept and once and for all, give it a tight embrace.

I wish I could write more tonight. There's so much I have to write about! But it's too late. I tilted my schedule and day when I slept in so incredibly well.

I will not end this post without confirming...

I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained abstinent from refined sugar, I stayed connected with solid support, I exceeded my water goal and I enjoyed a wonderful workout at the gym.

Continuous Accountability Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,