Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Princess Health and June 8th, 2016 Big Weigh-In. Princessiccia

June 8th, 2016 Big Weigh-In

I'm doing an "almost Tweets only" tonight. It was weigh day.
 photo 203.8 weigh day_zpsf6lzm8jf.jpg
Monthly Maintenance Weigh-In: 3.2 pound loss since May 4th's weigh-in. 203.8 represents an all-time adult low (actually since 10 years old). It brings my overall weight loss to 301.2 pounds- having lost 59.6% of my previous 505 pounds. ?#?blessed? & ?#?grateful?

I wasn't able to post my blog late afternoon. And I completely obliterated my planned bedtime. I'm not going to dwell on this at all. At least not tonight. I worked this evening, a little later than I planned. Had a late dinner, too. Long day. I'm looking forward to a break from this schedule. I'll be taking one very soon.

I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar and I exceeded my water budget by thirty-two ounces.

I'll write more tomorrow about this weigh-in. I certainly wasn't expecting a 3.2 pound loss. I feel really well.

Continuous Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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Princess Health and June 8th, 2016 Big Weigh-In. Princessiccia
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