Sunday, 26 June 2016

Princess Health and June 26th, 2016 No Exaggeration. Princessiccia

June 26th, 2016 No Exaggeration

Today was my Aunt Kelli's birthday and her 4th wedding anniversary with Tim. We all gathered at a buffet style restaurant to celebrate the occasion.
 photo IMG_7959_zpsw2wrejep.jpg
Pictures with Mom, Kelli, Tim and my uncle Keith.

I finished brunch less than two hours before this get-together. I opted to simply order a water and enjoy the visit. Everyone in the family knows what I do and how I do it-- and they know me well enough to know, if I choose to visit only, without eating--there's a reason and it isn't a big deal. It was a great visit--and that was the point of the trip in the first place. Had I not slept in so well, I would have eaten breakfast at an early enough time, allowing for a meal at the restaurant. But I didn't get up early enough--and I didn't want to wait too long before eating. I believe I handled the situation well.

I love it how my family doesn't take it personal when I decline food or have chosen something else for my food plan on a particular day. They automatically know it isn't personal and it doesn't take away from the most important elements of our time together.

No longer in the food fog, I'm able to truly enjoy moments with family at gatherings like this with a deeper appreciation for their time. During my 500 pound days, the food was the main focus--the main event--the reason we were going to whatever restaurant...oh yeah--bring it on... family and friends? Oh, sure--they'll be there, too---but did you see the hot rolls and cookies?? And I think they just put out some fresh fried chicken--watch out, do you want some? I wish that dramatization was an exaggeration. It really isn't. Oh hey--there's so and so--haven't seen them in ten years--wow... Hey, is that mac and cheese over there---jackpot!!! Seriously, no exaggeration.

I couldn't stay in Stillwater long. I drove through a big thunderstorm to get back in town and to the studio for on-air severe weather coverage. The threat passed and I was free to hit the gym for a good workout. I made a store run--then home to prepare dinner.

I sincerely appreciate all the positive feedback on yesterday's "The Click Is Created" post. Living "in our click" each day--one day at a time, nurturing it--protecting it, is what keeps it clicking. One thing I didn't mention in yesterday's post is how, just as we live "in the click" we create, we also have the ability to step out of the click if we choose. I stepped out of mine once and re-gained 164 pounds. This further supports the "click is created" philosophy--it can also be ignored, refused--denied. The click isn't a single happening where suddenly everything is crystal clear. The click is a product of the daily practices we make important.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I exceeded my daily water goal. I participated in support communications. And I worked out at the gym with a solid level 20-30 min elliptical session.

I'm blessed. I'm grateful.  

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Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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Princess Health and June 26th, 2016 No Exaggeration. Princessiccia
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