So for we have introduced our 2014 H+P Women's team and H+P Men's A1 team. TODAY- the H+P Men's A2 team.
This team is filled with 7 talented runners who were VERY difficult to leave off of the Men's A1 team. In fact, on any given day, many of the runners on this team could take down many runners on the A1 team. These boys are fit, motivated, and hungry to take down their A1 counterparts. They may be SLIGHT underdogs, but not by much, and they aren't going to go down without a fight.
The major goals for the A2 team as a whole includes:
(1) First and foremost, we want to crush our A1 team's time from last year (12:12)
(2) Take down the A1 team in as many individual stages as possible
(3) Possibly beat Dave's ENDURrun Ultimate PB from 2012 (11:37)
Stage 1: Half Marathon
Name: Adam Dixon
Height: 6'5
Weight: 170lbs
Age: 29
Favourite WO: 30x100m (swimming)
PBs: 1:29 half
Stage 2: 15K TT
Name: Mike Piazza
Height: 5'8
Weight: 163lbs
Age: 29
Favourite WO: hill reps
PBs: 1:26 half, 66 15K
Stage 3: 30K Cross Country
Name: Dave Rutherford
Height: 6'2
Weight: 172lbs
Age: 50
Favourite WO: Running
PBs: 2:13:10 Bechtel, 11:37:31 ENDURrun
Stage 4: 10M Hill Run
Name: Chris Goldsworthy
Height: 6'1
Weight: 160lbs
Age: 29
Favourite WO: 400m reps
PBs: 1:27 half, 38:08 10K
Stage 5: 25.6K Alpine Run
Name: Pat Mulherin
Height: 6'1
Weight: 152lbs
Age: 24
Favourite WO: Horror Hill 'till I drop
PBs: 1:25 half, 37:30 10K
Stage 6: 10K TT
Name: Nick Burt
Height: 5'10
Weight: 148lbs
Age: 20
Favourite WO: every #WOW
PBs: 18:27 5K, 39:20 10K
Stage 7: Marathon
Name: Graham Dunn
Height: 6'1
Weight: 163lbs
Age: 41
Favourite WO: anything with enough caloric expenditure to justify pie
PBs: 39:00 10k, 3:27 marathon
Princess Health andENDURrun: H+P Men's A2 Team.Princessiccia