Thursday, 30 June 2016

Princess Health and June 30th, 2016 ThrowBack Thursday. Princessiccia

June 30th, 2016 ThrowBack Thursday

I'm looking forward to tomorrow night when I'll have more time to write.

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**ThrowBack Thursday** This photo was the very first "before" picture I shared on this blog, years ago.
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Recent speaking engagement photo. Big difference!

I'm dropping in bed earlier than last night--and that's a wonderful thing. I'm hitting the pillow having maintained the integrity of my calorie budget, I've remained abstinent from refined sugar, I participated in support exchanges and I've met my daily water goal.

Long day--but it's done and was done well.

I'll be donating blood while on the air tomorrow at a big annual blood drive. The All-American Fish Fry Blood Drive with the Oklahoma Blood Institute includes a fried catfish meal. I'm planning on having a measured amount! I'm really looking forward to donating blood. It's been too long since my last donation. Every time I donate, I remember the days of being turned away because of raging high blood pressure within my 500-pound body. It feels so good to be at a healthy weight with normal blood pressure. My goodness, I'm blessed and grateful.

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Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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Princess Health and June 30th, 2016 ThrowBack Thursday. Princessiccia
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